- 1. Its numbers fall tenfold to thirty in a typical cycle, and a hundredfold change can occur.
- 在一个典型的循环中,其数量会以十倍到三十倍减少,甚至会出现一百倍的变化。
- 2. Their money increased a hundredfold.
- 他们的钱增加了一百倍。
- 3. Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.
- 今天我么加倍重视自己的价值。
- 4. If I gave love, it was returned, a hundredfold.
- 我给它们的爱意,它们百倍地回报了我。
- 5. As long as a glimmer of hope, we will strive to do a hundredfold.
- 只要有一线希望,我们就尽百倍努力。
- 6. Tell yourself this everyday: today I will multiply my value a hundredfold!
- 每天告诉自己:今天,我会百倍提升自己的价值!
- 7. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold.
- 又有落在好土里的,生长起来,结实百倍。
- 8. Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year a hundredfold.
- 以撒在那地耕种,那一年有百倍的收成。
- 9. Today I will multiply my value Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.
- 今天我要增加我的价值今天我要增加百倍我的价值。
- 10. Mirror: Dolores, you are very beautiful, but Anna is better than your beautiful hundredfold.
- 魔镜:多洛莉丝啊,您非常美,但是,安娜比您美丽百倍。
- 11. According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold.
- 根据这个电脑模型,这样设计出的风力发电厂效能将能比现在提高一百倍。
- 12. Insetting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold.
- 在制定目标的时候,不妨参考过去最好的成绩,使其发扬光大。
- 13. Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. I will commit not the terrible crime of aiming too low.
- 今天我要加倍重视自己的价值。我不能放低目标。
- 14. As long as a glimmer of hope, as long as it is possible survivors, we must make efforts a hundredfold.
- 只要有一线希望,只要有一点生还可能,我们就要作出百倍努力。
- 15. I want him for their own pay a slap in the face of this ten-fold, a hundredfold, and even greater price.
- 我要让他为自己的这一记耳光付出十倍、百倍、乃至更多的代价。
- 16. A hundredfold or more can I increase my accomplishments of yesterday and this I will do, beginning today.
- 一百倍以上可以提高我的成绩和昨天为此,我将尽,从今天起。
- 17. It would all be for the greater good, and any harm done would be repaid a hundredfold in benefits for wizards.
- 一切都是为了更伟大的利益,所造成的任何伤害都能给巫师界带来一百倍的好处。
- 18. Based on Informix 11.7, IUWE USES a powerful columns-based engine that accelerates warehouse queries a hundredfold.
- 基于Informix 11.7,IUWE使用了一个强大的基于列的引擎,能够将仓库查询速度提高100倍。
- 19. I am a hundredfold of courage and confidence, excited excited, continue to struggle for our great motherland and the great people.
- 我正增加百倍的勇气和信心,奋励自励,为我们伟大祖国与伟大人民继续奋斗。
- 20. All new Adam Smith Institute reports are now available free online, which has brought a hundredfold increase in the number of people reading them.
- 所有的协会的新文章在网络上可以任意使用,这带来了数百倍的的人来读这些文章。
- 21. It showed that precision of volume was improved hundredfold by electron balance method and thus the accuracy and linearity of the work curve was improved greatly.
- 结果表明,电子天平计量法可以将吸管加入溶液体积的计量精度提高2个数量级,从而大大提高了工作曲线的准确性和线性。
- 22. The eminent writers duly propose a huge (nay, hundredfold) boost in funding to help the poor cope with a shifting climate—through drought-resistant crops, for example.
- 这些学识渊博的作者恰如其分地提出成千上百的拯救方案,协助贫穷阶级应付瞬息万变的气候,例如抗旱的农作物。
- 23. But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
- 没有不在今世得百倍的,就是房屋,弟兄,姐妹,母亲,儿女,田地,并且要受逼迫。在来世必得永生。
- 24. As long as there's hope that the front line, who must rescue efforts to hundredfold, from the ruins in search for possible survivors, from under collapsed buildings in a rescue every life.
- 只要有一线的希望,救援者就必须以百倍的努力,从废墟中寻找可能的生还者,从正在倒塌的建筑物中抢救出每一个生命。
- 25. According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold. The next step for the researchers is to do a field test, trying out these fish dynamics on dry land.
- 根据计算机模型得出的结果,这种设计可以让风力发电厂效率提高数百倍,下一步就是研究人员的现场测试,看“鱼儿”在陆地上的“游动”。
- 26. According to the computer model, this design could increase wind farm efficiency a hundredfold. The next step for the researchers is to do a field test, trying out these fish dynamics on dry land.
- 根据计算机模型得出的结果,这种设计可以让风力发电厂效率提高数百倍,下一步就是研究人员的现场测试,看“鱼儿”在陆地上的“游动”。