- 1. Meaningless! - in the face of a gazillion teenage girls.
- 无意义!——在许许多多的少女面前。
- 2. And, what happens if I put a gazillion of these things together?
- 然后,如果我把,许许多多这种东西放在一块会发生什么呢?
- 3. I work at a company where there are about a gazillion employees.
- 我工作的公司拥有不计其数的员工。
- 4. A tunnel was bored 12 meters into a hillside for a few gazillion lire.
- 一条隧道挖进山坡12米,颇费了几个数的大额里拉。
- 5. I've been shopping in gazillion department stores with my mom throughout the week.
- 这整个星期,我和我妈妈已经逛了成千上万家店铺了。
- 6. True, Roberts has written a gazillion love stories, but this one is a real standout.
- 罗伯茨的确已写了无数的爱情故事,但这本书是真正的上乘之作。
- 7. Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion.
- 想想吧,你是万里挑一、亿里挑一、兆里挑一的。
- 8. Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion...
- 想想吧,你是万里挑一、亿里挑一、兆里挑一的。
- 9. You've probably heard, many times, that a gazillion dollars in scholarship money goes unclaimed every year.
- 你也许曾多次听说过每年有上亿万美元的奖学金都无人认领。
- 10. No one that matters really and truly cares if you have a fancy car, big house, fancy clothes or make a gazillion dollars a year.
- 没有人真正关心你是否有漂亮的车,大房子,华丽的衣服或是巨额年薪。
- 11. Because it is so easy to hit that subscribe button, we now do ourselves another dis-service by subscribing to a gazillion blogs we don't even like anyway.
- 因为很容易就会点到那个订阅按钮,总会出现大量我们根本就不喜欢的博客。
- 12. Go meatless for your health, for the planet's health, to improve how you feel, how you live, how you eat — it's a single act with a gazillion profound consequences.
- 为了你的健康、为了地球的健康吃素,改善你的感受、你的生活和你的饮食-这个行动会产生许许多多深远的影响。
- 13. Streep for "inciting people's worst instincts" and poked fun at celebrities "talking about how vilified poor Hollywood is" while wearing "their gazillion-dollar gowns.
- 她指责斯特里普“煽动人们最恶劣的本能”,取笑名人们一边穿着“上亿美元的礼服,一边谈论可怜的好莱坞如何受到诋毁”。
- 14. In the last year, she said, the best-selling item in her online store has been a kit for building a terrarium in a small glass bubble. "We sold a gazillion of them, " she said.
- 她说在去年网上商店销售最好的是利用试管瓶制作的水晶球,她说:“我们买了很多。”
- 15. Searching the gazillion songs in Spotify’s catalog is fast and easy, but browsing your own saved playlists is an annoyingly affair, with much scrolling and clicking to find what you want.
- 在Spotify中搜索大量的歌曲简单快速,但是要浏览你保存的播放列表却是一件烦你人的线性操作,要不断的拖动点击直到你找到你想要的歌曲。
- 16. Of course, there are a gazillion ways to go about doing the same thing in Photoshop, though I hope the method I'm about to show you proves to be the most user friendly and non-destructive.
- 当然了,在photoshop中有很多种方法可以做到相同的效果,但是我希望我将要介绍的方法是最易于上手,和能最大限度保护源文件的。
- 17. The reason you come indecisive: although it will be difficult for you to tell: is because your soul is processing like a gazillion tons of informine below the surface of your conscious mind.
- 星座生日表。夷由不决的原因尽管对于来讲有点难以辩明,其实是由于的心灵正在在清醒头脑之下处理多量的信息。
- 18. The reason you are indecisive, although it will be difficult for you to tell, is because your soul is processing like a gazillion tons of information below the surface of your conscious mind.
- 犹豫不决的原因尽管对于来讲有点难以辩明,其实是因为的心灵正在在清醒头脑之下处理大量的信息。
- 19. Having your soul process a gazillion tons of information all at once is actually a good thing, although you won't, again, probably be able to tell until the entire fatiguing process is completed.
- 让的心灵在同一时间处理大量信息其实是一件好事,尽管在这个让疲惫的过程完之前无搞清楚。
- 20. Paris initially tried to stop the distribution of the tape but eventually agreed to its release... and now receives royalties (just in case, you know, her gazillion-dollar inheritance ever dries up).
- 帕丽斯最初试图阻止这段录影的传播,但最后同意其发布,而且现在已经获得了版税。
- 21. Paris initially tried to stop the distribution of the tape but eventually agreed to its release... and now receives royalties (just in case, you know, her gazillion-dollar inheritance ever dries up).
- 帕丽斯最初试图阻止这段录影的传播,但最后同意其发布,而且现在已经获得了版税。