- 1. Stop being facetious; this is serious.
- 别乱开玩笑,这是个严肃的事。
- 2. The woman eyed him coldly. "Don't be facetious," she said.
- 那妇人冷冷地看了他一眼。“别那么轻浮,”她说道。
- 3. I'm not being facetious.
- 我不是故意打岔。
- 4. He is so facetious that he turns everything into a joke.
- 他好开玩笑,把一切都变成戏谑。
- 5. He was so facetious that he turned everything into a joke.
- 他好开玩笑,把一切都变成了戏谑。
- 6. The woman eyed him coldly. "Don't be facetious, " she said.
- 妇人冷冷地看着他,说道:“别没正经了。”
- 7. She kept interrupting our discussion with facetious remarks.
- 她不断用开玩笑的话干扰我们的讨论。
- 8. He was used to speak to Carl in a confident and facetious tone.
- 他习惯于用这种自信和幽默的口吻与卡尔调侃。
- 9. Loses meaning, going west, don't get facetious or you don't get the best.
- 失去意义,向西走,别开玩笑或你不会得到最好的。
- 10. "Hold on, Arthur, my boy, " he said, attempting to mask his anxiety with facetious utterance.
- “慢着,亚瑟,老兄,”他想说句俏皮话掩饰心中的紧张。
- 11. Yet there is also an art history of rubbish (and don't forget, facetious remarks are welcome on this blog).
- 不过废品艺术却早有一段历史(别忘了,在此博客上欢迎戏谑的评论)。
- 12. Okay, so maybe we’re not as lazy I claim, and perhaps my nostalgia for a time I never lived is a little facetious.
- 好吧,或许我们不像我所说的那样懒散,或许我对自己从没经历过的事情进行怀旧有那么一点滑稽可笑。
- 13. My only plea for a planet-ride among the white-skinned majority of this New World is the same facetious argument.
- 对于在美国的白皮肤多数人种中作一次跨行星的旅行,我的唯一恳求与那位幽默家的滑稽说法一样。
- 14. Mix in some French or Italian (paying careful attention to pronunciation) and you'll be facetious in four languages.
- 在你的语言混杂法语或意大利语(注意他们的发音),那么四种语言结合会使你的话语变得幽默滑稽。
- 15. The facetious speech from him make the atmosphere up, and everyone who entered into the meeting bursting into laughing.
- 他幽默的演讲使会场的气氛活跃起来,与会人员不时地爆发出笑声。参加。
- 16. Some people, like my boss, are not good at telling jokes; it's sometimes hard to tell whether he is serious or being facetious.
- 有些人,比如我的老板,他不擅长讲笑话,有时很难分辨他是严肃的或正在开玩笑。
- 17. Mattie, encircled by facetious youths, and Bright as a blackberry under her spreading hat, was brewing coffee over a gipsy fire.
- 玛提的身边围着一圈嘻嘻哈哈的年轻人,她头上戴着一顶阔边的帽子,漂亮得像一颗乌莓,正在一堆野火上煮咖啡。
- 18. I hope you are a mature and facetious man, I think sense of responsibility is important about a man. Have healthy heart and body.
- 我希望你是一个成熟幽默的男人,有责任心,包括拥有健康的心灵和体魄。
- 19. Now you think that is facetious. It may not be beauty and intelligence but it may be something else that has an evolutionary advantage.
- 现在你认为这么说很可笑,这些基因可能既不美,也不高智能。但却可能是有进化优势的基因。
- 20. While a little facetious, this is the kind of pseudo-scientific claim that marketing experts within the cosmetic industry have been using for years.
- 虽然有点滑稽,但这是那种化妆品行业营销专家已用了好几年的伪科学主张。
- 21. The local papers had taken it up, and daily there appeared columns of learned criticisms, facetious editorials, and serious letters from subscribers.
- 地方报纸讨论了起来;每天都要发表一些渊博的专栏评述,吹毛求疵的社论,和订阅者们一本正经的来信。
- 22. Old Liu, he was always living in a single room after he porced, and the facetious humoristic nature of him made a good relationship with his neighbors.
- 老刘离婚后就一直一个人居住在一个单间中,天性幽默诙谐使他和周围的邻居处的很好。
- 23. With this irrepressible ebullition of mirth, Master Bates laid himself flat on the floor: and kicked convulsively for five minutes, in an ectasy of facetious joy.
- 这股子高兴劲儿来势迅猛,贝兹少爷一下子倒在地上,乐不可支地又蹬又踢,折腾了五分钟。
- 24. With this irrepressible ebullition of mirth, Master Bates laid himself flat on the floor: and kicked convulsively for five minutes, in an ectasy of facetious joy.
- 这股子高兴劲儿来势迅猛,贝兹少爷一下子倒在地上,乐不可支地又蹬又踢,折腾了五分钟。