- 1. This book doesn't even reach the level of nonsense, of idiocy.
- 这本书甚至没有达到废话的水平和白痴的水准。
- 2. "You say your hair is gone?" he said, with an air almost of idiocy.
- “你说你的头发没有了?”他几乎是白痴似地问道。
- 3. It's when you realize this is the sort of idiocy farce that this law falls apart.
- 这个法案将在你意识到这是一种白痴的闹剧时土崩瓦解。
- 4. It is our collective duty in this age to throw off such idiocy, and work honorably toward our intent.
- 在这个时代,我们的集体责任是摆脱这种愚蠢行为,并光荣地朝着我们的目标努力。
- 5. But I'll not believe this idiocy!
- 可我不能相信这件蠢事!
- 6. Such behavior is the ultimate in idiocy.
- 这样的行为愚蠢透顶。
- 7. It is sheer idiocy to go climbing in this weather.
- 这种天气去爬山简直愚蠢透了。
- 8. It's sheer idiocy to go climbing in such bad weather.
- 在这样恶劣的天气里去爬山简直是愚蠢到家了。
- 9. Yes, " he says, and realizes the idiocy of his question."
- “是的,”他说,发现他的问题有多愚蠢。
- 10. Touch of Idiocy no longer permits Heighten, as it has no save.
- 愚钝之触将不禁升阶了,因为其无豁免。
- 11. Stealing a car and then driving it drunk was the ultimate idiocy.
- 偷了车然后醉酒开车真是愚蠢到极点。
- 12. Marriage is always a hopeless idiocy for a woman who has enough of her own to live upon.
- 对一个自己有足够的生活资料的女人来说,结婚是一种不可救药的极端愚蠢的行为。
- 13. The damned little brat must be protected against her own idiocy, one says to one's self at such times.
- 在这种时候,谁都会叮咛自己,无论这个可恶的小鬼做出任何愚蠢的举动,也要违背她的意愿来保护她。
- 14. Lega tribunal found Mancini guilty of idiocy and sentenced him to three more years as the coach of Inter.
- 法庭认定曼尼奇被指控是个笨蛋的罪名成立,他将被惩罚再执教国米三年…
- 15. Would you be willing to listen to my ideas on how you could achieve greater idiocy with less wasted effort?
- 你愿意听我的建议来让你这个大白痴少浪费气力吗?
- 16. Mindlessness and moral idiocy are not characteristically human attributes; they are symptoms of herd-poisoning.
- 这种没大脑和道德低能不是人的特质,只是中了“人群之毒”的症状。
- 17. Figure 25-4: a typical alert dialog box. It is unnecessary, inappropriate, and stops the proceedings with idiocy.
- 图25 - 4这是一个典型的警告对话框,它不仅不必要、不恰当,而且愚蠢地打断了进度。
- 18. Just as I was reflecting on the crass idiocy of this approach, the last call to prayers began to ring out at 10.30pm.
- 正当我对这种愚蠢做法感到不可思议的时候,晚上10点半最后的祷告钟声响起了。
- 19. They're not falling-down stupid; they radiate the subtler variety of idiocy that can be mistaken for charm, decency or even brilliance.
- 他们并不是很蠢,他们难以捉摸的各种愚蠢被当做迷人正派甚至有才华。
- 20. So much of what's idiotic in Russia happens not because somebody wants it that way, but because there's nobody to prevent idiocy from happening.
- 俄罗斯那些傻里吧唧的事情太多了,不是因为有人刻意那么做,而是因为没人阻止这类蠢事的发生。
- 21. If adolescence is essentially a collection of them-angst, idiocy, and haste; impulsiveness, selfishness, and reckless bumbling-then how did those traits survive selection?
- 如果青少年本质上是这种集合体——焦虑、愚蠢、轻率,冲动、自私和不计后果、笨手笨脚——那么这些特性是如何经过选择而存在的呢?
- 22. An application cheerfully executes an impossible query that hangs up your system until you decide to reboot. Users view such software behavior as idiocy, and with just cause.
- 程序高高兴兴地执行不可能的查询而导致系统挂起,直到你决定重新启动,用户实在有理由将这种行为视为极度愚蠢的白痴。
- 23. The morning mist was gathering slowly in the valley, and that mist was you, getting more and more thick, more and more into the fancy, the romance, the idiocy of one's own life.
- 早晨的雾在山谷里缓缓聚集,而那雾便是你,变得越来越浓厚,越来越陷入个人生活的虚构,幻想和愚蠢。
- 24. My job is to serve as a human shield, to protect my people from external intrusions, distractions, and idiocy of every stripe — and to avoid imposing my own idiocy on them as well.
- 我的工作就是充当一个“人体盾牌”,来保护我的员工免受外界的干扰和侵袭,使他们远离那些“愚蠢的事情”,同时也要避免自己把一些愚蠢行为(或想法)强加到他们身上。
- 25. There is a yellow fever of literature specially adapted and prepared for the spread of shameless curiosity, incorrect information, and complacent idiocy among all classes of the population.
- 像现今文学中的黄色热情是特别改头换面为满足人们无耻的好奇心预备的,再加上误传和自鸣得意的白痴行为就在各阶层人们中蔓延开来。
- 26. They have the second lowest rate only to the US in the world and moreover, deduce a country's performance with how they chosen to handle the Commonwealth Games, shows your idiocy in my opinion.
- 只比美国低,位居世界第二,此外,推断一个国家的表现,是看他们如何办英联邦运动会?这样的话,在我看来,这只是显得你很白痴。
- 27. They have the second lowest rate only to the US in the world and moreover, deduce a country's performance with how they chosen to handle the Commonwealth Games, shows your idiocy in my opinion.
- 只比美国低,位居世界第二,此外,推断一个国家的表现,是看他们如何办英联邦运动会?这样的话,在我看来,这只是显得你很白痴。