- 1. Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article.
- 大规模的广告能引起对某一物品人为的需求。
- 2. Do not have Xi Lazao erupt, have natural factor already, also have factitious factor.
- 无锡蓝藻的爆发,既有自然因素,也有人为因素。
- 3. Many species have become endangered and extinct because of natural and factitious factors.
- 各种人为干扰和自然因素促使大量物种走向濒危和绝灭。
- 4. Based on this, comes up with the idea of assembling all kinds of models and factitious function.
- 在此基础上,提出了各种模型集成并纳入人的作用的编制思想。
- 5. Whatever humanity I might conjure up against it was all factitious, and concerned my philosophy more than my feelings.
- 尽管我以人道的名义反对捕鱼,那全是假话,其属于我的哲学的范畴,更甚于我的感情的范畴。
- 6. Environmental complications including meteorological and factitious factors had crucial efforts on wind-water erosion of typical valley.
- 气象因子和人为因子等环境因子对小流域风水两相侵蚀具有决定性的影响。
- 7. According to the regulation of insurance law, insurant or beneficiary beneficiary can appoint several factitious beneficiary beneficiary.
- 根据保险法的规定,被保险人或者受益人可以指定数人为受益人。
- 8. Flat style, factitious style, soft style and working team have become the fundamental trend for the change of the modern enterprises org.
- 扁平化、网络化、虚拟化、柔性化、工作团队成为现代企业组织结构变革的基本趋势。
- 9. I see some are factitious it is easy to go abroad, apply for a few special skill with oneself, interest to be without the major of the relation.
- 我见到有些人为了出国轻易,申请一些和自己的专长、爱好毫无关系的专业。
- 10. Practical application shows that it can improve work efficiency, put an end to factitious operation error, and prevent various of cheat behaviors.
- 实际应用表明,这种方法不仅能够提高计量工作的效率,还可以杜绝人为的操作误差,有效防止各种作弊行为。
- 11. He could picture the sudden decomposure of her firm placid features, to which a lifelong mastery over trifles had given an air of factitious authority.
- 他能够想象她那沉静的面孔会因为惊慌而突然失色——终生掌管琐碎事务使得她脸上带有一种装腔作势的神态。
- 12. Flat style, factitious style, soft style and working team have become the fundamental trend for the change of the modern enterprise's organizational framework.
- 扁平化、网络化、虚拟化、柔性化、工作团队成为现代企业组织结构变革的基本趋势。
- 13. In environmental law, the region definition is more likely to be pided by natural geography feature, not simple factitious imperative administration precinct.
- 区域在环境法中的界定更倾向于按照天然的地理特征形成的自然区域,而非简单的人为强制划分的行政管辖区。
- 14. The problem with this is that when the young people find themselves in reality, they find it dull and depressing and only dream of living in a factitious universe.
- 这个问题是年轻人发现他们自己在现实中,他们觉得空虚压抑,仅仅梦想生活在幻想世界中。
- 15. If the donative contract doesn′t depend on the law condition, and look it as practical contract factitious, then it will influence "contract law" of the No. 189 in China.
- 如果将赠与合同无法律依据、人为地视为实践合同,将造成我国《合同法》第189条在司法实践中无法适用的后果。
- 16. The thoughts about relationships between the universal noumenon and the factitious, which is expounded in Zhouyi and Laozi, are the center of the Confucian and Tao culture.
- 《周易》、《老子》都是儒道文化的元典,二书有关“道”、“器”关系的论析更是儒道文化中心的中心、关键的关键。
- 17. Since the long-term interest rates controlled by the government , interest rates have been factitious debased. after rate opening, the interest rate level will be bound to rise.
- 由于我国长期的利率管制,利率被人为的压低,利率放开后,利率水平必然会升高。
- 18. Be like ill factitious singer or oratorical, need tongue campaign is slick person, cannot go facial nerve - hypoglossal nerve be identical, and as advisable as accessory nerve be identical.
- 若病人为歌唱家或演说家,需要舌运动灵活者,不能行面神经-舌下神经吻合,而与副神经吻合为宜。
- 19. Parasitic behavior of two strains of Trichogramma brassicae, G and F, was found to be influenced by their factitious hosts, when reared on eggs of Corcyra cephaonica and Sitotroga cerealella.
- 麦蛾卵和米蛾卵作繁蜂寄主对甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂G和F两个品系的寄生行为是有影响的。
- 20. Parasitic behavior of two strains of Trichogramma brassicae, G and F, was found to be influenced by their factitious hosts, when reared on eggs of Corcyra cephaonica and Sitotroga cerealella.
- 麦蛾卵和米蛾卵作繁蜂寄主对甘蓝夜蛾赤眼蜂G和F两个品系的寄生行为是有影响的。