- 1. Drying expectoration eat pears.
- 干燥咳痰多吃梨。
- 2. Chief compaints were cough, expectoration and chest pain.
- 咳嗽、咳痰及胸痛为支气管内膜结核的主要症状。
- 3. The most common symptoms were hemoptysis, fever expectoration and chest pain.
- 最普通的症状是咯血、发烧、咯痰和胸痛。
- 4. Respiration system : no cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, aspiration difficulty history.
- 呼吸系统:过去无咳嗽,咯痰,咳痰,呼吸苦难史。
- 5. For viscous sputum, expectoration difficult caused by acute and chronic respiratory diseases.
- 用于痰液粘稠,排痰困难引起的急性和慢性唿吸系统疾病。
- 6. Sydney cream ingredients are mainly fresh pears, with heat Yin Gong, attending less Feizao dry cough expectoration.
- 雪梨膏的成份则主要是鲜梨,具有清热滋阴之功,主治干咳痰少的肺燥咳嗽。
- 7. OBJECTIVE: Luteoin 4, which relieves a cough, makes expectoration easy and has antiphlogosis, was partial-synthesized.
- 目的:半合成具有止咳、祛痰及消炎作用的木犀草素。
- 8. For phlegm obstruct the lung caused by cough, expectoration, wheezing, chest tightness, yellow or yellow and greasy coating;
- 清肺化痰,止咳平喘。用于痰热壅肺所致的咳嗽,咯痰,喘息,胸闷,苔黄或黄腻;
- 9. Present, the major products are the Medical Pulse Irrigator, Automatic Hypothermia Instrument and Vibrating Expectoration Machines etc.
- 医用脉冲冲洗器、自控降温仪、振动排痰机等产品。
- 10. Objective: To explore the effects of ultrasonically inhalated houttuynia cordata on sputum expectoration of patients after pneumonectomy.
- 目的:探讨超声雾化吸入鱼腥草液对肺癌肺切除术后病人排痰的影响。
- 11. Method: 98 cases of COPD patients with psychological care, general care, guidance effective Expectoration, skills training, health guidance.
- 方法:对98例COPD患者进行心理护理、一般护理、指导有效排痰、技能训练、健康指导等。
- 12. Vibration machine sputum expectoration expectoration of respiratory effects of method of observation …Vibratory sputum expectoration of sputum for …
- “振动排痰机排痰法对呼吸道疾病排痰效果的观察”这句话怎样翻…
- 13. Objective to evaluate the changes and clinic countermeasures of cough and expectoration in the patients with lung cancer after airway stent placements.
- 目的评估肺癌患者气道支架置入术后咳嗽咯痰的变化,以及临床相应处理。
- 14. Results PAP was characterized of repeating cough, expectoration, dyspnea, slow respiratory failure, and clinical images which not matched with clinical symptoms.
- 结果反复咳嗽、咳痰,进行性呼吸困难,慢性呼吸功能衰渴以及典型的影像表现与临床症状不相称是PAP的特征。
- 15. Objective to investigate patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with respiratory failure to promote expectoration of the inhalation method.
- 目的探讨对慢性阻塞性肺疾病伴呼吸衰竭患者促进排痰的雾化吸入方法。
- 16. The treatment of fogged absorption is a better clinical treatment which is combined of physics and chemicals to make expectoration easy and diminish inflammation.
- 雾化吸入疗法是临床上较好的物理与化学治疗相结合的祛痰、消炎手段。
- 17. The disease had shown systemic symptoms, predominantly with fever (88.6%), . The primary symptoms shown in respiratory system were cough, expectoration and dyspnea.
- 全身症状明显(发热88.6 % ) ,呼吸道症状以咳嗽、咳痰、气促居多。
- 18. Conclusion: All water, alcohol and ester extracts of TFB have effects of relieving a cough, eliminating expectoration, antasthmatic, analgesia, anti-inflammation and sedation.
- 减少自主活动次数。结论:水半夏水提物、醇提物和酯提物均有止咳、祛痰、平喘、镇痛、抗炎和镇静作用。
- 19. The improvement of the symptom of cough and expectoration in the joint group and the number of the WBC to get right all were shorter than the Ciprofloxacin group(PP
- 联合组咳嗽、咳痰好转和白细胞恢复正常的平均天数均少于环丙沙星组(P
- 20. The common symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis is cough, expectoration, if these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks should be suspected of having pulmonary tuberculosis, to timely treatment.
- 肺结核的常见症状是咳嗽、咳痰,如果这些症状持续2周以上,应高度怀疑得了肺结核,要及时就诊。
- 21. Through partly using medicine to get spasmolysis and calm down asthma and relieve expectoration, that can be favorite in absorbing to get rid of the block of respiratory tract and keep it smooth.
- 通过给雾化吸入局部用药,以达到解痉、平喘止痰、化痰、消炎的目的,更有利于吸痰,解除呼吸道阻塞,保持呼吸道通畅。
- 22. The spittoons were almost as numerous as travelers, so we would have been well served in the event of a sudden outbreak of mass expectoration, or a group exercise in consumption of chewing tobacco.
- 痰盂几乎和旅客一样多,如果我们当中大部分人突然要吐痰,或是集体吃起嚼烟,这些痰盂都够用了。
- 23. It can improve the fever, cough, expectoration, pulmonary rales, and other symptoms and signs, also can reduce the fever, cough, pulmonary rales disappeared time and the average hospitalization time.
- 结论麻杏合剂治疗痰热闭肺型肺炎喘嗽临床疗效确切,能改善发热、咳嗽、咯痰、肺部啰音等症状体征,能缩短发热、咳嗽、肺部啰音消失时间及平均住院时间。
- 24. It can improve the fever, cough, expectoration, pulmonary rales, and other symptoms and signs, also can reduce the fever, cough, pulmonary rales disappeared time and the average hospitalization time.
- 结论麻杏合剂治疗痰热闭肺型肺炎喘嗽临床疗效确切,能改善发热、咳嗽、咯痰、肺部啰音等症状体征,能缩短发热、咳嗽、肺部啰音消失时间及平均住院时间。