- 1. Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow.
- 农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。
- 2. The fields lay fallow.
- 这些地休耕了。
- 3. Contemporary dance is coming onto the arts scene again after a long fallow period.
- 当代舞蹈经过一段长时期销声匿迹以后现在又回到了艺术舞台。
- 4. There followed something of a fallow period professionally, until a job came up in the summer.
- 接下来事业上出现了一个空档,直到夏天的时候来了份新工作。
- 5. Company lies fallow for months.
- 公司休耕几个月。
- 6. The field was lying fallow.
- 那田地正在休耕中。
- 7. Company lies fallow for more months.
- 接下来的几个月公司继续休耕。
- 8. All of Nature must at some point rest and fall fallow.
- 自然界的一切都必须有歇息和休耕的时候。
- 9. Fallow and recently harvested fields are lighter blue.
- 未耕作土地及刚收割完毕的田地则呈现淡蓝色。
- 10. Summer fallow is the best method of destroying weeds.
- 夏季休耕是消灭杂草的最好办法。
- 11. I eased out of the tree and hurried off across fallow farmland.
- 我小心翼翼地从树窝中出来,急匆匆地穿过尚未耕作的农田。
- 12. The unrealized value of this fallow earth seemed to pain Daniel.
- 这片土地未被发现的价值似乎使丹尼尔感到烦扰。
- 13. Vast tracts of fertile farmland now lie fallow; agricultural output has slumped.
- 大片肥沃的农地正在休耕;农业产量大幅下跌。
- 14. If you're lucky, you might spot the small herd of Fallow and Red deer that live in the park.
- 幸运的话,你就会欣赏到公园里马鹿的休闲活动。
- 15. The market is also crimped by a rule that no more than 20% of farmland in any county may lie fallow.
- 市场还受到一条规则的束缚:任何县中休耕农田不得超过农田总数的20%。
- 16. Its low value encourages owners of land to leave much of it fallow or sparsely grazed by a few cows.
- 土地的低价值促使土地所有者弃耕或只有少量牛放牧。
- 17. West of the boundary, the land appears as a patchwork of brown fallow fields and green growing crops.
- 边界西边的土地由灰色的休耕地区与绿色的生长作物组成。
- 18. Most of the land where tobacco and maize used to grow lies fallow, taken over by wild vegetation.
- 那里许多曾种满烟草与玉米的土地如今荒芜一片,取而代之的是大片大片的野菜。
- 19. That factory lies at the end of a straight dirt road through fallow corn fields 10 miles from Gaoling.
- 离高陵10英里,穿过一片休耕的玉米地,在一条笔直的泥泞马路的尽头,即是这家砖厂的所在地。
- 20. The economy, after a long, fallow period, has grown by more than 4% in each of the past three years.
- 南非的经济经过了长期的动荡,已经连续3年持续增长4%以上。
- 21. Farmers know that soil needs rest, so they rotate their crops and systematically leave a portion of their land fallow.
- 农夫们知道土地是需要休息的,因此他们轮流种植农作物并系统地留一部分土地休耕。
- 22. And so Jama Khan's land lay fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabbling over his inheritance all the while.
- 所以,在贾马汗死后,他的土地休耕了30年,他的家人一直在他的继承权上争论不休。
- 23. For centuries African farmers allowed for this by letting the land lie fallow for eight or nine years after a harvest.
- 几个世纪以来,非洲农夫通过休耕土地八,九年来获得下一个丰收。
- 24. But with the drought, the farmers began to fence off their land-even fallow land-for fear it would be ruined by passing herds.
- 但当干旱来临,农民开始保卫自己的耕地,甚至是尚未耕种的土地,因为担心牧群的破坏。
- 25. All your skill was used up ages ago in Palestine, and you must lie fallow for a thousand years to git strength for more deeds!
- 你们家的本领在几十辈人以前就在巴勒斯坦用尽了,你们要恢复力气做事情,就得再等一千年。
- 26. It also wants to turn some fallow or confiscated land over to landless people, as a way to reduce Colombia's high unemployment rate.
- 当然也想把一些休耕或没收的土地分给无土地的人,作为降低哥伦比亚高失业率的一种途径。
- 27. As a result, many farmers are letting their fields lie fallow or switching from thirsty crops, such as cotton, to those that need less.
- 因此,许多农场主让土地休耕,或不再种植棉花一类需水量大的作物,而改种那些需水量更小的作物。
- 28. As a result, many farmers are letting their fields lie fallow or switching from thirsty crops, such as cotton, to those that need less.
- 因此,许多农场主让土地休耕,或不再种植棉花一类需水量大的作物,而改种那些需水量更小的作物。