- 1. The piercing cries of the rhinoceros hornbill characterize the Southeast Asian rain forest, as do the unmistakable calls of the gibbons.
- 犀鸟刺耳的鸣叫,和长臂猿那不会被认错的叫声,象征着东南亚雨林。
- 2. The eye of a southern ground-hornbill. The bird has remarkably long, wiry eyelashes.
- 红脸地犀鸟之眼。这种鸟有注目的细长的睫毛。
- 3. The Hornbill house is located on an old drying yard sitting on the edge of a water fall.
- 犀鸟屋在一个瀑布边缘的古老的庭院里。
- 4. But for lessons in attentiveness and trust visitors need look no further than the rhinoceros hornbill.
- 如果游客们想学习情侣间应如何善待和信任对方,千万别错过马来犀鸟。
- 5. The light fades, and the ruins erupt in a riot of birdsong - mynas, parrots and a hornbill with swooshing wings.
- 光线渐渐黯淡,这处遗迹在一阵此起彼伏的鸟鸣之中骚动了起来——八哥、鹦鹉,还有一只翅膀呼啦作响的犀鸟。
- 6. Widespread throughout Southeast Asia, the rhinoceros hornbill (pictured in Kerinci Seblat in July 2005) is dwindling and is listed as near threatened by IUCN.
- 遍布东南亚的这种犀鸟(2005年摄于葛林芝塞布拉公园)正在减少,被国际自然保护联盟列入近危名单。
- 7. Room service: A red-knobbed hornbill arrives with breakfast, which he will regurgitate for his roughly three-month-old chick safely inside a nest hole in an Alstonia tree.
- 一只长有红色盔突的雄犀鸟带着早餐翩然而至。 雄犀鸟将会把食物反刍给它大约3个月大的雏鸟,雏鸟安全地在一棵鸡骨常山属树木的巢穴里。
- 8. I could barely see the hornbill at first, and they could just tell from hundreds of meters away, that high up on a tree, was a silhouette next to some leaves (which was a hornbill).
- 我一开始几乎根本看不见犀鸟,而他们则可以在数百米外判断出来-在高高的树上,有那么一个树叶似的剪影(即犀鸟)。
- 9. One of the recent success stories has been the reintroduction of the Oriental pied hornbill — the bird's population has increased from just a pair 16 years ago to about 160 today.
- 最新成功的故事之一是重新引入冠斑犀鸟——这种鸟的数目已经从16年前的仅仅一对增加到现在的160只。
- 10. I Shared with them my experience in the XDMS hornbill project, taught them a few practical conservation education activities, and gave them a quick introduction to outreach materials design.
- 我也分享了我在西大明山冠斑犀鸟项目中获得的经验,讲授了一些环教活动,也介绍了如何进行环教资料的设计。
- 11. I Shared with them my experience in the XDMS hornbill project, taught them a few practical conservation education activities, and gave them a quick introduction to outreach materials design.
- 我也分享了我在西大明山冠斑犀鸟项目中获得的经验,讲授了一些环教活动,也介绍了如何进行环教资料的设计。