- 1. He is a redoubtable fighter.
- 他是个厉害的斗士。
- 2. 'Freedom fighter' is a value-laden word.
- “自由战士”是个带有主观判断的词。
- 3. American fighter planes buzzed the city.
- 美国战机低空掠过该城市。
- 4. Fighter aircraft rained down high explosives.
- 战斗机如雨点般投下烈性炸弹。
- 5. Soviet fighter planes were extremely manoeuvrable.
- 苏联战机操纵起来极其灵活。
- 6. He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot.
- 他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。
- 7. Fighter pilots searched out and attacked enemy aircraft.
- 战斗机驾驶员发现敌机后便进行攻击。
- 8. From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter.
- 从一开始,这个小女孩就显然是一名真正的斗士。
- 9. Five leading fighter pilots have been captured and paraded before the media.
- 5名领先的战斗机飞行员被俘,并在媒体前示众。
- 10. Older veterans have been sent into a tizzy by the idea of female fighter pilots.
- 老兵们一想到女战斗机飞行员就感到激动而紧张。
- 11. The 32-year-old Jamaican-born fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic.
- 那个32岁、生于牙买加的斗士相信自己仍能重拾一些昔日的神奇功能。
- 12. I am a fighter, not a quitter.
- 我是一个斗士,不是一个懦夫。
- 13. The novel portrays the growth of a fighter.
- 这部小说描写了一个战士的成长。
- 14. That's the gallant Water Rat, a terrible fighter, walking along o' him!
- 那是勇敢的水鼠兰特,一个可怕的斗士,正从他身边走过!
- 15. Though terribly wounded, Malala became a courageous fighter for the education rights of millions of girls worldwide.
- 尽管身受重伤,马拉拉还是成为了一名勇敢的战士,为全世界数百万女孩争取受教育的权利。
- 16. Unlike all of those other so-called heroes who battle the bad guys come hell or high water, Paramecium is a deserter not a fighter.
- 和其他那些与来自地狱或高水位的坏蛋战斗的所谓的英雄们不同,草履虫是个逃兵而非战士。
- 17. He's a skilled fighter, willing to face the most extreme dangers; sacrificial, willing to sacrifice anything and everything to protect his king and country.
- 他是一个老练的战士,愿意面对最极端的危险;他具有牺牲精神,愿意牺牲一切来保护他的国王和国家。
- 18. As a response to Japanese kamikaze attacks, Grumman developed the F8F Bearcat as a lightweight fighter able to climb quickly to meet incoming enemy aircraft.
- 作为对日本神风敢死队袭击的回应,格鲁门公司研发了 F8F熊猫,它是一种轻型战斗机,能够迅速爬升以迎接来袭的敌机。
- 19. He was a real street fighter who'd do anything to win.
- 他是一名真正的街头拳手,为了能赢会不择手段。
- 20. He is a hero and a fighter.
- 他是一个英雄,一个战士。
- 21. I have proved I am a fighter and that nothing is impossible!
- 我已经证明了我是一个斗士,没有什么是不可能的!
- 22. Zhong Nanshan is not only an excellent doctor but also a brave fighter.
- 钟南山不仅是一名优秀的医生,也是一名勇敢的战士。
- 23. I've been a fighter ever since I decided not to give up my breath when I was born!
- 自从我出生时决定不放弃呼吸后,我就一直是个斗士!
- 24. However much the Magic works I shall not be a prize-fighter.
- 不管魔法多有用,我也不会成为职业拳击手。
- 25. During a 1995 roof collapse, a fire fighter named Donald Herbert was left brain damaged.
- 在1995年的一次屋顶坍塌事故中,消防员唐纳德·赫伯特的左脑受损。
- 26. I'm filled with admiration for the fire fighter who sacrificed his life to save the baby trapped in the building.
- 我对那位消防员满怀敬意,他为了救困在建筑中的婴儿牺牲了自己。
- 27. Saddest of all is when children catch a glimpse of the masked the fire fighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster.
- 最可悲的是,当孩子们瞥见戴面罩的消防队员时,却认为他们看到了怪物而躲了起来。
- 28. Fourth is "Rome bull fighter", it is made of beef and tomatoes. Next is "bone's kernel", it is steam griskin. I feel all dishes are delicious.
- 第四道“罗马斗牛士”是用牛肉和番茄做的。下一个菜是“骨的精髓”,是清蒸排骨。我感觉所有的菜都是美味可口的。
- 29. To prevent such tragedies, fire fighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community, explaining that they should never hide during a fire.
- 为了防止此类悲剧的发生,消防队员埃里克·维勒兹给社区的孩子们做了演讲,他解释道,火灾发生时,孩子们不应该躲起来。
- 30. The fighter planes saved our necks.
- 空军的战斗机保全了我们的生命。