- 1. Edith was seen as a conniving, greedy woman.
- 伊迪丝被认为是个与人共谋和贪婪的女人。
- 2. He attacked greedy bosses for awarding themselves big raises.
- 他攻击那些给自己大幅涨工资的贪婪的老板们。
- 3. These guys destroyed the company. They're all a bunch of greedy pigs.
- 这些家伙毁了公司。他们是一群贪婪的猪。
- 4. Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes.
- 吉尼西丝录制了一首歌曲,对买下并拆毁他人家园的贪婪房地产开发商进行抨击。
- 5. Mary became an honest girl and was never greedy again.
- 玛丽成了一个诚实的女孩,再也不贪心了。
- 6. This isn't a battle between garment workers and greedy bosses.
- 这不是制衣工人和贪婪老板之间的一场战争。
- 7. He ran his greedy eyes over them, searching for the thinnest ones.
- 他贪婪的眼睛扫视着它们,寻找最瘦的。
- 8. We were not only assumed to be thieves but brilliant, greedy thieves.
- 我们不仅被认为是小偷,而且是聪明、贪婪的小偷。
- 9. The sight of these greedy young hedgehogs stuffing themselves with fried ham makes me feel positively famished.
- 看到这些贪吃的小刺猬把油炸火腿填得满满一腮帮子,我真是饿坏了。
- 10. This sea-water also kills off the greedy giant apple snail, an introduced pest that feeds on young rice plants.
- 海水也杀死了贪婪的巨头苹果蜗牛,这种外来害虫以水稻幼苗为食。
- 11. Once upon a time, in a beautiful mountain inn, there was a greedy old innkeeper who was always thinking about money.
- 从前,在一个美丽的山间客栈里,有一个贪婪的老店主,他总是想着赚钱。
- 12. The lure of money is strong for those who are greedy for wealth, but weak for those who regard material wealth as dung.
- 金钱对贪婪财富的人来说具有很大的诱惑力,但对视物质财富如粪土的人来说诱惑力却很小。
- 13. At the same time, this sea-water also kills off the greedy giant apple snail, an introduced pest that feeds on young rice plants.
- 与此同时,海水也杀死了贪婪的巨型苹果蜗牛,一种以水稻幼苗为食的外来害虫。
- 14. I know this is true because I was once a greedy and unhappy person and because those are the types of people I associated myself with.
- 我知道这是真的,因为我曾经就是一个贪婪和不快乐的人,因为当时我所接触的人就是这种类型的。
- 15. The lights go off, and the din of the tourists turns from a momentary grumble of protest to a greedy growl to whispered disappointment.
- 灯光熄灭了,一时间游客的噪声从短暂的抗议的抱怨声变成了贪婪的咆哮声,接着变成了失望的低语声。
- 16. The Democrats tended to view society as a continuing conflict between "the people"—farmers, planters, and workers—and a set of greedy aristocrats.
- 民主党人倾向于把社会看作是“平民”(农民、种植园主和工人)和一群贪婪的贵族之间持续的斗争。
- 17. The shareholders are greedy for profit.
- 股东们都利欲熏心。
- 18. The greedy pig's eaten all the biscuits!
- 那个馋猫把饼干都吃光了!
- 19. He stared at the diamonds with greedy eyes.
- 他眼巴巴地盯着这些钻石。
- 20. You greedy pig! You've already had two helpings!
- 你这个馋嘴!你已经吃了两份了!
- 21. The King came to know of the pot, and he was very greedy.
- 国王知道了这个锅,他非常贪婪。
- 22. Though I will not tell anyone, I want you not to be greedy and never to do anything wrong.
- 虽然我不会告诉任何人,但我希望你不要贪心,永远不要做错事。
- 23. I asked myself what mistakes I had made in educating my son so that he acted in such a greedy way.
- 我问自己在教育儿子时犯了哪些错误,以至于他以如此贪婪的方式行事。
- 24. A man can't be so greedy, maybe thing will go to an opposite side if we want to finish a thing in one time.
- 一个人不能这么贪心,如果我们想一次完成一件事情,事态可能会背道而驰。
- 25. The point is that you should be happy with what you already have and not risk losing it by being greedy and trying to get more.
- 关键是你应该为你已经拥有的感到高兴,而不是冒着失去它的风险变得贪婪和试图得到更多。
- 26. You are indeed greedy.
- 你可真贪。
- 27. The boy cannot be hungry; it is sheer greedy.
- 这孩子不是肚子饿,就是馋嘴。
- 28. That big-bellied fellow was very cruel and greedy.
- 那个大腹便便的家伙既贪婪又残恶。
- 29. I love everything. I'm greedy.
- 我爱一切,我很贪心。
- 30. Why is little brother so greedy?
- 为什么小弟如此贪婪?