- 1. One cause of goitre is iodine deficiency.
- 原因之一甲状腺肿是缺碘。
- 2. The horizontal time goitre reduces to vanishes completely.
- 平卧时肿物缩小至完全消失。
- 3. The angel has no goitre; it is the artist who has the goitre.
- 天使没有甲状腺肿,是艺术家有甲状腺肿。
- 4. Goitre: Enlargement of gland, causing a prominent swelling at the throat.
- 甲状腺肿:一种临床征象,表现为甲状腺体积增大,导致颈部前方肿胀。
- 5. Treatment may not be necessary if the goitre is not caused by disease and is small.
- 治疗可能没有必要,如果甲状腺肿并非所造成的疾病和是小。
- 6. Goitre can occur as a normal feature of puberty and pregnancy and is not caused by disease.
- 甲状腺肿可发生作为一个正常的特点,青春期和怀孕,是不是所造成的疾病。
- 7. The prevalence of goitre in the different samples ranged from 12.2% to 77.7% and was 38.8% overall.
- 不同样本中甲状腺肿的患病率在12.2%到77.7%的范围内变化,总体为38.8%。
- 8. The course of disease in patients with ASST was longer with large wheatland sunjecto having goitre.
- ASST阳性患者较阴性患者病程长,风团数量多、面积大,易出现甲状腺肿大。
- 9. Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and surgical treatment of the substernal goitre.
- 目的:探讨胸骨后甲状腺肿的临床特点、诊断与外科治疗。
- 10. Objective To study therapeutic effect of juvenile endemic Goitre by combined auricular-acupuncture and iodine salt.
- 目的:观察耳针配合加碘盐治疗青少年地方性甲状腺肿大的临床疗效。
- 11. Simple goitre, the most frequent result, is most common in areas without access to salt water and is rare along seacoasts.
- 最常发生的单纯性甲状腺肿在不易接近盐水的地区最为普遍,而在沿海地区较少见。
- 12. Objective To provide the background data to evaluate the morbidity of goitre affected by normal or fallout of a nuclear power plant.
- 目的提供核电正常运行或核电事故对儿童健康影响相应的基础资料。
- 13. According to evaluation of international criteria, goitre rate at ultrasonic level in 10-year-old children in Harbin City is 8. 5%, being mild in iodine-deficient population.
- 按国际标准评价,哈尔滨市区10岁儿童的甲状腺肿大率为8.5%,属于轻度缺碘人群。
- 14. In Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu, iodine deficiency and related goitre are endemic although, in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, great progress was made recently through salt iodization.
- 在斐济、巴布亚新几内亚和瓦努阿图,碘缺乏及甲状腺肿为地方流行病,尽管斐济和巴布亚新几内亚最近通过食盐碘化行动在疾病控制方面取得了很大进展。
- 15. To describe the status of iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) in the Sudan more than 25 years after the initiation of IDD control programmes and to explore the causes of endemic goitre in the country.
- 旨在描述在碘缺乏症控制计划启动的25年多之后苏丹碘缺乏症的现状并探讨该国家地方性甲状腺肿的原因。
- 16. To describe the status of iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) in the Sudan more than 25 years after the initiation of IDD control programmes and to explore the causes of endemic goitre in the country.
- 旨在描述在碘缺乏症控制计划启动的25年多之后苏丹碘缺乏症的现状并探讨该国家地方性甲状腺肿的原因。