- 1. His features seemed to change.
- 他的容貌似乎变了。
- 2. This model embodies many new features.
- 这种型号具有许多新特点。
- 3. The house has many desirable features.
- 这栋房子有许多吸引人的特点。
- 4. The menu features roast meats and poultry.
- 菜单以各种烤肉和家禽肉为特色。
- 5. The latest model has over 100 new features.
- 最新的款式有100多种新特色。
- 6. Women find his chiselled features irresistible.
- 他轮廓分明的容貌让女人们无法抗拒。
- 7. His features had been coarsened by the weather.
- 气候使他的容貌变得粗糙。
- 8. Features include caller ID and three-way calling.
- 功能包括来电显示和三方通话。
- 9. The room still has many of its original features.
- 房间还保留着当初的许多特点。
- 10. Which features do you look for when choosing a car?
- 你挑选轿车时要着重哪些特点?
- 11. She pointed out the salient features of the new design.
- 她指出新设计的几个显著特征。
- 12. The software has no particular distinguishing features.
- 这个软件没有明显的特点。
- 13. The oboe and the clarinet have certain features in common.
- 双簧管和单簧管有某些共同特点。
- 14. A number of features discriminate this species from others.
- 有许多特征使这一物种与其他物种区别开来。
- 15. The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm.
- 最新款式的特色是合金车轮和电子报警器。
- 16. The learner's attention needs to be directed to the significant features.
- 学习者的注意力需要集中在重要特征上。
- 17. A recent study shows many broadband services lack basic security features.
- 最近研究表明许多宽带服务缺少基本的安全特性。
- 18. Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man.
- 她的目的是仔细察看他的特征看他是不是个诚实的人。
- 19. Point taken, but nowhere did we suggest that this yacht's features were unique.
- 你说的是,但是我们在任何地方都没有表示这艘游艇的特点是独一无二的。
- 20. Her features were almost the opposite of the Japanese ideal of beauty in those days.
- 她的容貌几乎和当时日本的美人典范正好相反。
- 21. Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues.
- 科学家正试图把已灭绝动物的特征与现存类似动物相比较。
- 22. Your camcorder should have these basic features: autofocus, playback facility, zoom lens.
- 你的便携式摄像机应该具有这些基本特征:自动调焦、回放及变焦镜头。
- 23. Printer driver software includes standard features such as print layout and fit-to-page printing.
- 打印机驱动程序软件包含标准功能,比如打印版面设定和符合纸张大小的打印。
- 24. These are features, not bugs!
- 这些是他们的特点,不是错误!
- 25. Web meetings have these features.
- 网络会议有以下特点
- 26. Other psychologists have proposed that internal representation features are matched serially with an object's features.
- 其它心理学家则提出,内心再现图像的特征与物体的特征是有序地对应起来的。
- 27. His features merged with the darkness.
- 他的面容融入了黑暗中。
- 28. He had delicate, almost feminine, features.
- 他面目清秀,跟女性差不多。
- 29. He kept his head down, hiding his features.
- 他一直低着头藏住脸。
- 30. He was tall and strong, with heavy features.
- 他长得高大壮实,浓眉大眼。