- 1. King Ahab also had a wife named Jezebel.
- 国王亚哈名为耶洗别也有一个妻子。
- 2. War against the Jezebel spirit of influence.
- 要与耶洗别之灵的影响争战。
- 3. Jezebel his wife said, 'is this how you act as king over Israel?
- 王后耶洗别对亚哈说,你现在是治理以色列国不是。
- 4. Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, Naboth is stoned, and is dead.
- 于是打发人去见耶洗别,说,拿伯被石头打死了。
- 5. Bring all the prophets of Baal and the false prophets of Jezebel.
- 把所有的巴力的先知和耶洗别是假先知。
- 6. Then they sent word to Jezebel: 'Naboth has been stoned and is dead.'
- 于是打发人去见耶洗别,说,拿伯被石头打死了。
- 7. However Laura Beck of Jezebel said: 'This picture really resonates with me.
- 然而Jezebel网站的罗拉·贝克说:“这张照片真的引发了我的共鸣。
- 8. He had a weak personality - always under the influence of his pagan wife, Jezebel.
- 他有一个软弱的人格,常常受他异教的妻子耶洗别的影响。
- 9. His wife Jezebel came in and asked him, 'Why are you so sullen? Why won't you eat?'
- 王后耶洗别来问他说,你为什么心里这样忧闷,不吃饭呢?
- 10. But this is different. Jezebel displays the kind of insanity caused by full-blown evil.
- 但这里所说的却是另一回事,耶洗别表露的疯狂行为,完全出自她深切的罪恶。
- 11. And also concerning Jezebel the Lord says: 'Dogs will devour Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.'
- 论到耶洗别,耶和华也说,狗在耶斯列的外郭必吃耶洗别的肉。
- 12. Jezebel, having opened that door long ago, was now a woman totally infested with Satanic evil.
- 耶洗别那扇门早已大开,现在她整个人已被撒但的邪恶侵占了。
- 13. Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword.
- 亚哈将以利亚一切所行的和他用刀杀众先知的事都告诉耶洗别。
- 14. In the story of Jezebel, we see what evil can do to us all if we aren't rescued by the grace of God.
- 读了耶洗别的故事,我们知道,我们若未蒙神的恩典拯救,罪恶对我们的伤害是何等严重。
- 15. And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword.
- 亚哈将以利亚一切所行的和他用刀杀众先知的事,都告诉耶洗别。
- 16. Shields, through her Second Life avatar Jezebel Bailey, tried to deed over 22, 000 square meters of land to a friend.
- Jeanie Shields,试图通过她在secondlife的账户JezebelBailey,把大约22 000平方米的土地转交给她的一个朋友。
- 17. So the elders and nobles who lived in Naboth's city did as Jezebel directed in the letters she had written to them.
- 那些与拿伯同城居住的长老贵胄得了耶洗别的信,就照信而行。
- 18. Some six years after this, he warned Ahab and Jezebel of the violent deaths they would die (1 Kings 21:19-24; 22:38).
- 六年以后,他警告亚哈和耶洗别会惨烈地死去,他们会死(《列王记》上21:19—24;22:38)。
- 19. 25 There was never a man like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife.
- 从来没有像亚哈的,因他自卖,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,受了王后耶洗别的耸动。
- 20. And you could've referred to it there's a movie how it would be a Hollywood movie called Jezebel with Betty Davis, remember?
- 而你又无法提及,这部电影,好莱坞电影《骗子》,贝蒂·戴维斯主演?
- 21. The massive confusion over cause and effect reminds me of a scene from the 1938 classic Bette Davis and Henry Fonda film, Jezebel.
- 这关于起因和结果的巨大混乱让我想起了1938年的经典影片《Jezebel》中的一幕。
- 22. And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her. And he opened the door, and fled.
- 耶洗别必在耶斯列田里被狗所吃,无人葬埋。说完了,少年人就开门逃跑了。
- 23. Jezebel is about to die, and she knows it. Like an impossible scene from a horror movie, she hums to herself and applies her makeup.
- 耶洗别知道她的末日已到,她竟一面哼歌一面化妆,就像恐怖影片中不可思议的一幕。
- 24. The us blog Jezebel criticised the decision of Roitfeld and photographer Steven Klein to alter the model's skin colour, accusing them of cultural insensitivity.
- 美国博客网站Jezebel批评洛菲德和摄影师史蒂芬·克莱恩改变模特的肤色的做法,指责他们对文化缺少敏感性。
- 25. NLT 1 Kings 19:2 so Jezebel sent this message to Elijah: "May the gods also kill me if by this time tomorrow I have failed to take your life like those whom you killed."
- 列王纪上19章2节中写道:耶洗别传信给以利亚说:“明天这时候,若我不能将你的性命像你杀死的那些人的性命那样,愿我的神明也杀了我”。
- 26. NLT 1 Kings 19:2 so Jezebel sent this message to Elijah: "May the gods also kill me if by this time tomorrow I have failed to take your life like those whom you killed."
- 列王纪上19章2节中写道:耶洗别传信给以利亚说:“明天这时候,若我不能将你的性命像你杀死的那些人的性命那样,愿我的神明也杀了我”。