- 1. Outline the life of Gautama the Buddha.
- 概述乔达摩(释迦牟尼)的一生。
- 2. The same would be true of Gautama Buddha.
- 佛祖释迦牟尼的情况亦如是。
- 3. One by one, Gautama met the armies and defeated them with his virtue.
- 一个接着一个,释迦牟尼以他的智慧和美德征服了他们。
- 4. Siddhartha Gautama was a great spiritual leader from ancient India who founded Buddhism.
- 乔达摩-悉达多是来自印度的伟大精神领袖,他成立了佛教。
- 5. Traditionally, it is the land of Meditation "Tapo Bhumi" and Birth Place of Gautama Buddha.
- 传统而言,它是冥想“塔波bhumi”的土地,也是释迦摩尼佛的出生之地。
- 6. Gautama Buddha gave his last sermon, took his last sip of water, died, and was cremated here.
- 释迦佛讲了最后一次道,饮了最后一口水,圆寂并火葬在这里。
- 7. Many men before Gautama in that land of uneventful sunshine had found life distressing and mysterious.
- 在这一片平安无事的,阳光和煦的土地上,早在乔。
- 8. After Gautama died, his followers were driven out of Northern India by the priests of the Hindu religion.
- 释迦牟尼死后,他的追随者被印度教士赶出了印度北部。
- 9. According to most Buddhist traditions, Siddhattha Gautama, the future Buddha lived many lives before coming to our present world era.
- 依照大多数的佛教传统,乔达摩悉达多,将来的佛陀,在来到我们现时这个世界之前经历过很多世。
- 10. BCE: India - Gautama Siddharta Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is born somewhere in what is today Nepal. He will die sometime around 483.
- 印度——乔达摩释达多,佛教的创立者,在今天的尼泊尔出生了。他在大概483年左右死亡。
- 11. Despite having married and becoming a father, the philosophical quest for Gautama led him to explore the mysteries of human nature and life.
- 虽然已经结婚生子,但对哲学的诉求还是让他选择去探索人类本质与生命的奥秘。
- 12. A curse died on my lips, because we were in a deeply religious Buddhist region and I didn't want to offend the gentle Gautama or his followers.
- 一声咒骂没有出口,因为我们是在一个笃信佛教的地区,我不想冒犯高贵的乔达摩或他的追随者。
- 13. Hence on Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events: the Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha.
- 因此,卫塞节,全世界的佛教徒纪念三个重大事件:乔达摩佛的出生,教化和去世。
- 14. The Sanskrit saga Lalitavistara gives an account of Gautama Buddha, who is asked at one point to name all of the Numbers up to those with 421 zeros.
- 在梵语传奇普曜经中,叙述了释迦牟尼佛曾被要求给从零到‘1’后面跟有四百二十一个‘0’这最大数字之间所有的数字起名。
- 15. Anyway, to quote somebody, when someone asked this question to Gautama, the Buddha. Gautama said, it's better to walk alone than to walk with a fool.
- 引用某人的话, 曾有人拿这个问题去问乔达摩佛陀,乔达摩说:“与其和愚者同行,不如自己独行。”
- 16. Although his father ensured that Gautama was provided with everything he could want or need, Gautama was constantly troubled and internally dissatisfied.
- 尽管乔达摩的父亲保证给他一切所想和所需,乔达摩还是持续感到不安,内心感到不满意。
- 17. Explained by Gautama Buddha, he also stated that there is no intermediary between mankind and the pine; distant gods and god are subjected to karma themselves in decaying heavens.
- 佛陀解释,他也声称人与神之间并没有仲裁者;遥远的众神和神本身在腐朽的天堂上会受到因果报应。
- 18. Before he was incarnated as Gautama Siddartha, the Buddha resided in heaven, and told his followers that he had been Indra thirty-six times, and many hundred times ruler of the world.
- 他告诉他的追随者,他曾为大神因陀罗三十六次,为世上之王数百次。
- 19. Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being Shared. (Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism).
- 一盏烛火可以点燃千盏蜡烛,自己的生命却不会因此缩短。快乐从不因分享而耗减。(乔达摩·悉达多,佛教创始人)。
- 20. Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being Shared. (Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism).
- 一盏烛火可以点燃千盏蜡烛,自己的生命却不会因此缩短。快乐从不因分享而耗减。(乔达摩·悉达多,佛教创始人)。