- 1. I was in that half-and-half land where you are not completely asleep nor completely awake.
- 我当时半睡半醒。
- 2. Then we take vodka, or half-and-half alcohol with water…
- 然后取伏特加,或者1:1的酒精和水。
- 3. Add the eggs mixed with the yolks, half-and-half, and melted butter, and beat until combined.
- 加入糖和盐搅拌,再加入鸡蛋、蛋黄、奶油牛奶和融化的黄油,一起搅拌均匀。
- 4. Iserloh suggests making a half-and-half mixture of ground beef and Turkey in recipes like meatloaf, nachos and meatballs.
- Iserloh建议在菜谱中使用绞细牛肉和火鸡肉各一半的混合物,像肉饼、玉米片、肉丸。
- 5. Very few restaurants outside Starbucks carry whole milk, 2 percent milk, skim milk, and half-and-half; it's just not practical.
- 星巴克外面基本上没有纯牛奶,百分之二的纯牛奶,脱脂牛奶,一半牛奶一半奶油;那是不切实际的。
- 6. When the girl he didn't feel, the Malaysian female heart resentments of read already does not exist, some just half-and-half demon has never changed love.
- 这时女孩才感觉到,巫女心里的怨念早已不存在,有的只是对半妖从未改变的爱。
- 7. Conclusion: second liver two half-and-half detect must get rid of various factors influencing the interference, its can provide reliable clinical test results.
- 结论:乙肝两对半检测必须排除各种影响因素的干扰,才能为临床提供正确可靠的检测结果。
- 8. It might be argued that this half-and-half approach avoids isolating Fiji completely and so leaves the door open to concessions, for instance on the timetable for elections.
- 也许它们会争辩这种半对半的策略既避免了完全孤立斐济又为妥协敞开了大门,例如在选举的时间表上。
- 9. We'll pay you half up front and the other half when you've finished the job.
- 我们先付一半给你,工作完成后再付另一半。
- 10. She was half Italian and half English.
- 她是一半意大利一半英国血统。
- 11. Cars account for half the oil consumed in the U.S., about half the urban pollution and one fourth the greenhouse gases.
- 汽车消耗了美国一半的石油,导致了美国约半数的城市污染和四分之一的温室气体。
- 12. China accounts for more than half the world's consumption of cement, and nearly half its use of iron, coal, lead, zinc, aluminum and pigs.
- 中国的水泥消费量占全球一半以上,铁、煤、铅、锌、铝和猪肉使用量占全球近一半。
- 13. He painted on half of it, and the other half was always empty.
- 他只画一半,另一半总是空着的。
- 14. Like Milton's Sin, Spenser's Errour is half woman, half serpent, and in a lot of ways she embodies the very problem of religious error.
- 就像弥尔顿笔下的罪恶之神,斯潘塞笔下的错误是一位半女人半毒蛇的怪物,她从各个方面具体化了宗教错误。
- 15. Half were instructed to repeat out loud what they were looking for and the other half kept their lips sealed.
- 一半人被要求大声重复他们要找的东西,另一半人则要闭口不言。
- 16. There was exasperation in her reply, half sigh and half groan.
- 她的回答半是叹息,半是哀怨,带着恼怒。
- 17. "I'll do the learning," said Peter, half angry and half frightened.
- “我学。”彼得半生气半害怕的说。
- 18. Presently, while half asleep and half awake, he murmured, "Sir William!"
- 过了一会儿,他半睡半醒地低声说:“威廉爵士!”
- 19. He conducted the two animals to a long room that seemed half bedchamber and half loft.
- 他把两只动物领到一个长长的房间里,这个房间一半像卧室,一半像阁楼。
- 20. Those piding lines come crashing down with the discovery of a sea slug that's truly half animal and half plant.
- 这些分界线随着海蛞蝓的发现而崩塌,它是真正的半动物半植物。
- 21. Half of it's Huck's and half of it's mine!
- 一半是哈克的,一半是我的!
- 22. Under these conditions, the lobsters developed asymmetric claws, half with crusher claws on the left, and half with crusher claws on the right.
- 在这种条件下,龙虾发育出了不对称的爪子,左右一半各是破碎的爪子。
- 23. Cut one large onion in half and tie the half an onion to the bottom of each of your feet.
- 把一个大洋葱切成两半,然后把这半个洋葱绑在脚的底部。
- 24. Half of them wrote about a time they felt secure and supported, whereas the other half wrote about feeling insecure and alone.
- 其中一半人写的是他们感到安全和被支持的时候,而另一半人写的是感到不安全和孤独的时候。
- 25. Outside of the car we saw a cyclist, half on and half off his bike.
- 在汽车外面,我们看见了一个骑自行车的人,几乎要从自行车上摔倒。
- 26. Laughter comes from the rear half and calms from the front half simultaneously.
- 笑声来自后面那一半,于此同时,平静来自前面那一半。
- 27. One study recruited 200 obese adults to take part in a 16-week-long diet, where half added dessert to their breakfast, and half didn't.
- 一项研究招募了200名肥胖的成年人,让他们参加一项为期16周的节食计划,这项计划中一半人的早餐中添加了甜点,而另一半没有。
- 28. For most people, the left half is used for word-handling, analytical and logical activities; the right half works on pictures, patterns and forms.
- 对大多数人来说,左脑用于文字处理、分析和逻辑活动;右半部分负责图片、图案和形式。
- 29. "I will eat half and take the other half to her, " said he at last and he pided them into two piles.
- “我吃一半,把另一半给她,”最后他说着,把它们分成了两堆。
- 30. Even a slender diplodocus, once believed to have tipped the scales at five and a half tonnes when alive, has lost a tonne and a half from its weight.
- 即使是一个瘦形梁龙,曾经被认为在活着的时候重达5.5吨,现在也减重了1.5吨。