- 1. They crack and frizzle. They "weep" out additives. They melt into sludge.
- 它们裂开、弯曲。它们“渗出”添加剂。它们融化成糊状。
- 2. Blondarexia means that "Being so addicted to bleaching your hair that it's almost white, flat, monochromatic, and burnt to a frizzle."
- 金发女魔头意味着:“她们对染发有着狂热的兴趣,而且通常会将头发染烫成纯粹的金色卷发。”
- 3. wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead.
- 玫绝望地看着额前那参差不齐的刘海儿,痛苦失声。
- 4. She watched the paper curl and frizzle and burn; and presently they were ashes.
- 她注视着纸片卷曲、焦枯、燃烧;转眼间它们变成了灰烬。
- 5. One time Ms. Frizzle took us on a far-out adventure-all the way to outer space!
- 弗瑞斯老师有一次带领我们进行了一次奇特的冒险之旅——外太空旅行!
- 6. Frizzle announced that we'd be studying the weather, I thought it would be pretty boring.
- 当弗瑞斯夫人说我们要学习天气的知识时,我想那一定非常枯燥。
- 7. When Carlos brings a mystery rock to school, he hopes Ms. Frizzle will tell him what kind of rock it is.
- 卡洛斯把那块神秘的石头带到了学校,他希望弗瑞斯夫人可以告诉他那到底是什么岩石。
- 8. If only Rhett would let her cut bangs and frizzle them on her forehead, how much better this bonnet would look!
- 要是瑞德赞成她把头发剪成刘海式的,并在额前烫成鬈发,戴上这顶帽子还会好看得多呢!
- 9. Frizzle announced that we'd be studying the North Pole, I never thought it would lead us to the top of the world.
- 当弗瑞斯夫人说我们要学习北极的知识时,我根本没想到她会把我们带到这个世界的尽头来。
- 10. It isn't spoiled. Just frizzle it, and tie your ribbon so the ends come on your forehead a bit, and it will look like the last fashion.
- 没有完哩,把头发卷曲起来,上面扎根丝带,靠近额前打个结,这样看上就像是最时髦的发型。
- 11. Blondarexia, or, as the Urban Dictionary defines it: 'Being so addicted to bleaching your hair that it's almost white, flat, monochromatic, and burnt to a frizzle, ' is spreading.
- 根据“城市字典”的定义,金发女魔头被理解为:“她们对染发有着狂热的兴趣,而且通常会将头发染烫成纯粹的金色卷发。”
- 12. Blondarexia, or, as the Urban Dictionary defines it: 'Being so addicted to bleaching your hair that it's almost white, flat, monochromatic, and burnt to a frizzle, ' is spreading.
- 根据“城市字典”的定义,金发女魔头被理解为:“她们对染发有着狂热的兴趣,而且通常会将头发染烫成纯粹的金色卷发。”