- 1. It buys boars but no gilts.
- 他们买公猪但是不买后备母猪。
- 2. Do not house gilts near stimulus boar.
- 刺激用的公猪附近不宜饲养小母猪。
- 3. As bank base rates rise, the price of gilts falls.
- 如果银行基本利率上升,国债的价格就下跌。
- 4. He planned to have the gilts farrow down about the end of May.
- 他计划让母猪大约在五月份产小猪。
- 5. How to maintain sow immunity particularly in replacement gilts!
- 如何保持母猪的免疫力,特别是后备母猪!
- 6. Selected Banks scour their vast client bases to sell the gilts directly.
- 银行可筛选大量的客户资料直接卖出金边债券。
- 7. They planned to have the gilts farrow down about the end of this month.
- 他们计划让母猪约在本月底下仔。
- 8. Multiparous sows expressed more oral behavioral Stereotypies than gilts sows.
- 经产母猪的各种口部行为规癖明显多于初产母猪。
- 9. Taihu gilts were selected as experiment group, and 40 large-white pigs as control one.
- 选用太湖后备母猪70头为试验组。40头大白猪为对照组。
- 10. UK 10-year gilts closed the month at 4.31%, while German 10-year bonds ended at 3.27%.
- 英国十年期金边债券在月内收报4.31%,而德国十年期债券则报3.27%。
- 11. However, this yield rise could be offset if the Bank buys more gilts in a further extension of QE.
- 但是,假如英格兰银行在更大规模的量化宽松政策中,购买更多的国债,所增加的收益又会被抵消。
- 12. Effect of transportation on cortisol concentrations and on the circadian rhythm of cortisol in gilts.
- 交通运输对皮质醇浓度的影响,以及小母猪的皮质醇因为昼夜节律的影响。
- 13. Yields on ten-year gilts have even fallen slightly since then, and all debt sales have been oversubscribed.
- 五月份以来十年期金边债券的收益甚至稍有下降,而且所有的债券都供小于求。
- 14. When gilts or sows enter oestrus in their reproductive cycles (about 21 days long) they are ready to be bred.
- 小母猪和大母猪的发情期大概是21天,这是她们的生理循环周期,准备繁殖阶段。
- 15. The first chunk is being used to buy government gilts, the UK's Press Association reported, at twice-weekly auctions.
- 据英联社报道,第一笔注入资金将在每周两次的拍卖会上用来购买国债。
- 16. Also, sow Productive Life is becoming increasingly important as gilts, sow housing and the feed they need become more expensive.
- 同样,由于母猪的繁殖寿命延长,栏舍及饲料成本也会增加。
- 17. Yields on the most commonly held American REITS are lower than those on treasury bonds, while prime British properties yield less than gilts.
- 最普遍持有的美国不动产投资信托的收益已经低于国债,同时英国最好的地产的收益率也已经低于金边债券。
- 18. One worry is that the public finances are in a mess, which might undermine confidence among foreign investors who hold a third of all gilts.
- 担心之一是公共财政的混乱可能会打击外国投资者的信心,这些人持有三分之一的国债。
- 19. The Bank's research shows that its purchases of gilts raised their price, as well as that of other securities that compete with government paper.
- 该行的研究报告表明,他们购买国债提高了国债的价格,以及那些与国债竞争的其它证券的价格。
- 20. Brokers were paid a fixed minimum commission on shares and gilts, which ripped off big clients, and jobbers lacked the capital to deal in big amounts.
- 股票经纪人的手续费是固定的,这使得大客户深为不满,而做市商缺乏资本经营大宗业务。
- 21. One eof the most ironic things I see in Russia is commercial companies buying F1 gilts only when their own Nucleus or Multiplication farms break with disease!
- 我在俄罗斯看到的最讽刺的事情是,一些商业公司只在他们的核心场或扩繁场爆发疾病时才会购买%F1 代后备母猪!
- 22. We have two pedigree Middle Whites sows and a British Lop, which is currently the rarest rare-breed pig in England. We also have two pedigree Berkshire gilts.
- 我们有两种血统的母猪,中约克夏和垂耳猪。目前,它们在英格兰是很稀少的猪种。除此之外还有两个其他血统的猪,它们是伯克夏黑白花母猪。
- 23. When the bank of England buys gilts from the private sector as part of its QE programme, it pays for them by crediting the reserves account of the seller's bank.
- 当英国央行从私企购买证券,做为量化宽松政策的一部分时,采用的是赊给卖方银行储备账户的方式。
- 24. Where we have been able to conclude that these rules are unnecessary, such as for intra-UK corporate interest payments, Eurobonds and gilts, we have abolished them.
- 当我们确定以下规则不必要时,如英国国内公司利息支付,欧盟证券,金边证券,我们就统统取消了。
- 25. The most obvious impact was at the outset of the programme in March when yields on benchmark ten-year gilts fell sharply, but since then they have gone back up again.
- 最明显的影响是,三月份此计划刚刚出炉的时候10年期国债收益率暴跌,但是从那以后又反弹回来。
- 26. Ovulation rate is the principle factor limiting litter size in gilts and increasing the level of feed intake prior to mating will significantly increase ovulation rate.
- 排卵率是限制母猪窝重的主要因子,在配种前提高采食量能显著性地增加排卵效率。
- 27. At best there is a precautionary case: without fiscal tightening, the Tories fear, bond yields are bound to rise, especially when the Bank of England stops buying gilts.
- 充其量也只有保守党们会担心,不执行财政紧缩政策,尤其加上英格兰银行停止购买国债,债券收益率将会持续走高。
- 28. When prices go up, yields go down: they fell by about one percentage point on gilts and 0.7 points on the safest corporate bonds and by 1.5 points on riskier junk bonds.
- 当价格上升,产出就会降低,如镀金降低约1%,一些安全系数高的证券降低0.7%,风险垃圾证券会降低约1.5%。
- 29. When prices go up, yields go down: they fell by about one percentage point on gilts and 0.7 points on the safest corporate bonds and by 1.5 points on riskier junk bonds.
- 当价格上升,产出就会降低,如镀金降低约1%,一些安全系数高的证券降低0.7%,风险垃圾证券会降低约1.5%。