- 1. The deal may be ruled illegal.
- 这笔交易可能会被判定为非法。
- 2. It's illegal to deface property.
- 在房子上乱涂乱画是非法的。
- 3. It is illegal to intercept radio messages.
- 窃听无线电信息是违法的。
- 4. It's illegal to drug horses before a race.
- 比赛前给马服用兴奋剂是违法的。
- 5. Since 1977 otter hunting has been illegal.
- 捕猎水獭1977年以后就被列为非法了。
- 6. Soldiers searched their house for illegal arms.
- 士兵们为找非法武器搜了他们的家。
- 7. The court declared that strike action was illegal.
- 法庭宣判罢工为非法。
- 8. Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care.
- 这两个女人都雇佣了非法入境者来照看孩子。
- 9. It wasn't illegal in the strict sense (of the word).
- 严格说来,这不算违法。
- 10. He fronted for them in several illegal property deals.
- 他为他们在几次非法房地产交易中作了掩护。
- 11. Illegal drinking clubs continue to operate in the city.
- 非法饮酒俱乐部继续在城内营业。
- 12. They have persistently denied claims of illegal dealing.
- 他们一再否认进行非法交易的说法。
- 13. He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms.
- 他还被指控非法拥有火器。
- 14. There was no suggestion that he was doing anything illegal.
- 说他在从事非法活动无任何根据。
- 15. Changing money on the street is illegal – always use a bank.
- 在街头兑换货币是非法的–始终要去银行。
- 16. Other charges include fraud and illegal appropriation of land.
- 其他指控包括诈骗和非法占用土地。
- 17. We in this party will have no truck with illegal organizations.
- 我们党的成员绝不与非法组织有来往。
- 18. It is illegal to sell cigarettes to children who are under age.
- 售香烟给未到法定年龄的儿童是非法的。
- 19. Police busted an underground network of illegal sports gambling.
- 警察突袭了一个非法体育赌博的地下网络。
- 20. Critics say this amounts to a backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens.
- 评论家认为这等于是对非法移民的变相特赦。
- 21. It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion.
- 因种族、性别或宗教信仰而有所歧视是非法的。
- 22. They should change the law to make it illegal to own replica weapons.
- 他们应该修改法律,使拥有仿真武器非法。
- 23. The regime was able to skim off about $10 billion in illegal revenue.
- 该政权能够捞取一百亿美元左右的非法收入。
- 24. The illegal payments were discovered by a journalist working undercover.
- 这些非法付款是一位暗中查访的新闻记者发现的。
- 25. Strikes and other industrial action by public employees are still illegal.
- 公职人员的罢工和其他劳工运动仍属非法。
- 26. It is currently illegal to export this encryption technology from the U.S.
- 从美国出口这项加密技术在目前是违法的。
- 27. Illegal immigrants were given the opportunity to regularize their position.
- 非法移民得到了使其身份合法化的机会。
- 28. Police held 10 suspected illegal immigrants after a swoop on a Mexican truck.
- 警方对一辆墨西哥卡车进行了突袭后扣留了10名非法移民嫌疑人。
- 29. I could provide you with the addresses of at least three illegal drinking dens.
- 我能向你提供至少3个秘密非法酒馆的地址。
- 30. I could provide you with the addresses of at least three illegal drinking dens.
- 我能向你提供至少3个秘密非法酒馆的地址。