- 1. The tabloid press had a field day with the latest government scandal.
- 这家小报利用最近的政府丑闻大做文章。
- 2. The fishermen know the approximate time of year when they will be allowed to fish, but on any given day, one or more field biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing.
- 渔民们知道一年中允许捕捞的大概时间段,但是在某些日子,一个地区可能有一个或多个实地生物学家中止捕鱼活动。
- 3. "Well, I THINK not TO-DAY, thank you," replied the field-mouse hurriedly.
- “嗯,我想今天就不去了,谢谢你。”田鼠急忙回答。
- 4. That day when he was working in the field, the shocked horse ran past him.
- 那天,他在田里干活时,那匹受惊的马从他身边跑过。
- 5. I imagine this was neither the first nor last day when this fuzzy little boy stood in this field by himself, watching his family work.
- 我想象这不是第一天,也不是最后一天这个形象模糊的小男孩独自站在这片田野里,看着他的家人劳作。
- 6. He grew crops (庄稼) in a big field very hard every day.
- 过去,他每天都在一大片田地里勤奋地种庄稼。
- 7. One day, while taking a walk together, they crossed a large field.
- 一天,他们一起散步时,穿过了一大片田野。
- 8. One day, he was working in the field when he saw a rabbit run into the stump, break its neck and die accidentally (意外地).
- 有一天,他在田里干活时,看到一只兔子撞到树桩上,折断了脖子,意外地死了。
- 9. One day, our teacher took us out and we had a picnic in the field where the forest used to be.
- 有一天,老师带我们外出,我们在一块曾经是森林的田里野餐。
- 10. The other team was helpless and we had a real field day.
- 对方队很弱, 我们轻易取胜。
- 11. Carson had been having a field day with the speech in his monologues.
- 卡森已经忙了一整天构思在他的独脚戏中的演讲辞。
- 12. But then the Games went off as peacefully as an Edwardian field day.
- 但是,之后,奥运会的整个过程一如爱德华的操场一般平静。
- 13. It's not clear what to make of this report, or the video of the sonar scan that shows the object, but Swedish tabloids and Internet UFO buffs have had a field day.
- 目前尚不清楚怎样的来书写或制作用来解释这个物体的报告或声纳视频,但瑞典的小报和互联网上的UF O爱好者已经对此感到非常高兴。
- 14. The prophets of doom have had a field day.
- 那些悲观派的预言家着实忙活了一阵。
- 15. Four years ago, a joke by Murray at a press conference - when he said he would be supporting "anyone but England" at the World Cup - turned sour, with the tabloid press having a field day.
- 四年前,穆雷在一次新闻发布会上的玩笑话——他说自己在世界杯“除了英格兰谁都支持”——变味了,小报对此进行了大篇幅的报道。
- 16. When the kids saw all the toys in the room, they had a field day.
- 当孩子们看到屋中所有的玩具时,他们痛快地玩了起来。
- 17. Congress and the American press had a field day, vying with one another to see how much blame they could dump at Mr Annan's door.
- 美国国会与新闻界顿时群起鼓噪,好不热闹,双方互相竞赛,看看他们的指责能让安南多么灰头土脸。
- 18. The media had a field day with the photo, and it marked the beginning of Miley's more grown-up image.
- 媒体为此争执不休,而且这张照片也成为了更成熟的麦莉形象的标志。
- 19. Meanwhile, bloggers were having a field day denouncing what they labeled as the "reckless" spending habits of the West.
- 于此同时,人们在博客上大肆抨击西方人“肆无忌惮”的消费习惯。
- 20. The eccentric, worldwide fraternity of Nabokov scholars had a field day.
- 那些遍及全球的研究纳博科夫的古怪学究们吵得不亦乐乎。
- 21. Such forces rip at any ascending field day and night.
- 这样的势力日夜剥夺任何提升的能量场。
- 22. Certain medieval theologians — who puzzled over how many angels could dance on the head of a pin — would have had a field day with this picture by retired entomologist Klaus Bolte of Canada.
- 某些中世纪的神学家——他们为一个大头针顶上能够容纳几个天使跳舞的问题而困惑——看到这张由已退休的加拿大昆虫学家Klaus Bolte拍摄的照片时将会大喜过望。
- 23. But details of the deal were leaked (by whom is unclear) and the press had a field day.
- 但是这项交易的细节已经不胫而走(竟是谁泄露风声,尚不得而知)并且新闻媒体可是捕获了一个大展身手的机会。
- 24. And, this is what we did not stand still as we were busy teaching and enemies of the Keshe Foundation had a field day.
- 并且,我们不会停止,一直忙于教学,也使凯史基金会的敌人度过愉快的一天。
- 25. The portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of malacca.
- 葡萄牙人攻占了古老的马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。
- 26. The portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of malacca.
- 葡萄牙人攻占了古老的马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。