- 1. What recorded them were embryos of angiosperm and gymnosperm.
- 记忆它们的是被子植物和裸子植物等胚种。
- 2. By data collection of the database, we analyzed chromosome features of the group Gymnosperm.
- 在数据库的统计数据基础上,我们分析了裸子植物的染色体特征。
- 3. Rock plant, based on natural taxonomy system is classified into bryophyte, pteridophyte, gymnosperm, angiosperms;
- 岩生植物按自然分类系统分为苔藓植物、蕨类植物、裸子植物、被子植物。
- 4. In Mesozoic, Guangdong flora had a big change, the gymnosperm was prosperous, but it was evolved from the late Paleozoic Cathaysian flora as a whole.
- 中生代,广东植物区系成分发生了很大的变化,裸子植物大量繁盛,但总体上是在本区晚古生代华夏植物区系的基础上演化而来的。
- 5. Contrary to common variation type in Angiosperms, the variation from high unsymmetric karyotype to low unsymmetric karyotype was found in existence in Gymnosperm.
- 与一般植物染色体的常见变异形式相反,在裸子植物中存在从高不对称性到低不对称的变异形式。
- 6. It has also been found that the gymnosperm plants have few copies of CHS gene in a particular nuclear genome, but copy number varies greatly in the angiosperm plants.
- CHS基因在裸子植物中的拷贝数较少,而在被子植物中拷贝数变化很大。
- 7. He also observed that gymnosperm ovules were not enclosed in an ovary wall, leading to the establishment of one of the basic differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms.
- 他还观察到裸子植物的胚珠并不是被子房壁包围,这个发现直接导致了被子植物和裸子植物之间最根本的几点区别的建立。
- 8. He also observed that gymnosperm ovules were not enclosed in an ovary wall, leading to the establishment of one of the basic differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms.
- 他还观察到裸子植物的胚珠并不是被子房壁包围,这个发现直接导致了被子植物和裸子植物之间最根本的几点区别的建立。