- 1. This is not invariably the case.
- 事情并非总是如此。
- 2. They almost invariably get it wrong.
- 他们几乎总是将它弄错。
- 3. The needs of patients invariably overlap.
- 患者们的各种需求总是相互重合的。
- 4. This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal.
- 这种急性大脑传染病几乎总是导致死亡。
- 5. He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.
- 他总是愿意以假设方式讨论各种可能性。
- 6. The inspector remembered her as a small, mousy woman, invariably worried.
- 检查员记得,她是一个矮小、安静腼腆、总是忧心忡忡的人。
- 7. Such managers have an enormous stake in succeeding, so they invariably overstate the potential of their new technologies.
- 这些管理者与成功有着巨大的利害关系,因此他们总是夸大新技术的潜力。
- 8. Gompers' opposition to national health insurance was partly principled, arising from the premise that governments under capitalism invariably served employers', not workers', interests.
- Gompers反对国家医疗保险的部分原因是出于原则,其前提是,在资本主义制度下,政府总是服务于雇主的利益,而不是工人的利益。
- 9. After her meal she invariably rinsed out her mouth.
- 饭后她总漱口。
- 10. Obsessives, in any area, are invariably as boring as their hobbies.
- 任何领域的痴迷者们无一例外地和他们的癖好一样令人厌烦。
- 11. When my wife sets her mind on something, she invariably finds a way to achieve it.
- 当我妻子下定决心做什么事情,她总会找到办法做到。
- 12. Make a note of the questions you want to ask; you will invariably forget some of them otherwise.
- 把你想问的问题记下来;否则你准会忘记其中几个。
- 13. Studies show that we invariably take more gambles when threatened with a loss than when offered a reward.
- 研究表明,当我们受到损失的威胁时,我们总是比得到奖励时更愿意冒险。
- 14. Some workers, like Jane Matheson, are retrained to handle the new equipment, but often a whole new set of skills is required and that means a new, and invariably smaller set of workers.
- 有些工人,比如JaneMatheson,会重新接受培训来使用新设备,但通常需要一整套新的技能,这意味着需要一批新的、规模更小的工人。
- 15. He would invariably find some excuses.
- 他这人总能找到借口。
- 16. All things invariably pide into two.
- 事物都是一分为二的。
- 17. A unity invariably tends to break up into different parts.
- 统一体总要分解为不同部分的。
- 18. The enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.
- 敌人是一定要寻找机会表现他们自己的。
- 19. But it invariably does happen.
- 但它总是会发生。
- 20. When questioned, he invariably dummy up.
- 一问到他,他总是不吱声。
- 21. When they do, smiles invariably bloom.
- 当人们看到他时,他总是满脸笑容相对。
- 22. Yet big does not invariably mean bad.
- 然而大并不意味着很坏。
- 23. Singularity is almost invariably a clue.
- 奇特几乎总能提供一种线索。
- 24. They are invariably white-collarworkers.
- 他们都是白领。
- 25. And hackers are invariably smart-alecks.
- 而黑客无一例外都是爱耍聪明的家伙。
- 26. Wives say that men are invariably children.
- 妻子们说男人实际上永远是孩子。
- 27. Invariably, something remains as a reminder.
- 总会有些东西看成是一种提示。
- 28. However, any romance of hers invariably ended quickly.
- 然而,所有的浪漫与她总是迅速终结。
- 29. Expect the best and invariably the best will come to you.
- 往最好的方面去期待,最好的事总是会发生在你身上。
- 30. These actions invariably breed resentment from our mates.
- 这些行为对我们的伴侣总是孕育着愤恨。