- 1. Don't be such a hypochondriac!—there's nothing wrong with you.
- 别这么忧心忡忡的了!—你根本没病。
- 2. I've always been a hypochondriac.
- 我一直都有臆想症。
- 3. But being a hypochondriac can be crippling.
- 但得了疑病症确实可以瘫痪一个人的身心。
- 4. Idleness begets ennui, ennui the hypochondriac, and that a diseased body.
- 闲怠使人无聊,无聊招致疑病症,而疑病症导致生病。
- 5. Suspected heart disease as a hypochondriac, but also a more common mental illness.
- 心脏疑病症作为疑病症的一种,也是一种较为常见的精神疾病。
- 6. So, under normal circumstances, middle-aged hypochondriac What are the main types of it?
- 那么,一般情况下,中老年疑病症的种类主要有哪些呢?
- 7. Hypochondriac that I am, I constantly log on to the Internet to self-diagnose my latest ailment.
- 虽然我有疑病症,经常上网,对最近的身体疾患进行自我诊断。
- 8. When we think of a hypochondriac, this is the person we think of, who goes to the doctor over and over again.
- 当我们说到疑病症,这是指这帮人,他们反复找医生磨讥。
- 9. Much more. Inone scene, a hypochondriac inadvertently dirties his hand while helping an old man to the toilet.
- 有这样一场戏:一名忧郁症患者在帮一名瘫痪的老人上厕所的时候不小心把手弄脏了。
- 10. Sian: Exactly, this term is a combination of 'cyber' — relating to computers — and hypochondriac. Let's hear some examples…
- 希安:没错,这个词是与电脑有关的“网络”和“疑病症患者”这两个词的结合。我们来听几个例句。
- 11. I'd guess the businessman was enough of a hypochondriac that he wanted to have a more exact understanding of all his ailments.
- 我猜,这个商人简直就是个十足的疑病症患者,他只想为自己身体上所有的小毛病找个更加详尽的说法。
- 12. A hypochondriac, his life is filled with vague complaints-stress, fatigue and mysterious aches-for which he takes fistfuls of pills.
- 他是一名忧郁症患者,生活充满着含糊的抱怨——压力,疲惫和莫名其妙的疼痛——因为这些烦恼他把自己变成了药罐子。
- 13. Unfortunately for young Stephen, he saw his mother "Foxy Sondheim" as narcissistic, emotionally abusive, and a hypochondriac. citation.
- 不幸的是,桑德海姆眼中,母亲弗克西·桑德海姆是个自恋、情绪激动的臆想病人。斯蒂芬是“出了名的鄙视”弗克西。
- 14. Today we appear to have excelled the hypochondriac cultures of the past by elevating the morbidly self-involved to the level of paragon.
- 如今,我们似乎已经超越了过去那种把病态地自我关注说成是完美典范的强迫症文化。
- 15. I'm sure you know that a hypochondriac is someone who imagines they have a multitude of medical problems when in fact they are perfectly healthy.
- 我想您肯定知道hypochondriac是什么意思。这个词指一类人,他们想象自己身上有一堆大大小小的病症,而实际上他们却十分健康。
- 16. Hypochondriac patients are often sensitive, suspicious personality, subjective, stubborn, self-centered and self-pity and loneliness are common.
- 疑病症患者个性常常是敏感多疑、主观、固执、以自我为中心,且自怜和孤独者多见。
- 17. Results The course of hypochondriac neurosis was persistence, 50% patients had mental factors, and 55.6% patients were introversive personality.
- 结果疑病性神经症患者病程迁延,起病有精神因素者占5 0 %,个性内向者居多占5 5 6%。
- 18. The depressive hypochondriac enters the doctor's office with tears in her eyes, insists she's dying and that there's no point even getting tested.
- 抑郁的疑病症病人眼含泪水走进医生办公室,坚持说她要死了甚至没有必要作什么检查。
- 19. Hypochondriac Pain is a disease with the clinical manifestation of one side or both sides chest pain, and it is a common clinical auto psyche symptoms.
- 胁痛是以一侧或两侧胁肋部疼痛为主要表现的病证,也是临床上常见的一种自觉症状。
- 20. At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms.
- 在说不定的某个时候,我们大家都曾充当过疑病症患者的角色,只凭一些轻微的症状便怀疑自己得了某种可怕的病。
- 21. Results NYFLRC decoction had the effect of ameliorating clinical symptoms such as eating little, hypochondriac pain, fullness of abdomen, fatigue, et al (P
- 结果养阴柔肝化淤法能有效改善肝炎后肝硬化患者的纳差、胁痛、腹胀、乏力等临床症候(P
- 22. The bleaching of his skin seemed intended not so much to make him look like a white person as to ensure that he vanished altogether, a classic hypochondriac fantasy.
- 他漂白皮肤的目的似乎也不是想让自己看上去像个白人,而更像是确保他能够彻底消失不见,这是一个典型的强迫症幻觉。
- 23. The somatoform type of hypochondriac has many physical symptoms and assumes there’s a serious underlying cause but doesn’t necessarily jump to catastrophic conclusions.
- 身体形式的疑病症类型有许多躯体症状,并假定有一个严重的内在原因,但不一定会导致灾难性结论。
- 24. Some examples about the syndrome differentiation standardization of chronic hepatitis c, subclinical hepatic encephalopathy and hepatic hypochondriac pain were presented.
- 并以慢性丙型肝炎中医证型规范化研究,亚临床肝性脑病中医药诊治的研究,慢性肝病胁痛外治法的研究等实例说明之。
- 25. "Extremely suspicious" of the ancients left us on the "hypochondriac" wonderful description of disease and cure, could be considered as the motto of today's mental health.
- “杯弓蛇影”是古人留给我们关于“疑病症”发病和治愈的精彩描述,仍可视为今天心理保健的座右铭。
- 26. As for the 68-year-old Colonel Qaddafi, the cables provide an arresting portrait, describing him as a hypochondriac who fears flying over water and often fasts on Mondays and Thursdays.
- 这些电文还对68岁的卡扎菲上校本人做了饶有趣味的描述,说他是一个癔症患者,乘飞机的时候害怕从水面上飞过、会在周一和周四斋戒等。
- 27. The most obvious precursor of our present hypochondriac culture was Andy Warhol, who lived most of his life in a state of anxiety regarding the ailments and imperfections of his' bad body. '.
- 当下强迫症文化的一位人所共知的先驱者要算安迪·沃霍尔。由于自己“糟糕身体”的病痛和缺陷,沃霍尔一生大部分时间里都生活在焦虑状态中。
- 28. The most obvious precursor of our present hypochondriac culture was Andy Warhol, who lived most of his life in a state of anxiety regarding the ailments and imperfections of his' bad body. '.
- 当下强迫症文化的一位人所共知的先驱者要算安迪·沃霍尔。由于自己“糟糕身体”的病痛和缺陷,沃霍尔一生大部分时间里都生活在焦虑状态中。