- 1. He regarded the young man as feckless and irresponsible.
- 他认为这个年轻人软弱而且不负责任。
- 2. Her husband was a charming, but lazy and feckless man.
- 她的丈夫讨人喜欢,但却是个懒惰没有出息的人。
- 3. Yet the feckless boy is everywhere.
- 不过这个没有长远目标的男孩依旧到处跑。
- 4. Some think the Fed's policy is feckless.
- 有人认为美联储的这个政策徒劳无益。
- 5. Indignation with the feckless Greeks will be great.
- 对无能的希腊人的愤慨将是巨大的。
- 6. Why should prudent Germans subsidise feckless Greeks, the discourse now runs?
- 有人会说,严谨的德国人为什么要贴补不负责任的希腊人?
- 7. Generous benefits distort the Labour market and may encourage feckless behaviour.
- 慷慨的补助会使劳动力市场扭曲,可能会鼓励懒惰行为。
- 8. The feckless Yukio Hatoyama, who stepped down on June 2nd, managed a grand total of 259 days.
- 鸠山由纪夫一事无成,他于6月2日宣布辞职,在任共259天。
- 9. But what they detest is the idea that it might let feckless Italians and Portuguese off the hook.
- 但是他们讨厌他们实行的解救欧元区的计划也会让意大利和葡萄牙摆脱困境。
- 10. The antibiotic pide has been leapt on by some north Europeans as a stick for bashing feckless Latins.
- 抗生素问题已跃升成为一些北欧人抨击拉丁语系人无远见的的武器。
- 11. Indifference towards the sacrament of marriage appears strongest among the elderly, not the feckless young.
- 对婚姻的神圣性最为不在乎的并非是多变的年轻人,而是年老的一代。
- 12. He was a great admirer of the poetry of plain speech. He despised mere feckless adornments of language or thought.
- 他欣赏语句朴实的适合,对于一些无用的语言或者思想的修饰感到厌恶。
- 13. BELIEVE the headlines and Europe's worst economic headache by far is Greece, financially feckless and socially volatile.
- 料想新闻头条以及欧洲最麻烦的经济问题,到目前为止仍是希腊,经济萎靡,社会动荡。
- 14. I would rather be remembered by my deeds. There are better USES for the kingdoms resources than feckless expressions of vanity.
- 我宁愿因为我的所作所为而被铭记。相比没价值的虚荣心,国家的资源应该有更好的用处。
- 15. German voters have just shown that they will punish leaders who spend their money bailing out feckless foreigners (see article).
- 德国选民已经表示将对花他们的钱来拯救不负责任的外国人的领导人进行惩罚。
- 16. SOCIETIES have often distinguished between the deserving poor (afflicted by sickness or disability) and the undeserving sort (the feckless and workshy).
- 社会通常会区分值得帮助的穷人(他们饱受疾病或残疾折磨)和不值得帮助的穷人(这类人没有责任感而且不喜欢工作)。
- 17. This enables Mrs Merkel (and Nicolas Sarkozy) to show domestic taxpayers that their money is not being frittered away on feckless southern Europeans.
- 尽管那样能让默克尔夫人(和尼古拉斯·萨科齐)对本国纳税人有个交代——他们的钱并没有被胡乱挥霍在那些不争气的南欧国家。
- 18. Had Seth noticed how, in Patty's stories, the discipline always came from Walter, as if Patty were just some feckless bystander whose job was to be cute?
- 在帕蒂的故事里,总是由沃尔特来管教孩子,就好像帕蒂只不过是个不相关的旁观者,难道说她这个妈妈的责任就是要表现得可爱,这些赛斯注意到了吗?
- 19. This isn't just a story about some feckless Greeks who went on wild shopping sprees with money lent to them by hardworking Germans who didn't check the books carefully.
- 故事相关的不仅仅是一帮不负责任的希腊人用从勤恳工作、没有好好查帐的德国借来的钱疯狂购物。
- 20. He has delts for days, and the confidence that goes with being a proficient athlete. These days he's a triathlete who is fearless on the bike but feckless in the pool.
- 现在他是一个铁人三项运动员,他在自行车上时无所畏惧,但却对游泳池怕得要命。
- 21. They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.
- 许多人喜欢一生中做一件工作,他们认为经常换工作的人软弱无能,他们相信成功的唯一途径就是坚持一项工作,因为在一个专业领域里不断的实践有助于专家的形成。
- 22. They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.
- 许多人喜欢一生中做一件工作,他们认为经常换工作的人软弱无能,他们相信成功的唯一途径就是坚持一项工作,因为在一个专业领域里不断的实践有助于专家的形成。