- 1. The company intends a slow-down in expansion.
- 公司准备放慢扩展速度。
- 2. Poor trading figures put back our plans for expansion.
- 贸易额不佳延缓了我们的扩张计划。
- 3. The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion.
- 公司的拓展计划正顺利进行。
- 4. The company has not yet firmed up its plans for expansion.
- 公司的扩大计划尚未最后落实。
- 5. Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion.
- 尽管经济衰退,公司对进一步扩展仍充满信心。
- 6. This revolutionary expansion required energetic nation-building policies.
- 这次革命性扩张需要有积极的国家建设政策。
- 7. Such changes are also indicators of economic dynamism and demographic expansion.
- 这些变化也是经济活跃和人口膨胀的指示器。
- 8. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
- 西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界纳入了一个剥削性的世界体系。
- 9. But the main expansion came from the 8th century.
- 但主要的扩张发生在8世纪。
- 10. It would be a significant expansion of human intelligence.
- 这将是人类智能的一次重大扩展。
- 11. Future expansion of the business calls for two new factories.
- 将来业务扩大需要建造两个新工厂。
- 12. Only teak matches oak's expansion coefficient and stays watertight.
- 只有柚木才能达到橡木的膨胀系数,并保持水密性。
- 13. Increase in pastureland and subsequent overgrazing have resulted in an expansion of savanna.
- 草场的增加和随之而来的过度放牧导致了稀树草原的扩张。
- 14. The development of banking and other financial services contributed to the expansion of trade.
- 银行业和其他金融服务业的发展促进了贸易的扩张。
- 15. Shrub expansion in these environments does seem to persist, almost to the point of causing a shift.
- 在这些环境中,灌木扩张看似会一直持续,几乎都要导致移位了。
- 16. Shrub expansion has occurred in other environments, like semiarid grassland, and tall grass prairies.
- 灌木的扩张也发生在其他环境中,比如半干旱草原和高草草原。
- 17. It's also pushing ahead in 2016 with an expansion of Bluemercury, the beauty chain it bought last year.
- 2016年,它还在向前推进,扩大其去年收购的美容连锁店蓝水星的规模。
- 18. Repeated ministerial advice is carrying little weight and the expansion programme is not working very well.
- 部长们一再提出的建议收效甚微,扩张计划也不太奏效。
- 19. If there is nothing for Moscow to fear in NATO and EU expansion, its members should not act as if there is.
- 如果俄罗斯对于北约和欧盟扩张行为的担忧无关紧要,那么它的成员国也不该表现得那么紧张。
- 20. Among the key factors behind this growth were increased agricultural productivity and an expansion of trade.
- 这种增长背后的关键因素是农业生产率的提高和贸易的扩大。
- 21. Clearly, much planning and central control were involved in the expansion and ordering of this great metropolis.
- 显然,这座伟大都市的扩张和秩序都经过了精心的规划和集中管控。
- 22. The expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification.
- 沙漠化是指类似沙漠的生态环境扩张到原本并没有沙漠的区域。
- 23. Increased agricultural production in turn facilitated rural industry, an intrinsic part of the expansion of industry.
- 农业生产的增加反过来又促进了农村工业,也就是工业扩张的内在组成部分。
- 24. In fact, the revival of Byzantine learning may itself have influenced the subsequent economic and military expansion.
- 事实上,拜占庭学习的复兴本身可能影响了后来的经济和军事扩张。
- 25. With the expansion of cities, many people sell off their old houses in the countryside and move into new flats in cities.
- 随着城市扩张,许多人低价出售他们在农村的旧房子,然后搬进城市里的新公寓。
- 26. Opponents worry that such expansion would be costly for taxpayers, but advocates say it would save money in the long run.
- 反对者担心这样的扩张会让纳税人付出高昂的代价,但支持者说,从长远来看,这种扩张可以节省资金。
- 27. The Boomerang Nebula's expansion creates a kind of cosmic refrigerator, allowing the gases to maintain their unusual cool.
- 回飞棒星云的膨胀创造了一种宇宙冰箱,使气体维持其异常的寒冷。
- 28. There is an enormous supply and demand imbalance partly brought about by the expansion of high-tech manufacturing in Asia.
- 亚洲存在着巨大的供需失衡,部分原因是高科技制造业在亚洲的扩张。
- 29. The report also advocates greater study of foreign languages, international affairs and the expansion of study abroad programs.
- 该报告还提倡加强外语学习、国际事务和扩大留学项目。
- 30. The rapid expansion of urban areas will have a huge impact on biopersity hotspots and on carbon emissions in those urban areas.
- 城市地区的快速扩张将对生物多样性热点地区和那些城市地区的碳排放产生巨大影响。