- 1. For a start, all animals, such as cows, pigs and sheep, always gas limed methane, which is the second most common green house gas after carbon dioxide.
- 首先,所有的动物,如牛、猪和羊,总是排出石灰甲烷气体,这是继二氧化碳之后第二常见的温室气体。
- 2. The house is heated by gas.
- 这房子是煤气供暖的。
- 3. She was ordered out of her home by a fire marshal because the house next door had an explosion from a leaking gas main.
- 她被消防队长命令离开自己的家,因为隔壁房的煤气主管道泄漏发生了爆炸。
- 4. The house has gas-fired central heating.
- 这所房子有燃气中央供暖系统。
- 5. As he recalled it, a gas-driven pump being used broke down, spreading carbon monoxide through the house.
- 正如他回忆的那样,一个正在使用的气体驱动泵坏了,导致了一氧化碳在房子里扩散。
- 6. They have a house in the nearby village which lacks gas supply and sees electricity some hours in the morning and in the evening.
- 他们在附近的小村庄有住所,但是却缺少煤气供应,而且只有早上和晚上能用几个钟头的电。
- 7. Gas use is largely driven by home heating, so it is the size of your house and how well insulated it is that determines how much energy you use.
- 燃气主要用于家庭供暖,所以,燃气能源耗费的多少取决于住宅的大小及其隔热性能。
- 8. So here's what I've finally concluded: Geothermal was the right call in terms of finding an alternative to oil or gas boilers to heat the house, since we're in New England.
- 所以,我最后得出的结论是:既然我们住在新英格兰,那么要找到一种能够替代石油或天然气的取暖方式的话,地热是一个很不错的选择。
- 9. Each area has a set of defined and measurable green house gas (GHG) emissions, on which the majority of these organizations tend to focus their resources and energy.
- 每个领域都有一组已定义并且可测量的温室气体(GHG)排放,大部分这些组织的资源和能源都用于这些方面。
- 10. A bill that passed key committee in the house of Representatives in May aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 17 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels.
- 五月,众议院一个重要委员会通过了一项法案,订立的目标是至2020年,温室气体排放量在2005年基础上减少17%。
- 11. The first demand was easily met: the leaders of the House of Representatives and the Senate instructed their staff to convert the plant to run on natural gas, which burns more cleanly than coal.
- 第一个要求很容易就得到了满足:众议院和参议院的领导们指示他们的部下将发电机换成使用天然气的,这比用煤要清洁许多。
- 12. Give me the big house on the lake, the gas guzzling hummer and put it all on credit.
- 湖边的大房子和悍马车贷款就能马上到手。
- 13. if you turn on the lights when there is a gas leak,the house may explode. ;
- 如果在煤气泄漏的时候开灯,房子就可能会爆 炸.
- 14. One of the cars he was towing flew off and struck a house, crushing the air conditioner and gas main system, according to Fire Chief Barry Kobrin.
- 他拖的其中一辆车飞了出去撞到了一所房子上,撞碎了空调和天然气主要管道。据消防队长Kobrin说。
- 15. Nitrogen oxide released from nitrogen fertilisers accumulates in the atmosphere as a green house gas that is 300 times more damaging than carbon dioxide.
- 由氮肥产生的含氮氧化物等温室气体进入大气后,其产生危害能力二氧化碳的三百多倍。
- 16. On the way back, further down the hill, I found a small house opposite a restaurant that had a sign on it indicating that it had been gas chamber.
- 在回来的途中,往山下走时我发现在一家饭店对面的一所小房子上有个标牌,写着那曾经是毒气室。
- 17. For instance, some systems could house only Earthlike planets and no gas giants, Gould said.
- 古尔德说,比如一些星系只拥有类似地球的行星而没有气态巨行星。
- 18. Not only will they generate electricity but the surplus heat can be used to heat the house, meaning that all the energy in gas is productively used.
- 它们不但能发电,其余热还可以用来为房屋供暖,意味着燃气中的所有能量都被有效利用了。
- 19. The house of Representatives approved a bill earlier this month to stop the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, but the Senate rejected it.
- 这个月早些时候,众议院通过了一项法案,旨在阻止环保部门控制温室气体的排放,但遭到了参议院的反对。
- 20. In America, almost everything points in the right direction for the shale-gas industry, observes Paul Stevens of Chatham House, a think-tank.
- 智囊团查塔姆研究所的保尔·史蒂文斯评论道,在美国,几乎一切都指明了页岩气工业的正确道路。
- 21. Last year, the house passed a cap-and-trade bill that would have cut greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.
- 去年,众议院通过了总量管制与排放交易法案,该法案实施后,到2020年,温室气体排放量将比2005年削减17%。
- 22. Putting a price on carbon dioxide, as the cap-and-trade bill that passed the House in June would do, would make coal more expensive to burn and gas relatively cheaper.
- 因为考虑到释放二氧化碳的代价,并且众议院在六月份通过了排污交易法案(总量管制和交易法案),以煤为燃料将会比较昂贵,而燃烧天然气会比较便宜。
- 23. His theory is that enough people died that farm fields reforested and sucked up carbon dioxide establishing a kind of anti-green-house-gas effect.
- 他的理论是,由于太多人死亡,农田退化成森林,由此吸收了更多二氧化碳,形成一种“反温室效应”。
- 24. As I've mentioned, the house has already passed Waxman-Markey, a fairly strong bill aimed at reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
- 正如我之前所提到的,众议院已经通过了《维克斯曼-马基法案》,这一个旨在降低温室气体排放的相当强有力的法案。
- 25. They are piping the new house for gas.
- 他们正为新房子安装煤气管道。
- 26. Today, I pulled into a small gas station in the middle of the desert in New Mexico and realized I had left my wallet at my girlfriends house 5 hours away.
- 今天,当我把车开进新墨西哥州的一家沙漠加油站,我才意识到我的钱包落在了离那儿五个小时车程的女友家。
- 27. We have got a house with gas and water laid on.
- 我们有了装有煤气和自来水的房子。
- 28. The House has already passed a fairly strong cap-and-trade climate bill, the Waxman-Markey act, which if it becomes law would eventually lead to sharp reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
- 议院已经通过了一个相当强力的限制排放的气候议案——Waxman-Markey法案——如果它成为一条法律,将会最终使得温室气体排放量锐减。
- 29. To avoid breathing in poisonous gas, they didn't move into the newly decorated house immediately.
- 为避免吸入有毒气体,他们没有立即搬到新装修的房子里。
- 30. To avoid breathing in poisonous gas, they didn't move into the newly decorated house immediately.
- 为避免吸入有毒气体,他们没有立即搬到新装修的房子里。