- 1. This is a marginal improvement on October.
- 这是对10月份的一个小小的改进。
- 2. Your work has shown a significant improvement.
- 你的工作有了显著改进。
- 3. There has already been a definite improvement.
- 已经有了显著的改善。
- 4. Her work is showing some signs of improvement.
- 她的工作出现了一些改进的迹象。
- 5. An improvement in living standards could be years away.
- 生活水平的提高可能还要几年。
- 6. We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.
- 我们期望来年会有更进一步的改善。
- 7. CBS's ratings again showed huge improvement over the previous year.
- 哥伦比亚广播公司的收视率比过去的一年又有了大幅提高。
- 8. The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses.
- 该手册中满是自我完善课程的行话和俚语。
- 9. This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement.
- 也许已经有了改善,但“突破”是夸大其辞。
- 10. It's only a small improvement, but at least it's a step in the right direction.
- 虽然这只是小小的改进,但至少是朝正确方向迈出的一步。
- 11. Despite signs of an improvement in the economy, there is no room for complacency.
- 尽管在经济方面有改善的迹象,但仍不容自满。
- 12. One of the most important tools for organizational improvement is the performance appraisal.
- 组织改进的最重要手段之一是业绩评估。
- 13. The improvement in standards has been steady and persistent, but has attracted little comment from educationalists.
- 虽然标准在持续稳步提高,但教育者并未对此有何评论。
- 14. There is still room for improvement.
- 还有改进的余地。
- 15. There was plenty of room for improvement.
- 还有很大的改进空间。
- 16. However, the pace of improvement has slowed markedly.
- 然而,改善的步伐已明显放缓。
- 17. "There will be some improvement, but not significant," Castro said.
- “将会有一些改善,但并不显著。”卡斯特罗说道。
- 18. They applied for a home improvement loan.
- 他们申请了房屋修缮贷款。
- 19. Doctors say he has made a slight improvement.
- 医生说他已经有些轻微的好转。
- 20. There's still plenty of scope for improvement.
- 还有很大的改进余地。
- 21. There is still room for improvement in your work.
- 你的工作尚有改进的余地。
- 22. This is a great improvement on your previous work.
- 你的工作比先前有很大进步。
- 23. Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement.
- 销售额持续显示出增加的迹象。
- 24. The new governor is an improvement on his predecessor.
- 新任总督胜过他的前任。
- 25. We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term.
- 我们期待你这学期功课有进步。
- 26. On several occasions she had remarked on the boy's improvement.
- 有几次她说起过那个男孩的进步。
- 27. Is this situation not susceptible of improvement by legislation?
- 这种状况有无可能通过立法加以改善?
- 28. He sees no signs of improvement in the U.K. and continental economy.
- 他看不出英国和欧洲大陆的经济好转的迹象。
- 29. The change did not portend a basic improvement in social conditions.
- 该变化没有预示社会状况的基本改观。
- 30. Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false.
- 认为房屋市场很快就有好转的预测结果证明是错误的。