- 1. Redskins kicker Chip Lohmiller missed two field-goal attempts.
- 红皮肤的踢球者奇普·罗米勒错过了两次进球机会。
- 2. Michael Jordan makes barely half of his field-goal attempts.
- 迈克尔·乔丹投篮命中率勉强过半。
- 3. As an assistant coach with Houston from 2004-2007 the Rockets never finished worse than fifth in both opponents' scoring and field-goal percentage.
- 作为一名助理教练,2004- 2005赛季在休斯顿火箭队度过,他打造出的一支防守很好的球队,限制对手得分和命中率在联盟里从未跌出前五名。
- 4. Voted an All-Star player eight times, Yao has chalked up a career average of 19 points, 9.2 rebounds and 1.9 blocks. His field-goal percentage was 52.4.
- 姚明八次被选入全明星阵容,创下了场均19分,9.2个篮板、1.9个盖帽,投篮命中率达到52.4%的职业生涯记录。
- 5. With the best field-goal kicker in the country, Arkansas could have kicked a field goal, making the score 17-8 and requiring Texas to score twice to win.
- 阿肯色队拥有全国最好的三分球得分员,本来可以踢出一个三分球,把比分一下拉开到17:8,这样得克萨斯队就必须再获得两个达阵才能获胜。
- 6. Stoyanovich kicked a 52-yard field goal, placing it squarely between Miami's goalposts.
- 斯托扬诺维奇在52码处射门,从迈阿密球门正中射入。
- 7. The aim is that farmers can use this artificial intelligence to achieve their goal of a better harvest through making better decisions in the field.
- 目的是让农民可以通过这种人工智能技术,在田间做出更好的决策,从而获取更好的收成。
- 8. As darkness came over the field and the match ended, the goal keeper, Juan, walked over to me and said in a matter of fact way, "In your home, do you have a moon too?"
- 夜幕降临赛场时,比赛结束,守门员胡安走到我身边,面不改色地问我:“你家也有月亮吗?”
- 9. As for the goal of levelling the academic playing field, the state is pleased so far.
- 对于实现在大学领域的公平竞争这个目标,到目前为止是很令人满意的。
- 10. To prepare a counteroffer you will first need to decide what your desired income level is, and then research your career field and locale to determine if this goal is even feasible.
- 首先你要决定的是自己应该提出多少期望薪金。先去查一查你所在的行业的收入情况,再决定一个能被雇主接受的目标薪资。
- 11. Neither the referee nor the linesman - both of whom were still coming down the field, and poorly positioned to judge - signalled a goal, and play continued.
- 裁判和边裁——都还在跑向底线,站在无法准确裁决的位置——判定没有进球,比赛继续。
- 12. Our goal is to double the user base in the field trial.
- 我们的目标是在试验阶段,增加一倍的用户。
- 13. They begin to feel that the field is an unattainable goal, and the only thing that might help their game is to read and study some more.
- 他们刚开始感觉到这是个不可能完成的任务,觉得只能通过阅读和继续学习来了解这个任务。
- 14. She spent three years as a field goal kicker and getting to learn about sports in a way that most women never get to.
- 她花了三年时间成了一名射门踢球员并用一种大部分女性从未经历的方式学习了体育。
- 15. After all, James averages more points, rebounds and shoots a better field goal percentage than Rose.
- 毕竟,詹姆斯在场均得分、篮板、投篮命中率比罗斯要高一些。
- 16. Now, the reason why Kobe averages two less points than Jordan is because Jordan averaged 1.5 more field goal attempts per game than Kobe without his first three seasons.
- 而且,去除前三个赛季后,科比平均每场比乔丹少出手1.5次,这也就是科比会比乔丹平均少拿两分的原因。
- 17. The goal is that the field will be validated on the server side to check that it is not empty and that the value is numeric.
- 目的是将字段在服务器端验证,检查其是否为空,其值是否是整数。
- 18. Lowry came in second among point guards in rebound rate last season and led the position in free-throw attempts per field goal attempt.
- 上赛季洛瑞的篮板数在控位中排名第二,在罚球——投篮比上排名第一。
- 19. Dead ball: Occurs whenever the whistle blows to stop play and after a field goal, but before the opponent gains possession of the ball.
- 在一方打出球,而另一方没有接住球之前,被口哨停止。
- 20. Three-point shot: a field goal worth three points, taken from beyond an arc that is 22 feet from the basket.
- 三分球(three - pointshot):距篮筐22英寸的地方,边线外投中的球值三分。
- 21. With seven seconds to play in regulation, kicker Steve Myhra trotted onto the field and booted the 20-yard field goal to send the game into overtime.
- 比赛结束还有7秒钟,斯蒂夫·迈拉小跑上场,在20码处射门得分,比赛进入加时。
- 22. The U.S. held Turkey to one field goal over the first 6 minutes of the second quarter, extending the lead to 10 on a 3-pointer by Durant.
- 美国队让土耳其在第二节的前6分钟内,只靠罚球得到了一分。
- 23. Thus, the western conference teams set a record, with 52 team assists. They also set a record with 69 field goal made in an all - star contest.
- 因此,西部联队以52个全队主攻创下纪录。他们也以在全明星赛中有69个穿网进球创下纪录。
- 24. They have the third-highest shooting percentage (48.11), and the second-lowest defensive field goal percentage (42.07).
- 他们有第三高的投篮命中率(48.11)和第二低的防守投篮命中率(42.07)。
- 25. Larry Hughes has yet to hit a field goal through two games and is likely playing himself out of the starting lineup.
- 拉里·休斯两场季前赛里至今没有投进过一球,而且看起来他会丢掉自己的先发位置。
- 26. Thus, the Western Conference teams set a record, with 52 team assists. They also set a record with 69 field goal made in an All-Star contest.
- 因此,西部联队以52个全队主攻创下纪录。他们也以在全明星赛中有69个穿网进球创下纪录。
- 27. He didn't attempt a field goal in the final period.
- 他并没有在最后时刻尝试投篮。
- 28. He didn't attempt a field goal in the final period.
- 他并没有在最后时刻尝试投篮。