- 1. But it was not mere guess-work?
- 这么说不是纯粹的猜测?
- 2. My guess is that the chance that these vaccines will work is zero.
- 我的猜想是这些疫苗将起作用的可能性为零。
- 3. I guess sometimes it can translate into work or opportunity.
- 我猜它有时候可以翻译为工作或者机会。
- 4. I guess that means a bit more work for people.
- 我想这意味着人们要做更多的工作。
- 5. I guess the true magic at work involved her computer rather than a wand and a broom.
- 我猜她的电脑才是真正的魔法,而不是魔杖和扫帚。
- 6. I guess that might work if you have enough boats, but won't it take a long time to build them?
- 我猜想如果你有足够多的船,这可能行得通,但建造它们不会花很长时间吗?
- 7. I guess it's an early 18th-century work.
- 我想这是18世纪早期的作品。
- 8. But I guess it's an early 18th-century work.
- 但我想这是18世纪早期的作品。
- 9. At the time, it was only an educated guess that this so-called dazzle camouflage would work.
- 那个时候,炫目伪装能够起作用只是出于一种经验上的判断。
- 10. Don't answer by guess, work the problem out.
- 不要凭猜想回答,把这道题算出来。
- 11. You can probably guess what happened next: Dan's work life calmed down, and he became more serious about his personal life.
- 你大概能猜到接下来发生了什么:丹的工作开始稳定下来,他开始更多地关注自己的个人生活。
- 12. The idea is to make the best guess of what makes you happy and figure out how to get these needs met at work.
- 方法就是尽力去想那些能够使我们开心的需要并找到如何在工作中让其实现。
- 13. I guess most people don't really love their work - it's just a job.
- 我想大多数人并不真正喜欢他们的工作——只是工作。
- 14. The main feature, I guess, is that they need to be willing to work together. They need to be willing to learn.
- 我想,最主要的特征是,他们需要具有共同工作和学习的意愿。
- 15. A I guess most people don't really love their work - it's just a job.
- A我想大多数人并不真正喜欢他们的工作——只是工作。
- 16. And if your program doesn't work, that should be your first guess.
- 如果你的程序无法运行的时候,它们可以成为你的第一猜测。
- 17. But at the time, this research represented our best guess, and that's often all you have to work with.
- 但同时,这项研究却很好地呈现了我们最了不起的猜想,而当时我们能做的就是为了这些猜想埋头苦干。
- 18. I'd been with the company since 1996 and had poured a lot into my technical work. I thought, I guess I'm not good enough now.
- 从1996年进公司以来我把我所有心血都花在了本职工作上也许是我还做得不够好吧,当时我这么想。
- 19. "I guess I've never been particularly devout," he said. "But I consider my work to be very spiritual."
- “我从来没有如此虔诚,”他说,“但我认为的的工作也能启迪心灵。”
- 20. Without her pressurising you from afar, my guess is it will be easier to work out what's really eating you.
- 没有远方的压力,我想你能更容易发现真正困扰你的是什么。
- 21. I guess I'm just going to have to work that little bit harder so maybe the table can turn next time I play her.
- 我想今后我还要训练得更刻苦些,以便下次再碰到她时能报一箭之仇。
- 22. Yes, I guess he could be bright to work for somebody else.
- 他倒是可以聪明点,给别人工作。
- 23. And I guess that's part of why you have to work to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish in the moment, and not count on the result being a certain way, or you just end up a bitter alcoholic.
- 所以工作的时候要尽力,但是不要指望结果就是一种必然结果,否则结果就是一杯苦酒了。
- 24. Eli Goldratt wrote many books, and among them these four stand out as having changed my work (and life, I guess) for the better.
- EliGoldratt写了很多书,这其中有四本特别优秀,很值得一读,这四本书也改变了我的工作(我猜也改变了我的生活)。
- 25. I nodded. "I guess that could work."
- 我点头道:“我猜那样可能行!”
- 26. Adobe has recently announced they will be publishing the specifications for RTMP. The guess is that it will eventually work its way into other products.
- Adobe最近宣布将要发布rtmp规范,由此我猜想它最终将会得到其他产品的支持。
- 27. Our best guess is that it's to do with working hours and perhaps commuting to work, meaning people have a less suitable lifestyle for a dog.
- 于是我们最终猜想,这可能与工作时间有关,或是这样说,人们经常在外工作,因此比高不合适养狗。
- 28. Using an unpredictable or unique file name doesn't work by itself because an attacker can repeatedly guess until success.
- 使用“不可预知的”或者“惟一的”文件名也没有用,因为攻击者可以反复猜测该文件名,直到成功为止。
- 29. As soon as you have a dodgy web hosting provider, you add more guess work to your campaigns.
- 如果你的网路托管提供商不可靠的话,那你的广告更多地要靠猜了。
- 30. As soon as you have a dodgy web hosting provider, you add more guess work to your campaigns.
- 如果你的网路托管提供商不可靠的话,那你的广告更多地要靠猜了。