- 1. I only do it out of habit.
- 我这么做只是出于习惯。
- 2. He was not in the habit of ogling women.
- 他没有盯着女人看个没完的习惯。
- 3. He has the irritating habit of biting his nails.
- 他有咬指甲的讨厌习惯。
- 4. I got in the habit of going around with bare feet.
- 我养成了打赤脚的习惯。
- 5. They also have the irritating habit of interrupting.
- 他们也有打断别人这个令人恼火的习惯。
- 6. Her attitudes solidified through privilege and habit.
- 由于特权和习惯,她的态度愈来愈顽固。
- 7. 'I'm not in the habit of welshing on deals,' said Don.
- 唐说:“我做生意没有说话不算数的习惯。”
- 8. Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open.
- 她最让人讨厌的习惯就是张着嘴吃东西。
- 9. Jesse is a creature of habit and always eats breakfast.
- 杰西是按习惯行事的人,每天都吃早餐。
- 10. If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit.
- 如果你继续吸烟,继续试着戒掉这一习惯吧。
- 11. I'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment.
- 我不习惯让陌生人进我家。
- 12. I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning.
- 我早上六点钟醒的习惯改不了。
- 13. Orion had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.
- 奥利恩有个一动不动地盯着谈话对象的习惯。
- 14. He has an endearing habit of licking his lips when he's nervous.
- 他有个紧张时舔嘴唇的可爱习惯。
- 15. She had the disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she thought.
- 她怎么想的就怎么说,这种习惯令人非常难堪。
- 16. She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.
- 她有一个偶尔就着瓶子喝一小口法国白兰地的习惯。
- 17. They were in the habit of giving two or three dinner parties a month.
- 他们习惯于每月举办两三次晚宴。
- 18. How about Frank's eating habit?
- 弗兰克的饮食习惯怎么样?
- 19. Humans are creatures of habit.
- 人类是习惯的产物。
- 20. Riding bikes is a good habit.
- 骑自行车是一个好习惯。
- 21. Telling lies is a bad habit.
- 撒谎是个坏习惯。
- 22. Smoking is a bad habit.
- 吸烟是一种坏习惯。
- 23. The habit has got you.
- 这个习惯已经支配了你。
- 24. It's a habit for them.
- 这是他们的一个习惯。
- 25. Is this a good habit?
- 这是一个好习惯吗?
- 26. It became a habit.
- 这已经成为一种习惯。
- 27. Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.
- 生活总是令人厌烦地重复着。
- 28. He turned to crime to support his drug habit.
- 他为维持吸毒的恶习而走上犯罪的道路。
- 29. He began to finance his habit through burglary.
- 他开始以盗窃来满足他的毒瘾。
- 30. He began to finance his habit through burglary.
- 他开始以盗窃来满足他的毒瘾。