- 1. The fresh air had brought a healthy glow to her cheeks.
- 新鲜空气使她两颊红润、精神焕发。
- 2. There was no light except for the occasional glow of a cigarette.
- 除偶尔有香烟的微弱红光外没有一点亮光。
- 3. Exercise will give you a glow of satisfaction at having achieved something.
- 体育锻炼会带给你一种有所成就的喜悦。
- 4. They fill these tubes with gases that glow when electrified.
- 他们在这些管子里注入了通电后会发光的气体。
- 5. They reached the cottage, which seemed to glow in the evening light.
- 他们来到了小屋,它似乎在晚霞下闪闪发光。
- 6. Sunset casts a warm glow over the tufa formations as seagulls forage for dinner.
- 海鸥在寻找晚餐时,夕阳在凝灰岩地层投射了温暖的光辉。
- 7. Edison's bulb is, at its core, a burning filament that casts the glow of a flame.
- 爱迪生的灯泡,在它的中心,有一个燃烧的灯丝产生火焰的光芒。
- 8. The youngster's cheeks were in such a glow that it showed even through her sun-browned skin.
- 小女孩的双颊红扑扑的,棕黑色的皮肤在阳光下闪闪发光。
- 9. How could she stay indoors, when the glistening sunshine was pouring down and all the mountains seemed to glow?
- 当灿烂的阳光倾泻下来,所有的山似乎都在发光的时候,她怎么能呆在家里呢?
- 10. Her hair floats like a banner in the breeze and in the early morning light she seems to glow against a background of dark trees.
- 她的头发像在微风中的旗帜一样飘动,在清晨的晨光中,她似乎在黑暗树木的映衬下闪闪发光。
- 11. At night scan the horizon for artificial light sources such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution.
- 晚上,扫视地平线,寻找像火和街灯的人工光源,然后朝发光的光污染方向走。
- 12. He had a tube with electrodes potted in it filled with atomic hydrogen. And by applying a voltage, he was able to get the gas to glow.
- 他有一根装着电极的管子,里面充满了氢原子。通过施加电压,他能够使气体发光。
- 13. Astronomers then measure this glow and use it to correct telescope settings to overcome the blurring effect of the atmosphere on far-off images.
- 天文学家然后测量这个辉光,用它来纠正望远镜的设置以克服大气对遥远图像所造成的模糊效果。
- 14. They took genes from fireflies and bioluminescent marine bacteria and modified them that can be easily added to other organisms to make them glow.
- 他们从萤火虫和海洋荧光细菌中提取基因,并对它们进行了修改,可以很容易地添加到其他生物体中,使它们发光。
- 15. Fluorescent lights use electricity to excite mercury vapor. This produces ultraviolet light that causes a phosphor coating inside the bulb to glow.
- 荧光灯用电激发水银蒸气。这会生成紫外线光而使得镀在灯管内壁上的磷涂层发光.
- 16. She felt a small glow of satisfaction.
- 她感到了一丝满足的喜悦。
- 17. The candles shed a soft glow on her face.
- 蜡烛在她的脸上映着一层柔光。
- 18. The city was just a red glow on the horizon.
- 城市看上去只是地平线上的一片红光。
- 19. The cigarette's red glow danced about in the darkness.
- 香烟的红色暗光在黑暗中闪烁。
- 20. The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.
- 橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。
- 21. When she looked at her children, she felt a glow of pride.
- 看见自己的孩子,她就感到由衷的自豪。
- 22. The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow.
- 傍晚的阳光照暖了那道旧红砖墙,使它熠熠生辉。
- 23. The moisturizer gave my face a healthy glow that lasted all day.
- 这种润肤霜给我脸上带来了持续整天的一种健康的红光。
- 24. The engineers are also trying to develop an on-and-off "switch" where the glow would fade when exposed to daylight.
- 工程师们还试图研制一种间断式“开关”,当暴露在日光下时,光照会逐渐消失。
- 25. Do you see the mountains all in a glow?
- 你看到那些山都在发出红光吗?
- 26. Only when the glow had subsided, was Heidi able to follow the path again.
- 天色渐渐黯淡下来后,海蒂才能再次沿着小路走。
- 27. The peaks also started to glow, and Heidi suddenly called to the boy, "Oh, Peter, look!"
- 山峰也开始发出红光了,海蒂突然对小男孩喊道:“哦,彼得,看!”
- 28. Presently there came a quivering glow that vaguely revealed the foliage for a moment and then vanished.
- 过了一会儿,一道颤动的亮光隐约地照亮了树叶,然后就消失了。
- 29. Tom experienced a glow of pride and a renewed sense of the compensating advantages of the kingly office.
- 汤姆感受到一种强烈的自豪感,也重新体会到做国王所带来的好处。
- 30. The sun cast a glow through the big window and covered the cold and dark feeling that only a hospital room can provide.
- 阳光透过大窗户照射进来,扫去了病房里才有的阴冷晦暗的气氛。