- 1. The general himself was promoted to Field-Marshal to spur him on to greater efforts.
- 将军本人被提升为元帅以促使起作出更大的努力。
- 2. Thankfully, there is no reason to believe that is so. But Field-Marshal Tantawi and his generals need to allay these suspicions.
- 令人欣慰的是我们还找不到任何理由来相信这一说法。
- 3. Outside I watched him passing bags and bundles out the window, directing the movement of the porters like a field marshal.
- 在外面,我看见他把包包袋袋从窗口递出来,像陆军元帅那样对行李工指手划脚。
- 4. Von Rundstedt's two army groups are commanded in the north by Field Marshal Rommel and in the south by Field Marshal Blasskowitz.
- 冯·隆德施泰特的两个集团军分别由隆美尔元帅(北部),和布拉斯科维茨元帅(南部)指挥。
- 5. It is Field Marshal Rommel in the north who is our immediate enemy; Rommel once more will have to pit himself against his old conqueror, General Montgomery.
- 北部的隆美尔元帅是我们眼前的敌人,他将不得不再次面对自己昔日的对手蒙哥马利将军。
- 6. This was followed by a visit to the front line by Mr Saleh, who was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the army when he first assumed power in 1978 (he now holds the rank of Field Marshal).
- 接着,萨利赫先生视察了前线(1978年夺权时只是个中校,现在已是陆军元帅)。
- 7. "It was a very impressive performance," said Andrew Festing, son of Field Marshal Sir Francis Festing, a commander in the Allies' Burma campaign, who attended the ceremony.
- “这个仪式让人印象非常深刻,”参加了仪式的安德鲁·费斯汀(AndrewFesting)说。他的父亲弗朗西斯·费斯汀(Francis Festing)是陆军元帅,曾担任同盟国在缅甸战役中的指挥官。
- 8. I was the only one who cited Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the famed 'Desert Fox,' as the person from history I most admired.
- 我是唯一一个崇拜战地元帅沙漠狐狸埃尔温·隆美尔的人。
- 9. Folklore states that he once quit the army and returned home after his field marshal deserted, only to be berated by his mother for turning his back on his country.
- 民间流传说他在陆军统帅职衔被撤后曾经复员回乡,结果却由于放弃保护国家而遭到自己母亲的斥责。
- 10. The recent trip of Field Marshal Montgomery to America is evidence of this contact.
- 蒙哥马利对美国的访问就是一例。
- 11. Among the bad oil paintings were one by Churchill and one by Field Marshal Alexander.
- 在那些拙劣的油画中,一幅是丘吉尔画的,一幅是亚历山大陆军元帅画的。
- 12. I drove to Alton in Hampshire to see Field Marshal Lord Montgomery at Isington Mill, his little country home.
- 我驱车前往汉普郡的奥尔顿,去陆军元帅蒙哥马利勋爵在艾辛顿米尔的乡间小宅探望他。
- 13. When he covered the German surrender to Field Marshal Montgomery in May 1945, he felt obliged to point out that the document had the wrong date on it.
- 1945年5月,当他报道德军向陆军元帅蒙哥马利投降时,他感到有责任指出投降书上的日期写错了。
- 14. Represents the class that describes how to marshal a field from managed to unmanaged code.
- 表示说明如何将字段从托管代码封送为非托管代码的类。
- 15. I'm afraid there's nothing that Field Marshal Montgomery can do.
- 恐怕蒙哥马利元帅无能为力了。
- 16. 1950 - Sir Thomas Blamey becomes the only Field Marshal in Australian history.
- 1950年的今天,托马斯·布莱梅爵士成为澳大利亚历史上仅有的一位元帅。
- 17. Panties granted the rank of Field Marshal in 1955.
- 一九五五年衩授予元帅军衔。
- 18. Panties granted the rank of Field Marshal in 1955.
- 一九五五年衩授予元帅军衔。