- 1. Newspapers lack the immediacy of television.
- 报纸缺乏电视的即时性。
- 2. Do they understand the immediacy of the crisis?
- 他们是否认识到该危机的紧迫性呢?
- 3. Our aim is immediacy of response to emergency calls.
- 我们的目标是对紧急求救电话立刻作出回应。
- 4. In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.
- 她的每一张画都有一种直观性。
- 5. It could never replicate the immediacy, the kind of drama that live performance offers.
- 它永远无法复制现场表演的即时性和戏剧性。
- 6. Some dancers may seem reluctant to participate in your project, because they do thrive on the immediacy of performing live.
- 有些舞者可能看起来不愿参与你的项目,因为他们靠现场表演的即时性获得发展。
- 7. Provide coercive immediacy to aid the team.
- 提供强制性的迅速反馈以辅助团队。
- 8. Online publication offers both unbundling and immediacy.
- 在线出版物既可以分类出版(unbundling)又有即时性(immediacy)。
- 9. The immediacy of children's prayers can continue through high school.
- 儿童们的直接祈祷可以继续到高中结束。
- 10. Immediacy is a key - if you want something right now versus when it can be copied.
- 即时性是关键,你是想马上得到你需要的东西还是等到它被复制。
- 11. As a sellable quality, immediacy has many levels, including access to beta versions.
- 作为一种可销售的特质,即时享用有多种层次,包括能获得be ta版。
- 12. We have to think through how you preserve the immediacy and yet preserve the liquidity.
- 他还说,大家必须彻底想想如何保存即时性而同时又保存流动性。
- 13. Consumers love it, and enterprise users love it, because of the immediacy of interaction.
- 消费者喜欢它,企业用户喜欢它,皆因互动的即时性。
- 14. The glittering descriptions and use of the present continuous tense add to the immediacy.
- 华丽的描述和现在进行时的使用增添了实感。
- 15. What I'm getting at is hardly news to anyone: We're smack dab in the middle of the Age of Immediacy.
- 下面的这句话对任何人几乎都不是新闻了:我们正待在“即刻发生”的时代了。
- 16. This photograph in Central Africa conveys a sense of energy and immediacy-and it's also frightening.
- 这张拍摄于中部非洲的照片传达出一种活力和即时性——同时也很吓人。
- 17. At one Downtown area casino, the fast food could be referring to the immediacy of your next coronary.
- 在一个市中心的赌场,快餐可能会立即导致心脏病。
- 18. Like most men I love a sandwich. I like the immediacy and functionality of food shaped to post into the mouth.
- 像大多数人一样我也爱三明治,我很喜欢食物滑入口中的直接与实用。
- 19. You need that immediacy of feedback, and we're not convinced that can happen across an Internet connection.
- 你需要那种即时回应,我们不相信通过互联网连接能发生这些。
- 20. The noise, the roar, the immediacy and urgency of all the dynamic challenges they face will simply be too great.
- 他们所面对的喧哗声,咆哮声,所有动态变化的直接和紧急将变得不同寻常。
- 21. Because of the natural fluidity and immediacy of marketing, we are constantly building new areas of knowledge.
- 由于市场固有的流动性和即时性,所以我们经常构建新知识领域。
- 22. They cover an incredible variety of topics, and take great advantage of the immediacy and accessibility of the Web.
- 其主题涵盖面的范围之广简直不可思议,并且充分利用了Web的直接可访问性。
- 23. The presence of teller and audience, and the immediacy of the moment are not fully captured by any form of technology.
- 在场的说书人和听众们,还有那瞬间的临场感是无法完全交由科技呈现的。
- 24. THERE is an immediacy about Charles Dickens's life, just as there is about his novels, a kind of bursting physicality.
- 回顾查尔斯·狄更斯的一生跟阅读他小说一样,有一种实实在在的冲劲扑面而来。
- 25. THERE is an immediacy about Charles Dickens's life, just as there is about his novels, a kind of bursting physicality.
- 回顾查尔斯·狄更斯的一生跟阅读他小说一样,有一种实实在在的冲劲扑面而来。