- 1. Or for risotto, you must have hot stock or you slow the cooking down too much and end up with gluey rice.
- 或烩饭,你必须有热门股票,或者您慢下来的太多,烹调结束胶饭了。
- 2. Or a croissant, crisp as thin caramel on the outside, breaking into slightly gluey , buttery white flakes.
- 想象一块羊角面包,表面涂着薄薄一层焦糖,口感松脆清新,小心切开,雪白的面包片略觉发黏,黄油浓郁;
- 3. Please refer to the attachment and help evaluate the modeling charge of gluey shell and ironware of this product. Thanks.
- 请见附件的图纸,请帮忙评估此产品的胶壳、五金的开模费;谢谢!
- 4. Objective: To find a accessiorial diagnose of hepatocirrhosis we can determine the serum gluey IV inthe hepatis sufferers.
- 前言: 目的:检测不同肝病患者的血清IV型胶原含量,以判断其在肝硬化诊断中的应用。
- 5. " Casein, or "cheese painting, "is a medium in which pigments are tempered with the gluey curd of cheese or milk precipitate. "
- 酪蛋白颜料画的颜料是把颜料与奶酪的胶质凝乳,或牛奶沉淀物混合…
- 6. A host of biochemical changes sticks the population of cells together, forming a gluey biofilm that even a potent cocktail of antibiotics struggles to shift.
- 大量生物化学变化把他们的细胞粘贴在一起,形成一层胶状的生物膜,这层膜即使是烈性的混合抗生素也难以攻克。
- 7. By checking the large hanging type asynchronous motor for the gluey condition of babbit of the sliding bearing, a quality problem of the bearing is found.
- 通过检查大型悬挂式异步电动机滑动轴瓦锡基轴承合金粘合情况,找出轴瓦存在的质量问题。
- 8. This paper described the principle of electrostatic flannel-plan - ting and introduced the device design of electrostatic flannel-planting in sealing gluey stripe.
- 本文论述了静电植绒原理及在密封胶条植绒上的应用。介绍了静电植绒设备的设计方法。
- 9. Many of the world's 675-plus carnivorous species set passive traps. A bun-size butterwort bristles with gluey hairs that ensnare insects until digestive juices do their work.
- 食肉植物约有675多种,很多都会守株待兔。一株面包大小的捕虫瑾,胶质茸毛,全部展开,引诱昆虫,直至分泌消化液,才合拢。
- 10. The research content included the renewal of secondary fiber's activity, the effective removal of gluey materials and the bleaching of high-kappa number pulp made of secondary fiber.
- 研究内容包括:二次纤维活性的恢复、胶粘物的有效去除以及高硬度二次纤维纸浆的漂白。
- 11. The research content included the renewal of secondary fiber's activity, the effective removal of gluey materials and the bleaching of high-kappa number pulp made of secondary fiber.
- 研究内容包括:二次纤维活性的恢复、胶粘物的有效去除以及高硬度二次纤维纸浆的漂白。