- 1. They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image.
- 他们希望这家商店具有小城镇那种朴实热情的形象。
- 2. Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas who mixes folksy charm with bedrock Christian conservative views, likens his rise to the aeronautics of the bumblebee.
- 哈克比,前任阿肯色州州长,集平易近人的魅力和坚定的基督教保守派观点于一身的他,把自己的上升比做大黄蜂的起飞。
- 3. His speeches are folksy and witty.
- 他的演讲既通俗又风趣。
- 4. Candidates craft their public images to appear humble and folksy.
- 候选人精心打造自己谦逊、亲和的公众形象。
- 5. He was a folksy aged man, who had studied in Czechoslovakia once.
- 那是位待人和气的中年人,留学捷克斯洛伐克。
- 6. Some people have planted sunflowers, for a folksy but dramatic effect.
- 一些人还种上了向日葵,平淡的但给人以戏剧般的梦幻效果。
- 7. That's more than a folksy aphorism when it comes to infectious diseases.
- 对于传染疾病而言,这句格言可就不仅仅是一句民间习语了。
- 8. Like Reagan, he has a folksy charm and broad-brush conservative instincts.
- 像里根一样,他有着随和的魅力以及十分保守的本能。
- 9. Few here think of his billions; they call him "Mr. Sam" and accept his folksy ways.
- 这里几乎没人去想他的亿万身价,他们称他为萨姆先生,丝毫不以他的平民作风为怪。
- 10. The rest, as they say, is history; the firm now USES the story to illustrate its folksy image.
- 其余的事,像他们说的,已经成为历史,现在公司利用这个故事来阐述其朴实的形象。
- 11. But his folksy style and Texas swagger are also reminiscent of Mr Bush, whom many voters would rather forget.
- 但是他平民风格和德州丰功伟绩同样让人想到布什,但很多选民宁可忘记布什。
- 12. There are a series of folksy interviews with ordinary people, company heads, and professionals in North and South Carolina.
- 其中有一系列对当地人民、公司领导以及南、北卡罗莱纳的专业人员的采访,非常接地气。
- 13. But the folksy know-how of the group proved too good to be true and the impressive Numbers attributable to mathematical errors.
- 然而,这群民间专家的经验之谈后来被证实是站不住脚的。那些令人心动的数字竟然是因为计算错误导致的。
- 14. I count myself a fan, but I only indulge on my visits to Cornwall: as such folksy tales and WCP's AD line imply provenance matters.
- 我承认我也是这些故事的爱好者之一,但我只会在康威尔郡旅行时才会对此如此热衷,因为当地许多民间传说及航空广告上都会涉及馅饼的问题。
- 15. We both share a love of folksy wisdom from whence many of our current best practices are derived, as well as a love of English folk music.
- 我们都非常喜欢民谚,目前的最佳实践中的许多理念都源自它们,同样,我们也都非常喜欢英语民谣。
- 16. But just how long Walton can hold firm to his folksy habits with celebrity hunters keeping following him wherever he goes is anyone's guess.
- 但就能保持多久沃顿对于自己平易近人的习惯和名人的猎人保持跟着他走到哪里,他都是大家的猜测。
- 17. Then see all kinds of wire is damaged, because basically is the engine parts, metal material into the metal rod folksy is also very easy to produce edm.
- 其次看看各种线材有没有破损,因为发动机舱里基本上都是金属材质的部件,线材的破损处碰到金属也很容易产生电火花。
- 18. I thought that, on balance, I gave the best answers in terms of specifics and arguments, but that Perot did better in presenting himself as folksy and relaxed.
- 总的来说,我觉得我在说明细节和提出论据方面表现最好,但佩罗显得更和蔼可亲和轻松自然。
- 19. Before I took my leave of this dreary place, I was cornered by an eccentric old man who seemed to have an endless supply of anecdotes and folksy wisdom to impart.
- 当我准备离开这个满眼萧瑟的地方时,一位古怪的老人使我陷入了困惑,他身上似乎有着说不完的奇闻轶事和道不尽的民间智慧。
- 20. Revenge: The folksy bit of wisdom that declares "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" probably had its origin in a broken marriage resulting from a husband's infidelity.
- 寻求报复:古语说“地狱里的烈火抵不上受到愚弄的女人的怒火”,此语或许来源于丈夫不忠而使婚姻破裂。
- 21. There was even a wonderful folksy interlude mid-meal, when a group of men in the queue burst into an a cappella song, and then gave the stage to an accordionist, who played a sweet, sad melody.
- 更美妙的是还有餐间风情表演,一排男歌手突然爆发出无伴奏合唱,然后是手风琴独奏,表演者演奏了一首甜美而忧伤的乐曲。
- 22. There was even a wonderful folksy interlude mid-meal, when a group of men in the queue burst into an a cappella song, and then gave the stage to an accordionist, who played a sweet, sad melody.
- 更美妙的是还有餐间风情表演,一排男歌手突然爆发出无伴奏合唱,然后是手风琴独奏,表演者演奏了一首甜美而忧伤的乐曲。