- 1. Espionage is a capital offence in this country.
- 间谍活动在这个国家是死罪。
- 2. She may call it research; I call it industrial espionage.
- 她可以称之为研究,可我称它为产业情报刺探。
- 3. It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.
- 那是间谍罪,处了死刑。
- 4. Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage.
- 有些商业活动是为间谍活动提供掩护。
- 5. The heavy loss in the commercial espionage includes direct loss and indirect loss.
- 侵犯商业秘密罪中的重大损失既包括直接损失,也包括间接损失。
- 6. Even in the foreign concessions , Nanking kept a well - paid espionage system at work.
- 哪怕在外国租界,南京也有出高价雇佣的侦探网在那里活动。
- 7. Even in the foreign concessions , Nanking kept a well - paid espionage system at work.
- 哪怕在外国租界,南京也有出高价雇佣的侦探网在那里活动。