- 1. Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.
- 养马的确是一项有风险的事业。
- 2. State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
- 国家官僚体制会压抑人的进取心和积极性。
- 3. Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise.
- 它的地理位置激发了海外商业企业的兴趣。
- 4. Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
- 他辩称自由企业与俄罗斯的价值观和传统是相容的。
- 5. Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.
- 上演一台话剧是一项巨大的事业,它确实要几百个人参与。
- 6. Education has become a global enterprise.
- 教育已经成为一项全球性的事业。
- 7. He has no enterprise at all in his studies.
- 他在学业上一点也没有进取心。
- 8. He was discouraged in [over] his enterprise.
- 他对自己的事业感到泄气。
- 9. Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.
- 优柔寡断会让人丧失机会和进取心。
- 10. The enterprise has been put under local administration.
- 这个企业已划归地方管理。
- 11. Private enterprise needs the confidence to invest and hire.
- 私人企业需要投资和雇佣的信心。
- 12. This setting only works together with an enterprise portal.
- 此设置仅与企业门户一起运作。
- 13. His new [fresh] enterprise is full of life and has a bright future.
- 他新兴的事业生气勃勃,前途光明。
- 14. The funds needed will mainly be drawn from accumulation within the enterprise.
- 所需资金主要取给于企业内部的积累。
- 15. They see Frito-Lay as spreading the benefits of free enterprise across the world.
- 他们认为菲多利将自由企业的好处传播到全世界。
- 16. The uprising or downfalling of an enterprise lies in its management or administration.
- 企业兴衰主要在经营管理。
- 17. The enterprise which has been operating in the red has decided to swith to other production.
- 那家亏损企业决定转产。
- 18. Electric cooker series products and other household appliances are produced by a large enterprise.
- 电炉系列产品和其它家用电器是由一所大型企业生产的。
- 19. What they can do is wrestle with the fundamental questions that govern the fate of any enterprise.
- 他们所能做的就是全力解决支配任何一家企业命运的基本问题。
- 20. The same may happen with the sharing economy, which also provides new opportunities for enterprise.
- 共享经济也可能发生同样的情况,这也为企业提供了新的机遇。
- 21. A minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often runs the danger of becoming dependent.
- 一个少数民族企业如果要保证一个大企业客户的业务,往往会面临变得依赖的危险。
- 22. The capital is used by a participating company to establish a Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Company or MESBIC.
- 这些资金被参与公司用来建立一个少数民族企业小企业投资公司(MESBIC)。
- 23. Enterprise architecture group does not have one customer but have an indirect and large set of customers ranging from IT to end users.
- 企业架构组中不会存在任何一个客户,但是它有一个从信息技术到最终用户的间接的大型的广泛客户群。
- 24. Deleting an object accidentally and then replacing it with a similar object will lead to unacceptable differences of the enterprise models.
- 意外地删除一个对象,然后用一个类似的对象替换它,将导致企业模型不可接受的差异。
- 25. The new measure will specify to moderately relax the quota of the self-produced products of foreign-invested enterprise for the domestic market.
- 新办法将明确适度放宽外商投资企业自产产品在国内市场的配额。
- 26. They know a cohesive team composed of great communicators plays an irreplaceable role in enhancing the operational efficiency and productivity of an enterprise.
- 他们知道一个由优秀的沟通者组成的有凝聚力的团队对于提高企业的运营效率和生产力有着不可替代的作用。
- 27. The experience of British business in Iran between the 1860's and the 1970's is one example of the changing importance of British enterprise in Asia as a whole.
- 19世纪60年代至70年代英国企业在伊朗的经历是英国企业在整个亚洲重要性不断变化的一个例子。
- 28. It was such an irresponsible enterprise that it added tripolycyanamide to its milk powder, which tragically led to many babies' developmental disorders and ruined many families' happiness.
- 这是一个不负责任的企业,在奶粉中添加三聚氰胺,悲剧地导致了很多婴儿发育障碍,破坏了很多家庭的幸福。
- 29. They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.
- 他们因勤俭节约和开创精神而受到了应得的表扬。
- 30. He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.
- 他仍从事志愿工作推动当地创业。