- 1. This time experts reckon that prices are about 40% down on their peak on average, though some have been far more fluctuant.
- 这一次专家们估计,价格比峰值平均下降了40%,尽管有些价格波动更大。
- 2. The fluctuant price of global fat was analyzed here.
- 对全球油脂价格的波动进行了分析。
- 3. Their mood is in a kind of fluctuant angst condition.
- 他们的情绪处于一种波动的焦虑状态。
- 4. Secondly, the price of the assets of the target enterprises is fluctuant.
- 其次,是企业并购中的标的资产价格具有波动性。
- 5. The humidify in BF blast is fluctuant, it affects the operation and smooth of BF.
- 高炉鼓风中由于湿度是不断波动的,会对高炉操作及顺行带来影响。
- 6. The magnitude of value of commodity as labor productivity fluctuant and fluctuant.
- 商品的价值量随着劳动生产率的变动而变动。
- 7. The fluctuant is different with the influence of period and swing of the sine wave.
- 正弦型来流使压力系数产生波动,程度受正弦周期、振幅影响;
- 8. Its insurance gold is not migratory, its insurance number also is not done fluctuant.
- 其保险金不迁移,其保险编号也不做变动。
- 9. Emphasize growth and fluctuant connection, hold wave motion through studying growth comes.
- 强调增长和波动的联系,通过研究增长来把握波动。
- 10. But as business system fluctuant, the adjustment of - bottom framework becomes extremely urgent.
- 但随着业务体系的变动,底层架构的调整变得迫在眉睫。
- 11. It is to enter hill to search dragon above all, be in winding in fluctuant numerous mountain ridge.
- 是首先入山寻龙,在蜿蜒起伏的众多山岭中。
- 12. Water current problems including relative steady and rather fluctuant free surface were simulating numerically.
- 对含有相对稳定的和起伏较大的自由水面的水流问题进行了数值模拟。
- 13. Because of the complex and fluctuant background in radar, classical CFAR detection technology lose its stability.
- 由于雷达检测背景的复杂和起伏,经典CFAR检测不能保持稳定的检测性能。
- 14. Along the Qiyi river and it's branches, there are fluctuant hill, arduous gorge, clear river, and peculiar spring.
- 青衣江及其支流沿岸,有绵延起伏的山,险峻的峡谷,清丽的河流和奇特的泉水。
- 15. But the elasticity assume existed dissatisfactory aspects to rather fluctuant free surface flow downstream sluice.
- 但对闸后起伏较大的自由水面问题采用弹性盖法处理则存在不满意的地方。
- 16. Philosophical share had better see first before new outline comes out, because annual of this part fluctuant very few.
- 新大纲出来前最好先看哲学部分,因为每年这部分的变动都很少。
- 17. Sea clutter is the backscatter from fluctuant sea surface. Sea clutter is the major noise interference of seaborne radar.
- 海杂波指雷达波束照射到海面上后引起的后向散射杂波,是海防预警雷达的主要噪声干扰。
- 18. It also creates a stochastic dynamic model about fluctuant risk preference in asset allocation, which extends the model of r.
- 并给出一个资产管理中关于波动风险偏好的随机动态模型,推广了R。
- 19. So, it is better for employees that wages are as stable as possible, and for employers that wages are fluctuant with profits.
- 因此,对工人来说,工资要尽可能地稳定,对企业主来说,工资要尽可能地与绩效挂钩。
- 20. In the case of fluctuant parameter, a guaranteed cost control scheme is introduced which guarantees a minimum cost and robustness.
- 在考虑参数摄动的情况下,还给出了同时满足最低性能要求和一定鲁棒性的保性能控制器的设计方法。
- 21. The fluctuant phenomenon of fluid circulation appears in the starting and working processes of two-phase capillary pumped loops(CPL).
- 对两相毛细泵环及其反向式蒸发器在启动和工作过程中出现的工质循环脉动现象进行了初步的实验研究。
- 22. In violently fluctuant environment, the creature can exist down of is not the most intelligent, and not the strongest, but the most agile.
- 在剧烈变动的环境中,能够生存下来的不是最聪明的,也不是最强壮的,而是最灵活的。
- 23. Under circumstance of pulsant (fluctuant) pressure, prescribed maximum of measured pressure is one-third of full scale of the selected gauge.
- 在脉动(波动)压力的情况下,被测压力的最大值选用压力表满刻度值的二分之一。
- 24. Our country should perfect boom is fluctuant early warning system, in order to increase the adjusting control capacity of macroscopical economy.
- 我国应健全景气变动预警系统,以提高宏观经济的调控能力。
- 25. Open lawn, lush plants, fluctuant flowers enclose a romantic French garden. Centering around the exquisite water feature, a noble scroll is opened.
- 开敞的草坪、丰富的乔灌木以及起伏的花海,围合出浪漫的花园,中心加以精致的水景作为点景,展现出一幅华贵雍容的画卷;
- 26. A firm mass of matted nodes may become apparent with disease progression, and if untreated, lymphadenopathy can become fluctuant with draining fistulas.
- 假如不处理,一个粗糙结节构成的肿块可能会出现恶化,肿大的淋巴结可能会出现波动感,伴有瘘道。
- 27. With the extensive research on chronic diabetes complications, the role of fluctuant blood glucose on these diseases has been attached great importance.
- 随着糖尿病慢性并发症研究的不断深入,血糖波动在糖尿病并发症中所起的作用受到越来越多人的重视。
- 28. This process is highly effective with low operating expense; it might be useful to treat similar wastewater with high organic concentration and fluctuant inflow.
- 该工艺具有处理效果好、运行费用低的特点,特别对水质水量波动大的香料废水及其它类似的高浓度有机废水治理有较好的借鉴作用。
- 29. We find that the liquidity index of volume are more fluctuant than other liquidity index of spread, the market liquidity is correlated with trading activity significantly.
- 结果发现,同用各种买卖价差表示的流动性指标相比,反应交易活动的交易量指标显示出更大的波动性,市场流动性和交易的活跃性显著相关。
- 30. We find that the liquidity index of volume are more fluctuant than other liquidity index of spread, the market liquidity is correlated with trading activity significantly.
- 结果发现,同用各种买卖价差表示的流动性指标相比,反应交易活动的交易量指标显示出更大的波动性,市场流动性和交易的活跃性显著相关。