- 1. So, what explains the furor?
- 那么,如何解释这份狂热呢?
- 2. This caused a furor.
- 此举引发轰动。
- 3. His choice of words created quite a furor.
- 他的措辞引起了相当大的轰动。
- 4. The furor over Greg's work breaks my heart.
- 大家对葛瑞格工作的愤怒着实让我伤心。
- 5. The half hour lecture caused an enormous furor.
- 那半小时的演讲引起了极大的轰动。
- 6. His comments caused a furor in the national press.
- 他的评论在国家报纸上引起了狂怒。
- 7. It is hard now to recall the furor his remarks caused.
- 现在很难回想起,他的话当时引起了怎样的狂怒。
- 8. Furor: This talent now works correctly with Cat Form again.
- 狂热:这个天赋将在猫形态下生效。
- 9. Munn says the furor helped her bond with her new colleagues.
- 穆恩说,这种狂热让她和同事们的关系更紧密。
- 10. Undoubtedly, this has created a furor among dog lovers all over.
- 毫无疑问,这已经创造了一个震怒当中爱狗人士都结束了。
- 11. The furor over Gallas's tackle after the Bolton game was incredible.
- 大家对加拉斯在对阵博尔顿的比赛中那次犯规出离愤怒。
- 12. Duke officials said the furor had not hurt their admissions or fund-raising efforts.
- 杜克大学校方表示这次变故没有影响他们的招生计划以及资金募集举措。
- 13. The furor died down, and I realized that none of it had any relevance to what I was doing.
- 对这本书的狂热逐渐平静下去了,我意识到这和我的写作没有任何关系。
- 14. Do you know where he went?” But we do not want to create what you would think of as a public furor.
- 你知道他去哪儿了吗?
- 15. Enrage and Furor should no longer initiate combat, though it will prevent rage decay for the duration.
- 激怒和暴怒将不会使目标进入战斗状态,虽然他们仍能在作用期间阻止怒气值下降。
- 16. Continuing with the topic of embedded systems, Greg asked about the current furor over the state of the ARM tree.
- 继续嵌入式系统的话题。格雷格问了关于最近对于ARM内核的争吵。
- 17. The furor she was causing among the men coupled with the heart-burnings of the other girls would have pleased her enormously at any other time.
- 她在男人里面造成的狂热,女人里面造成的妒忌,若在旁的时候,已经大可使她心满意足了。
- 18. Dr. Carlin remains on the job and free to talk to the news media, and since the furor his comments on the finding have been posted on the E. P. A.
- 卡林博士仍然在搞这个工作,仍然对新闻媒体自由发表言论,而且自从对该问题产生热议以来,他的评论就一直不断地发布在美国环保局的网站上。
- 19. John Lennon's remark that "we're more popular than Jesus, " which set off an anti-Beatle furor last year, was not a boast but an expression of disgust.
- JohnLennon的“我们比耶酥更受欢迎”去年曾激起很大的反披头士热潮,这并非自吹自擂,而是一种令人反感的表达。
- 20. According to the poll, 60 percent of voters approve of how Obama handled the furor over the Chicago minister, compared with 23 percent who disapprove.
- 民调显示60%的选民在奥巴马向那位芝加哥的牧师发怒的问题上表示支持,23%的选民表示反对。
- 21. Suleman's 14 children could fall on the shoulders of California's taxpayers, compounding the public furor in a state already billions of dollars in the red.
- 娜蒂亚舒蕾曼抚养14个孩子的经济负担很大部分要落在加利福尼亚的纳税人头上了,这让本已有数十亿赤字的加利福尼亚州引起公愤。
- 22. In 2009, the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued similar guidelines, which created a furor among breast cancer prevention advocates.
- 2009年,美国预防保健工作组(USPSTF)也发布过类似的指南,在预防乳腺癌工作的支持者中引发了愤怒。
- 23. But two decades after TV's Murphy Brown caused a public furor by having a child without a husband around, many people still draw the line when it comes to single motherhood.
- 当初美国经典喜剧《墨菲布朗》讲述了女主人公墨菲·布朗(Murphy Brown)没有丈夫却独自抚养孩子的事情,一时引起美国社会轰动,如今20年过去了,但在提及单身妈妈时,大多数美国人仍然拒不容忍。
- 24. To make this point one need only recall the pictures from Hiroshima or the international furor over the accidental but enormous radiation release from the Chernobyl power plant.
- 想明白这一点只需要回想一下广岛的景象以及切尔诺贝利核电站大规模放射性泄露事故所激起的国际公愤。
- 25. Furor surrounding a NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers has prompted very different assessments of future U. S. -Pakistani ties from two high-ranking American senators.
- 北约空袭造成24名巴基斯坦军人死亡的事件在巴基斯坦引发众怒;这也促使两名美国高阶国会参议员对今后的美巴关系作出非常不同的评估。
- 26. The eagerly awaited finale led to furor when li Yuchun, who reached stardom after winning the national singing contest "Super Voice Girls" in 2005, failed to gain a position on the beauty list.
- 人们翘首以待的结果当2005年赢得全国歌唱比赛“超级女声”冠军的李宇春没有在这个榜上获得一席之地时而白日化。
- 27. The eagerly awaited finale led to furor when li Yuchun, who reached stardom after winning the national singing contest "Super Voice Girls" in 2005, failed to gain a position on the beauty list.
- 人们翘首以待的结果当2005年赢得全国歌唱比赛“超级女声”冠军的李宇春没有在这个榜上获得一席之地时而白日化。