- 1. How to dress like a hippy?
- 怎么穿像嬉皮士?
- 2. Hippy dude: You have options, man.
- 嬉皮士:伙计,你有选择的权利。
- 3. He dresses like a hippy.
- 他穿得象个嬉皮士。
- 4. In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult.
- 他年轻的时候一度过着嬉皮士式的生活。
- 5. This is hippy idealism meets Goldman Sachs spreadsheets.
- 这是嬉皮士的理想主义与高盛电子表格的相逢。
- 6. In their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy.
- 在他们看来,肩背帆布包、留长发的人都是嬉皮士。
- 7. A lot of good music came out of the hippy culture in the 1960s.
- 有很多美妙的音乐是来自60年代的嬉皮文化。
- 8. The Eighth Sign clearly indicates the "Hippy Movement" of the 1960s.
- 第八个标记清楚指出了1960年的“嬉皮士运动”。
- 9. So for the spoilt hippy in your life, what could be more wonderful than MixMyGranola.
- 所以对于你身边被宠坏的嬉皮士来说,有什么会比混合燕麦卷更好的呢?
- 10. Miss : hippy outlook on the game, kw where the company's most beautiful beauty?
- 前台小姐游戏介绍:嘻,大公司最美丽的美女在哪里知道吗?
- 11. At the same time, searching for peace is also not about becoming a tree hugging hippy.
- 同时,找寻和平也不是成为一棵拥抱嬉皮士之树。
- 12. Hippy parents just don't understand why you want to wear a shirt and smart shoes.
- 这些嬉皮士家长永远不会明白你为什么喜欢穿衬衫和运动鞋。
- 13. The kind of hippy who eats raw corn, right off the cob, picked from a nearby farm.
- 那种啃着从附近农场里的玉米秆上刚掰下来的生玉米的嬉皮士。
- 14. The kind of hippy that gets infrequent haircuts and ponders poetry and thinks about art.
- 那种不常剪发、沉迷于诗词、爱思考艺术的嬉皮士。
- 15. The last time they were in fashion was in the 1960s and 1970s, during the first environmental and hippy movement.
- 它们的上一次流行是在20世纪60年代和70年代,第一次环保风潮和嬉皮士运动期间。
- 16. Change your look by buying new costumes including 70's hippy gran, wonder gran, zombie gran and even a PENGUIN COSTUME!
- 改变你的样子通过购买新的服饰,包括70年代嬉皮士大,不知道奶奶,僵尸大,甚至企鹅COSTUME!
- 17. You're probably just looking like a loser sitting on a couch with like a strap sweatshirt and some stupid hippy haircut.
- 或许你就像个笨蛋一样坐在沙发上,穿着条纹汗衫,头上有个难看的发型。
- 18. Well I always thought Berkeley's the origin for Hippy culture, even though that's true, New York has a better interpretation of it.
- 在纽约,不论是大街上,地铁里,都透着一种嬉皮文化的气息。
- 19. This fashion for long hair continued through the 1960s and 1970s, with Audrey Hepburn's chic up-do giving way to the long, centre-parted hippy look.
- 长发的流行趋势一直持续到上世纪的60、70年代,直到奥黛丽·赫本用别致的上卷式盘发替代了中分的长发型。
- 20. Confined to the hippy weekend wardrobes, however, and as an alternative to the oft-repeated gladiator sandal, clogs, say two cult shoe designers, have an important place.
- 不过,两位热衷于此的鞋类设计师表示,虽然仅是衣橱中周末嬉皮风格服装组合的一部分,以及泛滥成灾的罗马凉鞋的替代 品,厚底木屐有其重要地位。
- 21. A lengthy period of traveling the hippy highway brought him into contact with the many cultures of the Middle East and Indian subcontinent to which he returns whenever possible.
- 如此长的嬉皮士生活,使得他获得了大量的关于中东和印度次大陆的文化知识。
- 22. The bar and restaurant is where the beautiful people hang out. The food is superb but it is another over-priced, over-designed hangout and I would rather have been back on the hippy beach.
- 酒吧和餐馆里人们衣着光鲜,菜肴出色,但这是一个价格昂贵,过于做作的去处,我宁愿回到嬉皮士气质的海滩上。
- 23. He gives us a fascinating journal of his Galician wanderings, from village carnivals in the pouring rain to a hippy commune in the back of beyond via the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
- 他为我们呈现了他在加西亚的放逐之旅,沿着通往圣地亚哥大教堂的圣途,从滂沱大雨中的乡村嘉年华到地处偏远的嬉皮公社,真是让人心驰神往!
- 24. Over the last twenty five days across the media -- with several notable exceptions -- we've seen elites point fingers, chuckle and play punch the hippy while covering the Occupy Wall Street protests.
- 过去二十五天里,在媒体上——除了一些明显的特例——我们看到,在报道占领华尔街时,精英们指责、嘲笑,还playpunchthe hippy(译注:还有个说法是hippiepunching,不明白什么意思)。
- 25. Over the last twenty five days across the media -- with several notable exceptions -- we've seen elites point fingers, chuckle and play punch the hippy while covering the Occupy Wall Street protests.
- 过去二十五天里,在媒体上——除了一些明显的特例——我们看到,在报道占领华尔街时,精英们指责、嘲笑,还playpunchthe hippy(译注:还有个说法是hippiepunching,不明白什么意思)。