- 1. "They must scurry back through the grimy crevices from where they had crept," says the New Times.
- 《新时代》杂志说:“它们必须从它们曾经爬过的地方,从肮脏的缝隙里迅速跑回来。”
- 2. Both dogs looked grimy.
- 两条狗看起来很肮脏。
- 3. The walls are grimy.
- 墙上都是污渍。
- 4. Pug rubbed a hand over his grimy stubby face.
- 帕格伸手摸了摸他那肮脏的、胡子拉茬的脸。
- 5. Suddenly a grimy hand was stuck out of the window.
- 忽然,从窗户伸进一只肮脏的手。
- 6. It's a grimy move, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
- 虽然这一招不怎么光明正大,但有时你要达到目的就得不择手段。
- 7. Yet to be combed, trivial thoughts are tangled into grimy wisps.
- 琐碎的思绪没有经过梳洗,揉成一个脏兮兮的头发团。
- 8. Something was sticking from the pocket of the little man's grimy shorts.
- 小个子男人脏乎乎的短裤口袋里鼓鼓的,伸出来个什么东西。
- 9. The walls, grimy with sections of peeling paint, revealed decades of hard living.
- 墙壁的漆已经剥落,并且很脏,显露出十多年这里的艰苦环境。
- 10. Floral cloth from flour sacks replaced the burlap-bag curtains covering the grimy window.
- 他用从面粉袋子上剪下来的花布做成窗帘,换下了原来挂在肮脏不堪的窗户上的粗麻布口袋。
- 11. Even the once-grimy boardwalk now feels more like a smaller-scale version of Rio's Ipanema.
- 甚至一度肮脏污秽的木板人行道现在也象是里约热内卢伊帕内玛海滩木板人行道的缩小版了。
- 12. Across from the recycling center, there's a grimy shop with two battered video game consoles.
- 在废品回收中心对面,有一间阴暗的小店里有2台游戏机。
- 13. Examples of this kind are dirt bikes that are designed to conquer hard, rough and grimy treks.
- 这方面的例子实物污垢自行车,目的是征服困难,粗糙和肮脏跋涉。
- 14. “Now they must scurry back through the grimy crevices…from where they had crept,” says the New Times.
- 新闻时报说“现在他们必须从穿过肮脏的裂口逃生。。。 就从他们曾经爬过的地方.
- 15. "Now they must scurry back through the grimy crevices... from where they had crept," says the New Times.
- 新闻时报说“现在他们必须从穿过肮脏的裂口逃生…就从他们曾经爬过的地方。”
- 16. The promised gold of the Reagan years, burnished to a shine in the new millennium, has turned a grimy yellow.
- 里根年代许下的那个打磨得熠熠生辉、阳光般照亮新千年的金色愿望,现在已变成肮脏的黄色了。
- 17. We could see it pumping furiously in his grimy hand. He then put the heart in my hand where I felt it beating and slowing.
- 接着,史蒂文挖出了小鸟那颗仍在跳动的心脏,我们可以看到那颗心脏在他只脏手上猛烈地抽动着,他把那颗心脏放在我的手心,我感觉到那颗心仍在跳动,并且逐渐慢了下来,我又把它放到了哥哥的手中,在那里抽动了一两下,就停止了心跳。
- 18. It is a humiliating climbdown for a country that, until a few months ago, imported Polish workers to do its grimy jobs.
- 对于一个直到数月前还在引进波兰工人干脏活的国家来说,这是一种令人屈辱的倒退。
- 19. You'd think I'd be afraid to touch the iPad with grimy hands, but it's just the opposite because it is so easy to clean.
- 你会以为我会害怕用脏手触摸ipad,但恰恰相反,因为这很容易清洁。
- 20. Application developers may find compute clouds soft, fluffy, and convenient, but a cloud administrator faces the grimy truth.
- 应用程序开发人员可能觉得计算云很方便、很灵活,但是云管理员要应对艰巨的任务。
- 21. Occasionally, he slept in five-star hotels, but other nights, when his prize winnings thinned, he crashed in grimy train stations.
- 偶尔,他会入住五星级饭店,但另一个晚上,如果奖金减少时,就住在肮脏的火车旅馆。
- 22. It happens to be Africa's second biggest maize producer and a big wheat producer too. But then look at Addis Ababa's grimy grain market.
- 它恰巧也是非洲第二大玉米生产国及小麦生产大国,可首都亚的斯亚贝巴的粮食市场却又脏乱不堪。
- 23. Wild behaviour hurt his form; punishment meant long bans and lossof rankings, so that he had to slog time and again through grimy qualifying rounds.
- 狂野的举止损害了他的形象;协会处罚意味着长期的禁赛和排名的下滑,导致他不得不一而再地为肮脏的资格赛忙活。
- 24. The setting is misty, murky and grimy – so surreal and nightmarish, it seems as if the children’s dreams wouldn’t be pleasant enough to please Krank anyway.
- 电影场景设定成雾气迷蒙、阴暗肮脏的样子,荒诞不经宛如梦魇,仿佛孩子们的梦境也不够令人愉悦,无法让克兰克满意。
- 25. The setting is misty, murky and grimy – so surreal and nightmarish, it seems as if the children's dreams wouldn't be pleasant enough to please Krank anyway.
- 电影场景设定成雾气迷蒙、阴暗肮脏的样子,荒诞不经宛如梦魇,仿佛孩子们的梦境也不够令人愉悦,无法让克兰克满意。
- 26. A few blocks east, he arrived at Mars Bar, the grimy pe where tourists go in search of authentic punks and authentic punks go to start drinking at midday.
- 接着他又向东走了几个街区来到MarsBar酒吧。游客经常来这里寻找真正的朋克,而朋克们常在中午来这里喝酒。
- 27. After I finally get the door to lean against the grimy brick exterior and lean over to pick up the bag, the door slams shut, making me jump about 6 feet in the air.
- 我花了九牛二虎之力把门斜倚在肮脏的外墙上再俯身拿起垃圾袋的时候,这门突然呯的关上了,吓得我凭空跳起6英尺。
- 28. After I finally get the door to lean against the grimy brick exterior and lean over to pick up the bag, the door slams shut, making me jump about 6 feet in the air.
- 我花了九牛二虎之力把门斜倚在肮脏的外墙上再俯身拿起垃圾袋的时候,这门突然呯的关上了,吓得我凭空跳起6英尺。