- 1. He was full of jocularity and savoir-faire.
- 他幽默又机敏。
- 2. He is a shining example of moral leprosy, a mixture of ferocity and jocularity that betrays supreme misery.
- 他是道德沦丧的光辉典范,残暴和滑稽的混合,背叛了极度的痛苦。
- 3. Adding a tone of contempt or jocularity to a participial adjective.
- 加于分词形容词之前,有“轻视或诙谐”之意。
- 4. Yet he Chronicles his travels with a wearying feather-light jocularity prizing one-liners over lucid analysis.
- 但他记录旅行的笔法却是乏味的、轻佻的滑稽,过多的俏皮话替代了清晰的分析。
- 5. It is less good spoken by a corporate leader to his ranks, especially when the jocularity begins and ends there.
- 但企业领导人向员工说这话就不那么妥当了,尤其是在全文的幽默只此一处的情况下。
- 6. But, college never really did teach the fact that having a sense of humor in the workplace is different than jocularity.
- 但是,学院任教的事实却从未真正具有幽默感的职业不同,不是'老先生。
- 7. Humor is a kind of language which is full of understatement and wisdom, sarcasm and jocularity, revealing the unreasonable in life.
- 幽默是指一种含蓄而充满机智、讽刺与诙谐的辞令,揭露生活中乖讹和不通情理之处。
- 8. He loved the poetry of Walt Whitman and the prose of Zane Grey , the stillness of a game of chess and the jocularity of a game of cards , the sea and the desert .
- 他既喜爱沃尔特·惠特曼的诗歌,也欣赏赞恩·格雷的散文;既喜欢玩国际象棋时的安静,也享受玩纸牌时的热闹;既向往大海,对沙漠也甘之如饴。
- 9. He loved the poetry of Walt Whitman and the prose of Zane Grey , the stillness of a game of chess and the jocularity of a game of cards , the sea and the desert .
- 他既喜爱沃尔特·惠特曼的诗歌,也欣赏赞恩·格雷的散文;既喜欢玩国际象棋时的安静,也享受玩纸牌时的热闹;既向往大海,对沙漠也甘之如饴。