- 1. He ducks into a hatchway and lights a cigarette.
- 他躲进一个舱口,点上了一只烟。
- 2. You can use more section in the hatchway, but leave a small margin.
- 可多用些舱口位,但要留下一小段边缘。
- 3. There was still open space immediately below the ladder-another hatchway to a floor even further below.
- 在这梯子正对着的下方,还是个打开的空间——另一个地板上的通风口,通向更远的下面。
- 4. In case the space is not enough , you can use one more section in the hatchway , but leave a small margin.
- 如果舱位不够,你们可以在舱口位再用一节梁子,但要留一个小空档。
- 5. Hatchway and made her way through deserted halls to the computer room, the sound of her own breathing heavy in her ears.
- 她穿过花瓣状的舱口,穿过废弃的大厅走向计算机机房,她自己呼吸的声音冲击着她的耳朵。
- 6. The upper tweendeck hatchway is only half occupied; you can still use the opening of the other part to put the cargo in the tweendeck.
- 上二层舱舱口位只被占据了一半,你还可利用另一部分的空位来装二层舱的货。
- 7. Mengsk prepared to go on, then stopped as a hatchway at the side of the room opened, and the Asian prospector he had spotted outside earlier now stepped in.
- 当蒙克斯想继续时待命室旁边的舱口开启了,早已在屋外的亚洲勘探者打断了他的讲话。
- 8. He had heard the upper hatchway close, and the sound of booted footfalls on the floor overhead, but that did not mean that Pryrates had gone very far.
- 他听到上面的通道口关上了,头上那层地板上,响起靴子的脚步声,可这并不表示,Pryrates已经走了很远了。
- 9. Mengsk prepared to go on, then stopped as a hatchway at the side of the room opened, and the Asian prospector he had spotted outside earlier now stepped in.
- 当蒙克斯想继续时待命室旁边的舱口开启了,早已在屋外的亚洲采矿者打断了他的讲话。
- 10. The commander of flagship troops genuflected as the hatchway to the Regent's ship hissed up, spilling brilliant light against the soldier's crimson body armor.
- 旗舰的指挥官半跪着,通往瑞金特之船的通道口嘶嘶升起,发出耀眼的光芒,照在士兵们深红色的铠甲上。
- 11. Please unload a part of the weldless steel tubes in Hatch No. 3 hatchway for the present so as to the stevedores can use the opening to fill in the lower hold.
- 请把三舱舱口位的无焊缝钢管暂时卸下一部分,以便工人们利用空位来装底舱。
- 12. She entered this through the blown front hatchway and made her way through deserted halls to the computer room, the sound of her own breathing heavy in her ears.
- 她穿过花瓣状的舱口,穿过废弃的大厅走向计算机机房,她自己呼吸的声音冲击着她的耳朵。
- 13. Simon's eyes popped open in time to see a sleek gray shape skitter past, leap over Pryrates' boots and streak to the hatchway , where it bounded down into darkness.
- Simon睁开眼,看到一个圆滑的灰色形体飞掠而过,跳过Pryrates的靴子,飞跑出了通道口,跳进黑暗中。
- 14. After a few moments of listening silently at the open hatchway, making sure that no one would surprise him this time, Simon stepped cautiously onto the ladder and began to climb down.
- 安静地听了一会儿这打开的通道口,确信这次下面不会有人突然出现,Simon当心地踏上梯子,向下爬去。
- 15. After a few moments of listening silently at the open hatchway, making sure that no one would surprise him this time, Simon stepped cautiously onto the ladder and began to climb down.
- 安静地听了一会儿这打开的通道口,确信这次下面不会有人突然出现,Simon当心地踏上梯子,向下爬去。