- 1. Psychologist call this groupthink.
- 心理学家称此为“趋同思维”。
- 2. The Impact of Group Development on Groupthink;
- 形成羽毛状群体的珊瑚。
- 3. This “groupthink” occurs when people copy one another.
- 这种“群体思维”出现在人们有从众行为的时候。
- 4. This "groupthink" occurs when people copy one another.
- 这种“群体思维”发生在人们一个个复制的时候。
- 5. We can combat groupthink by nurturing authentic dissent.
- 为了对抗这种思维,我们可以培育权威的不同意见。
- 6. What I really wanted wasn't just groupthink, it was love.
- 其实我不仅仅是想做集体思考,而是得到爱。
- 7. It is not just boards that suffer from groupthink; entire sectors do.
- 不是只有董事会才会形成群体思维;它也可能出现在整个行业中。
- 8. Close-knit teams are particularly susceptible to the pull of groupthink.
- 组织严密的团队特别容易受到集体思维力量的影响。
- 9. Close - knit teams are particularly susceptible to the pull of groupthink.
- 组织严密的团队特别容易受到集体思维力量的影响。
- 10. No doubt groupthink explains why some boards end up committing to an idiotic course of action.
- 毫无疑问,集体思维解释了一些董事会之所以最终得出愚蠢做法的原因。
- 11. However, because groupthink has similar causes to polarization, much the same approach can be used.
- 然而,由于趋同思维与极化现象具有类似的原因,大致上适用于趋同思维的方法也适用于极化现象。
- 12. Turns out, no - they're addicted to the same media we are and subject to the same groupthink...
- 其实并不是,他们只是喜好媒体的报道,而且被集体思维所支配。
- 13. She adds: "Groupthink in business is always a risk factor" - either in the boardroom or on two wheels.
- 她同时表示:“趋同思维在商界永远是个危险因素”。无论是在会议室里还是自行车上。
- 14. Mr Mauboussin argues that problems occur when persity breaks down and “groupthink” starts to take over.
- 毛布森(Mausoussin)先生认为,当差别性不发生作用,“集体商议”开始起效时,问题便会发生。
- 15. Its main conclusion - that Banks need more women on boards to combat groupthink - is one of our main arguments.
- 它的主要结论:银行需要更多女人来对抗小集团思想,是一大争论焦点。
- 16. According to Dr List: “The swarm manages to block and prevent the kind of groupthink that can bedevil good decision making.”
- 据List报道:“摇摆舞”阻止并预防了这种妨碍正确决定过程的‘群体思维’。”
- 17. Finally with the introduction of the cultural variable, the elementary cross - cultural research of groupthink is made.
- 最后,通过文化变量的引入,对群体思维的跨文化研究进行了初步的探讨。
- 18. Of course, Miller cautions, swarm behaviour in humans can have a downside, especially when it manifests as groupthink or peer pressure.
- 当然,米勒也提醒人类的群体行为也有带来某些负面影响,尤其是形成利益集团或者集体施压的之后。
- 19. 7another form of groupthink occurs when people are either isolated from crucial sources of information or dominated by other members of the group.
- 另一种形式的“群意”行为发生在人们要不是无法得到重要信息或者是信息被群体中的其他人所控制(一些人可能心存不轨)的情况下。
- 20. The reason, he believes, lay in "groupthink... and pressure to get business done" -as well as a sheer lack of understanding about how the models worked.
- 他相信,其中的原因在于“小团体思想……和完成交易的压力”——以及对模型的运作方式完全不了解。
- 21. "Groupthink" describes a process by which intelligent inpiduals, working in a group, can reach a worry-free outlook that is not justified by the facts.
- “群体决策”说的则是这样一个过程,诸多的高知识的个体,组成一个群体,他们可以达成一项表面上无需担忧的答案,然而这种答案却是未经实践验证的。
- 22. This has caused critics to grumble that despite their professed free-thinking, Apple aficionados are actually suffused with groupthink. It's an interesting irony.
- 这一点已引起了激烈的批评,更不用说他们标榜的自由思想,苹果的狂热者中弥漫着集体的思维,这简直是一种讽刺。
- 23. The lesson of the latest IPCC row is that its authors and organisers must fight harder against groupthink—and speedily implement the new conflict-of-interest policy.
- 从气候委员会最新一系列事件中所吸取的教训就是,它的作者和组织都必须更加尽力地对抗群体思维——并且迅速实施新的利益冲突政策。
- 24. While groupthink may ultimately exist within the partnership model, it doesn't have to be nor should partnerships let it be the deciding factor at the end of the day.
- 虽然合伙模式最终可能免不了有趋同思维,但说到底这不一定非得是决定性因素,合伙制企业也不应让其成为决定性因素。
- 25. The prevalent mentality is consensus, groupthink. Acting with the crowd ensures an acceptable mediocrity; acting independently runs the risk of unacceptable underperformance.
- 现在盛行的心态就是要一致从众。人们可以接受随大流带来的平庸,无法接受特立独行时面临跑输大盘的风险。
- 26. Once inpiduals are arrested in large Numbers (well over 1,000 had been by the time the Economist went to press), powerful peer networks and the groupthink that goes with them can be broken.
- 但是一旦大量人被捕(截止本刊出版,已有超过1000人被捕),他们所属的强大的同等群体网和集体趋同思维就会被摧毁。
- 27. Once inpiduals are arrested in large numbers (well over 1, 000 had been by the time The Economist went to press), powerful peer networks and the groupthink that goes with them can be broken.
- 但是一旦大量人被捕(截止本刊出版,已有超过1000人被捕),他们所属的强大的同等群体网和集体趋同思维就会被摧毁。
- 28. Once inpiduals are arrested in large numbers (well over 1, 000 had been by the time The Economist went to press), powerful peer networks and the groupthink that goes with them can be broken.
- 但是一旦大量人被捕(截止本刊出版,已有超过1000人被捕),他们所属的强大的同等群体网和集体趋同思维就会被摧毁。