- 1. The men are hidebound and reactionary.
- 那些人既顽固又反动。
- 2. The economy was hidebound by public spending and private monopolies.
- 该经济体由于公共开支和私有垄断而变得僵化。
- 3. Hidebound be to bring about liverish main reason?
- 营养不良是导致肝病的主要原因?
- 4. Whole world the children with 70 hidebound % lives in this area.
- 全世界70%营养不良的儿童都居住在这个地区。
- 5. It's a very hidebound society and views anything new with suspicion.
- 是个非常保守的社会,对任何新事物都抱着怀疑的态度。
- 6. London doesn't seem as hidebound by tradition as some of the other European cities.
- 不像其他欧洲城市,伦敦并不因传统而守旧。
- 7. The more hidebound European universities must be wondering what on earth they have started.
- 思想更为顽固的欧洲大学必须考虑他们出发点到底为何。
- 8. Wine, perhaps more than any other perishable consumer good, is hidebound by an often unfathomable set of rules.
- 其它一次性消费品相比,葡萄酒的规矩大概是最多的了,这些规矩极其复杂,常常会令人莫知适从。
- 9. In other words, the stage figures developed will be not hidebound, pale artistic bodies but live, plump artistic creations.
- 戏曲导演二度创造出的舞台形象才可能是活的饱满的艺术生灵,而不是死的苍白的技术躯壳。
- 10. Hidebound him design have never been, sometimes, change an Angle to see problems, will get the result that expect is less than.
- 良将设计从来都不是墨守成规,有时候,换个角度看问题,会取得意想不到的效果。
- 11. Whether the economy rides out the euro-area crisis will depend on which Spain prevails-the more competitive version or the hidebound one.
- 西班牙的经济是否能够挺过这次欧洲区危机主要依赖于哪个西班牙会盛行——是那个有竞争力的版本、还是那个墨守成规的。
- 12. Actually, the woman is vivid life snacks every detail, it just as woman's lover, had its ornament, their life is no longer hidebound.
- 其实,零食生动着女人一生中的每个细节,它恰似女人的情人,有了它的点缀,她们的生活不再是墨守成规。
- 13. He studied physics knowledge to teach senior to savage, he by his wisdom to break the school hidebound traditional education concept.
- 他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守成规的传统教育观念。
- 14. Although many literary critics seem to regard the Canon as rather hidebound and resistive to change, in fact it has always been very mutable.
- 尽管诸多文论家觉得经典似乎很固执,并且拒绝改变,但实际上它总是处于变化之中。
- 15. This crunch has put the spurs to the city's sluggish development process, and also shaken off a bit of its hidebound attitude about building design.
- 这次危机给城市发展缓慢的过程以动力,同时也拜托了它对建筑设计的一些保守态度。
- 16. Although some critics ridiculed her flowing and expressive movements, Isadora brought flexibility and self-expression to the hidebound world of classical dance.
- 尽管对她那行云流水般富有表现力的动作持嘲笑态度的批评家大有人在,但伊莎多拉却为死板的古典舞蹈界带来了灵动性和自我表现力。
- 17. As someone who came up through the ranks of the often hidebound and highly deferential corporate world, I am glad to say good riddance to much of the old office culture.
- 作为从往往守旧并对上高度恭敬的企业界爬上来的人,我很高兴地终于可以向许多陈旧的办公室文化说再见了。
- 18. Farmers can be among the most hidebound of managers, so it is no surprise that they are nervous about a new idea called prescriptive planting, which is set to disrupt their business.
- 农民可以比较死板的管理者之一,这并不会感到意外,因为他们会对一些新型的规范性种植产生紧张感。
- 19. Farmers can be among the most hidebound of managers, so it is no surprise that they are nervous about a new idea called prescriptive planting, which is set to disrupt their business.
- 农民可以比较死板的管理者之一,这并不会感到意外,因为他们会对一些新型的规范性种植产生紧张感。