- 1. His portraits festoon town.
- 他的肖像挂满了全城。
- 2. Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze.
- 每根悬挂著的细枝和每一串树叶都在燃烧。
- 3. LED festoon lamp — as a low-power light, indoor use only, suited for the ceiling, wall.
- LED双尖灯,属低压灯,适合于室内的墙壁,天花板。
- 4. My improved free energy generator demonstrated on a 12Volt / 5 Watt festoon car light bulb.
- 我的改进的自由能量发生器显示在一个12volt /5瓦的花彩灯泡汽车灯泡。
- 5. All humans festoon their talk tic-style with assurances of sincerity such as "really" and "totally."
- 所有人都用“真的”和“绝对的”这种强调真诚的词语来装饰自己的话语。
- 6. Paper birds festoon a street during the Santiago de Cuba carnaval, in Cuba, the largest island in the West Indies.
- 图为西印度群岛中最大的岛国古巴,在圣地亚哥狂欢节期间,挂满纸鹤的街道。
- 7. Local: in Guilin, there are three very famous mountains: the Piled Festoon Hill, Fubo Hill and the Elephant Trunk Hill you just saw.
- 当地人:在我们桂林,有三座山特别出名,分别是叠彩山、伏波山和你刚才看到的象鼻山。
- 8. She chats with a neighbor hanging laundry on one of the poles that festoon the lane, while a man, still in pajamas, waters his plants.
- 她和一位正在晾衣服的领居聊天,旁边有一个穿睡衣的男人正在浇花。
- 9. She chats with a neighbor hanging laundry on one of the poles that festoon the lane, while a man, still in pajamas, waters his plants. "I'm back!"
- 当天上午,金从露天市场回来,她经过一家卖生煎包的早餐店,和一个正在向晾衣杆上挂衣服的邻居聊了几句,旁边,一个还穿着睡衣的男人正在浇花。
- 10. Primarily designed for use with festoon systems for the conveyance of electrical power and control to cranes, hoists, or any equipment which travels with a lateral traversing motion.
- 最初设计用于拖令系统的输电,信号传输,从而控制起重机,提升机或任何侧横向运动的设备。
- 11. Velvet jackets, the stuff of end-of-year-dinners and festive get-togethers, festoon the rails even before the inevitable racks of tinsel, cards and wrapping paper have appeared in stores。
- 这也不怪你,通常岁末年终赴宴以及节庆欢聚时才穿的天鹅绒夹克已经琳琅满目地摆满了货架,甚至比亮箔、卡片和包装纸年复一年的上架时间还要早。
- 12. Velvet jackets, the stuff of end-of-year-dinners and festive get-togethers, festoon the rails even before the inevitable racks of tinsel, cards and wrapping paper have appeared in stores。
- 这也不怪你,通常岁末年终赴宴以及节庆欢聚时才穿的天鹅绒夹克已经琳琅满目地摆满了货架,甚至比亮箔、卡片和包装纸年复一年的上架时间还要早。