- 1. When the airlines decided to enforce these rules without giving anyone a heads-up, it created a lot of problems for travellers.
- 航空公司在决定执行这些规定时没有事先通知任何人,这给旅客带来了很多麻烦。
- 2. Would it be cool to email a heads-up to everyone in my address book?
- 将消息用电子邮件告诉地址簿里的每一个人,这是多么的酷啊!
- 3. It's beyond the laws of physics, plus a little heads-up for the ladies.
- 超出了物理学定律另外也是对女性朋友的小提醒。
- 4. If we have to put our contingency plan into effect, we may want to give her a heads-up.
- 如果我们不得不施行应急计划,我们可能要给她个提前说明。
- 5. It also lets you set up an alert system, so if H1N1 arrives in your area, you'll get a heads-up.
- 这种应用程序还可以设置报警系统,因此,如果H1N1出现在用户附近区域,用户能立即获得警报。
- 6. Kurt opened up the administrative subdirectory on his heads-up display and accessed SPARTAN-104's file.
- 库尔特打开他头盔显示器上管理子目录,访问斯巴达- 104的文件。
- 7. It is also important to give your new boss a nice, clear heads-up on your goals, motivations, skills and plans.
- 同时,让新上司知道你在工作目标、动机、技能和计划四方面,具有正确且清晰的头绪和方向也很重要。
- 8. Relevant metrics will give you a heads-up when something is not right at an earlier stage than you would typically have noticed otherwise.
- 当有些东西在您主要到之前的阶段出现错误时,相关的度量标准将使您足智多谋。
- 9. Once they get an idea into their heads, they never give up.
- 他们一旦接受了某个想法,就永远不会放弃。
- 10. Just like drones before them, miniature satellites are beginning to fundamentally transform our conceptions of who gets to do what up above our heads.
- 就像之前的无人机一样,微型卫星开始从根本上改变了我们的观念:谁能在我们的头顶上做什么。
- 11. Margaret Thatcher was also said to get by on four hours a night, while the 130-hour workweeks endured by tech heads has been held up as key to their success.
- 据说,玛格丽特·撒切尔每晚只睡4个小时,而技术负责人每周工作130个小时,这一工作时长是他们成功的关键。
- 12. Their wearisome heads went up and down at the same rate, in hot weather and in cold, wet weather and dry, fair weather and foul.
- 不管天气是冷是热,是干是湿,是好是坏,它们那疲惫的机头都会以同样的节奏上下摆动。
- 13. Quite near the rock, but out of sight, two heads were bobbing up and down, Peter's and Wendy's.
- 离岩石很近,但看不见的地方,有两个脑袋上下浮动,是彼得的和温迪的。
- 14. Please hold your heads up.
- 请抬起你们的头。
- 15. They learn to roll over, support their heads, and even sit up while being held.
- 他们学会翻身、支撑头部,甚至在被抱着的时候坐起来。
- 16. They cannot even hold up their own heads without some help from grown-ups.
- 如果没有大人的帮助,他们甚至连自己的头都抬不起来。
- 17. And the proof is right above our heads. Up in space.
- 在我们的头顶上,太空就证明了这一点。
- 18. Now he heads up the Weta department responsible for painting the surfaces of characters.
- 现在他是维塔一个部门主管,负责给角色模型的表面上图。
- 19. Store employees are often given a heads up about what and when things are being marked down.
- 商店的雇员通常都会事先知道那些物品在什么时候会降价。
- 20. Thank them for the heads up, figure out your plan to prevent or minimize the danger you've been warned of and proceed with appropriate caution.
- 感谢它们,明确你阻止或者最小化已被警告的危险的计划,以适当的警觉继续处理事务。
- 21. "Toddlers keep their heads up more when they are walking barefoot," she says.
- 她表示:“当幼儿打赤脚时,他们就会把头抬起来。”
- 22. Dominic Barbara, who heads up a successful Manhattan law firm with 15 attorneys says that in about one of every 15 or 20 new porce cases, somebody mentions Viagra.
- 多米尼克·芭芭拉,一位带领另外十五名律师在曼哈顿创立了一家成功的法律公司的女士说道,每15到20个新的离婚官司中,就有一例官司中有人提到了伟哥。
- 23. So this is, uh, a heads up, that you should look for another job right now, as soon as you can.
- 所以,这是,嗯,你现在就得开始去寻找另外一份工作了,要尽快。
- 24. People can say what they like about Inter and about myself but not that - that's one thing that my club and I can hold our heads up high about.
- 人们可以对国际米兰和我说任何话,但是我的俱乐部和我能够昂首面对一切。
- 25. The RIGS heads up display can be deployed for applications such as the rendition of flight, navigation, and sighting data with aiming point and target reticule.
- RIGS平视显示器可以用于表演飞行、导航以及视觉瞄准和目标标线。
- 26. And then, he heads up north.
- 随后去了北部。
- 27. And then, he heads up north.
- 随后去了北部。