- 1. $100 should cover your expenses.
- 100元该足够支付你的费用了。
- 2. We will reimburse any expenses incurred.
- 我们将付还所有相关费用。
- 3. What expenses can you offset against tax ?
- 什么开支可以获得税项减免?
- 4. You should keep a record of your expenses.
- 你应该记下你的各项开支。
- 5. Can I give you something towards expenses?
- 在开支方面我能为你做点什么吗?
- 6. Travel expenses will be recoverable from the company.
- 差旅费用可到公司报销。
- 7. You should record all your expenses during your trip.
- 你应该记下你一路上的所有开支。
- 8. Her airfare and hotel expenses were paid by the committee.
- 她乘飞机及住酒店的费用由该委员会支付了。
- 9. Teachers are still entitled to write off business expenses.
- 教师仍然享有从税中扣除商业开支的权利。
- 10. I thought it was understood that my expenses would be paid.
- 我原以为对方已同意支付我的费用。
- 11. She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.
- 她在要求医疗和其他费用的报销。
- 12. He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses.
- 他收到一笔按日计算的差旅费用补贴。
- 13. Make sure your claims for expenses are submitted by the end of the month.
- 你的费用一定要在月底以前办理报销。
- 14. Better stock control helped Wal-Mart to reduce its expenses by $2 billion in 1997.
- 库存管理的改善使沃尔玛公司在1997年减少了20亿美元的开支。
- 15. Some enterprising members found ways of reducing their expenses or raising their incomes.
- 一些有开拓精神的成员找到了减少开支或增加收入的方法。
- 16. All expenses have been paid up.
- 一切费用都已经开销了。
- 17. What about your expenses?
- 你的费用呢?
- 18. The expenses shall not exceed 200 yuan.
- 费用以200元为限。
- 19. The expenses, of course, go up steadily.
- 当然,开支在稳步增加。
- 20. I couldn't say exactly what our expenses are.
- 我无法准确地说出我们的开支是多少。
- 21. They can ill afford the multifarious expenses.
- 他们无力承担这些五花八门的开支。
- 22. The book will not pay its publishing expenses.
- 这本书收不回它的出版费用。
- 23. Shouldn't we at least offer to share the expenses?
- 我们至少应该提出分担费用吧?
- 24. It may take several hours to figure up these expenses.
- 算出这些开支也许要花几个小时的时间。
- 25. Presumably you'll be given moving expenses from the Portugal job?
- 可能这份葡萄牙的工作能给你提供搬家的费用?
- 26. Presumably you'll be given moving expenses from the Portugal job.
- 大概你会从葡萄牙的工作中得到搬家的费用。
- 27. What's the drill for claiming expenses?
- 报销费用的手续是什么?
- 28. She was fired for padding her expenses.
- 她因为虚报她的花费而被解雇。
- 29. The payments he gets barely cover his expenses.
- 他几乎是入不敷出。
- 30. My salary was around $45,000 plus a car and expenses.
- 我的工资大约是$45000,外加一辆车和各种报销。