- 1. The gestation period of a horse is about eleven months.
- 马的怀孕期大约为十一个月。
- 2. The gestation period can be anything between 95 and 150 days.
- 妊娠期从95天至150天不等。
- 3. Extraembryonic mesoderm migrates through primitive streak to the presumptive yolk sac between days 6.5 and 7.0 of gestation.
- 胚外中胚层在妊娠的第6.5至7.0天之间通过原始条带迁移到推测的卵黄囊。
- 4. What is the gestation (pregnancy) period of a wolf?
- 狼的怀孕周期是多长?
- 5. Preterm is defined as less than 34 weeks' gestation.
- 胎龄未满34周为早产儿。
- 6. In the last weeks of gestation he'll gain about half a pound a week.
- 在怀孕的最后几周里他差不多会每周增重半磅。
- 7. Preterm birth is defined as a birth that takes place before 37 weeks gestation.
- 早产被定义为怀孕不到37周的生产。
- 8. After more than a year of gestation, Google finally introduced Google + in June.
- 经过一年多的酝酿,今年6月份,谷歌终于推出了Google +。
- 9. They decided to test this hypothesis on 152 infants born before 28 weeks of gestation.
- 于是,他们决定选取152个妊娠不足28周的婴儿进行实验。
- 10. Babies born before 37 weeks of gestation account for around 8% of births in the UK.
- 在母体发育少于37周的早产儿约占全英新生儿的8%。
- 11. Cook's biggest strength is moving products from gestation to the hands of over-eager customers.
- 库克最大的本事是把产品从酝酿期移到迫不及待的消费者手里。
- 12. Its rival, the slightly bigger A350, is on track to fly in early 2012 after a painful gestation.
- 的竞争机型-稍大的A350 -在痛苦的酝酿之后将于2012年初起飞。
- 13. During the euro's gestation in the 1990s, everyone knew that it was being created back-to-front.
- 上世纪90年代,欧元还处于酝酿之中。当时,所有人就知道它的创建实属本末倒置。
- 14. The women will receive 5, 000 IUs of vitamin D3 during gestation and 7, 000 IUs during lactation.
- 这名女性将在孕期被注入5,000国际单位的维生素d3,在哺乳期将被注入7,000国际单位。
- 15. Keepers said Asian elephants have the longest gestation period - at 22 months - of any animal in the world.
- 动物看护人员说,比起世界上其他动物来,亚洲象有最长的怀孕期——22个月。
- 16. Premature babies can survive from as early as 22 weeks' gestation, but they are on the border of viability.
- 早产婴儿虽然能在怀孕22周时存活,但是危险性极高。
- 17. The extraordinary length of the book's gestation meant that much changed between conception and publication.
- 该书酝酿时间之久惊人,这就意味着在谋篇布局和出版这本书的流程上变动很大。
- 18. But the preterm birth rate-defined as babies born before 37 weeks gestation-doesn't tell the whole story.
- 虽然早产率一般被定义为在妊娠期达到37周之前的分娩,但并不能断定那样就是安全的。
- 19. Studies using ultrasound have shown that fetuses exhibit REM sleep as early as the 23rd week of gestation.
- 研究者通过超声波发现,23周大的胎儿即开始在睡眠时快速移动眼球。
- 20. He found 138 instances in which one twin died before 16 weeks' gestation and the other was born and survived.
- 他找到了138例这样的双胞胎妊娠记录:一个胎儿在妊娠16周内死亡,另一个出生并存活下来。
- 21. The rate of pre-term births is highest in Africa, where 11.9% of babies are born before 37 weeks of gestation.
- 非洲国家的婴儿早产率最高,那里11.9%的婴儿是在母亲怀孕满37周前出生的。
- 22. The report said: "It can be concluded that the foetus cannot experience pain in any sense prior to this gestation."
- 报告中写道:“可以推论,胎儿在24周孕期之前不会感受到任何疼痛。”
- 23. A mummified fetus of at least seven months 'gestation was found in Tut's tomb along with a tinier, more fragile fetus.
- 在图坦卡蒙墓穴中发现的一个木乃伊胎儿,她至少已经在娘胎中待了七个月,墓中还有一具更小更脆弱的木乃伊胎儿。
- 24. This happens at seven to 19 weeks of gestation, a crucial time when many of the nerve cells are establishing their functions.
- 这一过程发生在妊娠后第7至第19周之间,这是一个关键时期,因为许多神经细胞正开始执行各自的功能。
- 25. He pointed out that the offspring of all mammals, including humans, can experience developmental defects during gestation.
- 他指出,所有哺乳动物包括人类在内的后代,在妊娠期间可以经历到发育所带来的缺陷。
- 26. As with so much happening today in Afghanistan, the midwives are foreigners, the gestation is troubled and the parents are hopeful.
- 今天,阿富汗正值多事之秋,人们的生活也随之变化:他们的接生婆是外国人;孕育新的生命似乎也要面对种种困难;父母们对子女更是充满了期待。
- 27. During the long gestation period for the rules, circulation came to be valued as a revenue source, while AD revenues were plummeting.
- 在漫长的孕育规则的过程中,发行量曾作为收入来源的指标,然而广告收入直线下降。
- 28. During the long gestation period for the rules, circulation came to be valued as a revenue source, while AD revenues were plummeting.
- 在漫长的孕育规则的过程中,发行量曾作为收入来源的指标,然而广告收入直线下降。