- 1. They'll entice thousands of doctors to move from the cities to the rural areas by paying them better salaries.
- 他们将通过支付更高的薪水怂恿成千上万的医生从城市迁往农村。
- 2. The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores.
- 低廉的价格意在把顾客从其他商店吸引过来。
- 3. Retailers have tried almost everything, from cheap credit to free flights, to entice shoppers through their doors.
- 从低价信贷到免费航班,零售商们几乎用尽一切办法说服购物者惠顾。
- 4. Management is able to use the growth to entice and encourage employees.
- 管理层能够利用增长来吸引和鼓励员工。
- 5. Nothing will entice the children from television.
- 没有任何东西能把孩子们从电视机前诱开。
- 6. My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.
- 我儿,恶人若引诱你,你不可随从。
- 7. People trying to entice you to join in will be less than trustworthy.
- 试图引诱你加入的人不值得信任。
- 8. But even the offer of a car for his use was not enough to entice Dilan.
- 但即便是给他提供一辆轿车供他用,他也没有动心。
- 9. Jack holds the man's medicine to entice him into revealing more information.
- 杰克控制着他的心脏病药,诱使他交待更多的信息。
- 10. And Mr Willetts wants to entice more low-cost providers into the system.
- 维莱特先生想招纳更多低成本的供应者进入该体制。
- 11. Customers are unlikely to click a link that does not entice them to click it.
- 客户不会去点击他们不感兴趣的东西。
- 12. Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the Lord and said, 'I will entice him.'
- 随后有一个神灵出来,站在耶和华面前,说,我去引诱他。
- 13. Their colour palettes are there to entice you and make you as hungry as possible.
- 下面呈现了他们的配色方案,它们尽可能地诱发你的饥饿感。
- 14. Hate and rage don't generally entice a lover to return. Why does love turn to hate?
- 仇恨和暴躁通常都不会让你的情人回头,可为什么要因爱转恨呢?
- 15. Your fickleness will however entice a host of unusual suitors eager to tie you down.
- 然而正是你的这种变化无常,却深深地诱惑着一群渴望牢牢套住你的追求者。
- 16. Manufacturers want you to buy their food, so they use special catchphrases to entice you.
- 生产商想要你购买他们的食品,所以他们用特殊而醒目的广告语来诱惑你。
- 17. A winner can reveal himself instead of projecting images that please, provoke, or entice others.
- 一个胜者展现的是他自己,而不是那种取悦,挑衅和引诱他人的形象。
- 18. To entice customers, cruise lines have cut prices dramatically, sometimes by as much as 40%.
- 为了诱惑消费者,游船公司大幅减价,有些减价达40%。
- 19. If printed books are optional, publishers will have to work harder to entice people to buy them.
- 如果印刷图书成为可选项,出版商想要让人买书就要多花些力气了。
- 20. Many companies are now introducing higher-priced items to entice consumers away from $1 specials.
- 现在许多企业都在推出较高价格的服务项目以使顾客抛弃1美元的特价促销品。
- 21. On the Internet, if your headline doesn't entice me, I'm not clicking and I'm not becoming a customer.
- 在互联网上,如果你的标题不能引起我的注意,我是不会点击和光临你的博客的。
- 22. For example, baby food, which people use to entice their sick cats to eat, often contains onion powder.
- 比如,人们用来喂生病宠物猫的婴儿食品中就常含有洋葱粉。
- 23. After all, this could be an interesting disagreement that might entice me to take one side or the other.
- 毕竟,这也许会是一场有趣的争执,而且也许会让我站在他这一边或者另一边。
- 24. But even before an item is shipped, eBay sellers have the chance to try to entice customers to buy more.
- 即使是在发货前,eBay上的销售者还有说服顾客购买更多产品的机会。
- 25. In reality, everything about the game has been carefully designed to control payouts and entice the consumer.
- 在现实中,游戏的每一个部分都是被仔细设计以控制奖金金额并引诱顾客。
- 26. It may actually be to make the spider appear larger and less appealing to predators, or help entice curious prey.
- 这有可能是为了让蜘蛛显得更大,或者对捕猎者更不具有吸引力,或者帮助引诱好奇的猎物。
- 27. And the Lord said, 'Who will entice Ahab king of Israel into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?
- 耶和华说,谁去引诱以色列王亚哈上基列的拉末去阵亡呢?
- 28. What would he say to entice the roughly 310 million professionals who still haven't signed up for the service?
- 对于还没有注册的3亿1千万专业人士,他会说些什么呢?
- 29. Some of the pages are intended to entice the user to take actions such as filling up a form or placing an order.
- 有些页面会引导用户做一些动作,例如填写表单或下订单。
- 30. Some of the pages are intended to entice the user to take actions such as filling up a form or placing an order.
- 有些页面会引导用户做一些动作,例如填写表单或下订单。