- 1. This is a ground-breaking achievement.
- 这是一个具有开拓性的成就。
- 2. A ground-breaking ceremony of the project was held in the morning.
- 该工程于当天早上举行了动土仪式。
- 3. I am pleased to report that much ground-breaking activity is now under way.
- 我很高兴地报告,现在正在开展许多开拓性的活动。
- 4. Ground-breaking for this curvy 24-story office building is expected sometime in 2013.
- 这栋具有开拓性的24层流线型建筑预计在2013年竣工。
- 5. As serendipitous discoveries go, it's hard to get more ground-breaking than that.
- 在今后的意外发现中,很难找到比它更具突破性的发现了。
- 6. Surely revealing the inner workings of a shark is hardly ground-breaking research?
- 很显然,揭示鲨鱼的内部结构并不算什么突破性的研究吧?
- 7. Today's ground-breaking for the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo is an historic occasion.
- 今天是上海世博会美国馆动工的历史性时刻。
- 8. Read all about it in Dredging Today (“The industry’s ground-breaking news provider”, groan.)
- 详情见《疏浚今报》(提供河道疏浚行业的重大消息)。
- 9. Just dad is petrochina employees, petrochina very interested, so ready gave money ground-breaking.
- 恰好老爸就是中石油员工,对中石油很有好感,于是破天荒痛快地给了钱。
- 10. These are people who may stay to produce ground-breaking research, or return to run job-creating companies.
- 这些人中有些会留下来得到具有突破性的研究成果,或者回国开公司创造就业机会。
- 11. A subset of the letters, revealed for the first time, offer insight into the in-fighting behind the ground-breaking DNA research.
- 这信件中的一部分在初次公开后让我们一睹在开拓性的DNA研究背后的暗斗。
- 12. This week's ruling, though ground-breaking in some ways, is not binding on other federal courts or on other kinds of genetic patents.
- 尽管从某些角度上看,本周的这个判决是具有开拓性的,但它对其他联邦法院或者是其它种类的基因专利权是没有约束力的。
- 13. The award is as much recognition of that ground-breaking quartet as of the new book, which has so many echoes of its forerunners.
- 这部最新作品所获的殊荣实际上也就是对他四部小说的成就给予了同样的肯定,因为它与作家的前三部小说有着如此之多的共鸣。
- 14. Tests were requested by the unnamed club after British scientists carried out ground-breaking research into common football injuries.
- 自英国科学家在常见足球伤害领域进行了突破性的研究后,一家匿名的足球俱乐部便申请为该部球员做DNA测试。
- 15. Tzu Chi volunteers held a ground-breaking ceremony to celebrate the launch of a village relocation project for Rouli Township residents.
- 慈济志工举办动土奠基仪式,庆祝若笠乡迁村计画。
- 16. A yearly release is something that I could live with even though 18 months would provide more of a chance to introduce ground-breaking features.
- 周期为一年的释放是我所使用的,十八个月可以有更多的机会得到震撼的特性。
- 17. Apple is launching the next generation of its ground-breaking tablet computer just as its main adversaries are releasing their first such devices.
- 平板电脑是苹果最先推出的产品,目前正在推广平板新一代产品,而此时苹果的主要竞争对手们才刚刚推出其首款设备。
- 18. An obscure group of concerned citizens gathers in a distant corner of the country and there, for the good of the nation, makes a ground-breaking proposal.
- 一群关心国事的民众聚集在国家的某个遥远的角落为国出谋划策,提出了一个前所未有的倡议。
- 19. Six wins, six poles, four podiums and 97 points may not be ground-breaking statistics, but then you wouldn't expect records in a season as competitive as this.
- 六个分站赛冠军,六个杆位,四次登上领奖台和97个积分可能并不是一个突破性的成就,但是人们起初并没料到这样的分数会如此具有竞争力。
- 20. Monash university, as one of the largest university in Australia, is leading the way with its international focus, ground-breaking research and academic excellence.
- 莫那什作为澳大利亚最大的大学之一,它的国际知名度,研究和学术成果在世界上享有盛誉。
- 21. Now, several decades on from these ground-breaking proposals, it seems that the understanding of the genetic basis of diseases and of the responses to drugs is entering a new era.
- 现在进入一个新的时代,从这些具有突破性意义的建议开始的几十年来,与遗传变异相关的疾病和对药物反应的认识有了新的认识。
- 22. Obesity has emerged as a possible contributing factor in fatal swine flu cases, according to ground-breaking research looking at deaths caused by the pandemic in countries around the world.
- 据一项研究称,肥胖可能是导致甲流患者死亡的影响因素。这项针对世界各地甲流导致死亡的研究极具开拓性。
- 23. Before we outline some of their ground-breaking conclusions, let'sset the stage by looking at some of the traditional problems and dilemmas facedby most medical and health-care professionals.
- 在我们描绘出一些“划时代”的结论之前,让我们先设定一个台阶,看看一些被大多数医疗和检查健康的教授认为的传统医疗问题和困境。
- 24. The study followed a ground-breaking survey published 60 years ago by Dr Alfred Kinsey, also of the University of Indiana, and another study with nationwide reach which was published in 1994.
- 该项研究继承了60年发表以前同样来自印第安纳大学的Alfred Kinsey的突破性的调查和另一篇1994年发表的全国性研究论文。
- 25. The album sees them re-living past glories but not really breaking any new ground.
- 在这张专辑中他们重温了昔日的辉煌成就,却没有任何真正新的突破。
- 26. Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate and being thrown to the ground—possibly breaking a nose, back, or neck.
- 穿着高跟鞋也会造成鞋跟被人行道裂缝或阴沟栅卡住以及摔倒在地上的危险,穿鞋的人有可能会摔断鼻子、背部或脖子。
- 27. Spider got very mad and threw the pot to the ground, breaking it into many pieces.
- 蜘蛛非常生气,把罐子扔到地上,摔成许多碎片。
- 28. Spider got very mad and threw the pot to the ground, breaking it into many pieces.
- 蜘蛛非常生气,把罐子扔到地上,摔成许多碎片。